Attachment #1 – General Conditions

Vendor Contract #0000000825

Hutton Communications, Inc.

2520 Marsh Ln

Carollton, TX75006

Contact: Shonda Miller Phone: 972-417-0506 or 866-839-8284

E-mail: Fax: 877-762-8274



  1. Contract Period

5/01/02 through 4/30/07

B. Ordering Procedure

Orders will be placed directly by City departments either in person, by phone/fax, or electronically. The Vendor shall be required to maintain adequate local stock to ensure timely delivery upon request. The maximum dollar amount per order is $5,000.

C. Delivery of Product

If shipping is specified by the ordering Department, the freight terms will be F.O.B. Destination, Prepay & Add to Invoice.

D. Discounts

Percentage discounts indicated herein shall be firm-fixed throughout the term of the contract. At any time, the Contractor may increase this discount where volume of purchases warrants it.

The City of Seattle will not be bound by prices contained in an invoice derived by a discount lower that what is stated on the contract.


After the item(s) have been furnished to and accepted by the ordering department, the Vendor will submit the invoice to same, Attn: Accounts Payable. The Vendor will be furnished a listing of billing addresses of all City departments.

F.Contract Expansion

The manufactures listed in this vendor contract are currently the brands most commonly purchased by the City, although this does not represent all products that may be required from year to year. Therefore, this vendor contractmay be expanded to cover products of other manufactures provided that such products are normally furnished by the Vendor, and that the vendor agrees to provide these other products using similar discounts.



The Vendor, an authorized distributor of the following products, shall supply these products to CITY DEPARTMENTS on an “as needed” basis at discounts indicated unless higher discounts are offered. Percentage discounts are from manufactures published list prices.


3M / 35
Advanced Charger Technology / 5
Western Multiplex / 40
Allgon / 20
Alexander Mfg / 50
Amphenol / 45
American Terminal Supply / 5
Andrew / varies by product category
Antitsu / 5
Andrew Wireless Products / 45
Antenex / 45
Andrew/Conifer / 30
Astron / 30
Antenna Specialists / 45
Beldon Wire & Cable / 45
Band-IT / 40
Bird Electronic / 5
Celwave Marine / 5
Centurion / 55
Connect Systems / 35
Communications Specialists / 30
Commscope / 45
Cushcraft Signals / 35
Dapa Communications / 55
Decibel Products / 35
Duracom/TPS / 35
Direct Power & Water / 45
East Penn.Deka / 40
Gabriel Electronics / 30
Gai-Tronics / 20
Gamber Johnson / 30
Huber + Suhner / 35
Hutton Power Systems / 35
Innovative Circuit Technology / 35
Kenwood / 30
Radiall/Larsen / varies by product category
Maxrad / 35
MicrowaveTower Service / 0
Mitsubishi Electric / 35
Multiplier Industries / 45
Newmar / 35
Panavise / 45
Polyphaser / 30
Powersonic / 35
Radio Frequency Systems / 30
Rohm Industries / 30
Shure Brothers / 45
RF Industries / 45
SAT-PAK / 45
Samlex America / 45
Siemens Solar Industries / 35
Sinclair / 30
Speco / 35
SMC Electro Mount / 45
Specialty Concepts / 35
Statpower (Xantrex) / 10
Telewave / 15
TelexLandMobile / 45
Times Microwave Systems / 45
TPL Communications / 20
Trace Engineering (Xantrex) / 20
Trylon-TSF / 30
Tait North America / 25
Valmont/Microflect / 0
Western Multoplex / 40
Wi-Lan / 5
  1. Product Line


Inside Sales: 888-723-2592

On-Line Ordering:

Payment Terms: N30 days

Freight Terms: F.O.B. Destination; Pre-Paid & Add

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