Pupil Premium Funding 2017 – 2018

The Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to ‘close the gaps’ between them and their peers.

Disadvantaged Pupil Funding (amount per student):

Pupils in Years 7 to 11 recorded as Ever 6 Free School Meals £935.00

Looked After Children £1900.00

Children of parents in the armed forces£300.00

John Spence Pupil Premium Funding 2017 - 2018

As of 14.11.17 / Year 7 / Year 8 / Year 9 / Year 10 / Year 11 / All Years
Total Students on Roll / 174 / 171 / 153 / 167 / 158 / 823
Number of PP / 78 / 78 / 61 / 71 / 59 / 355
Percentage PP / 44.83% / 45.61% / 39.87% / 42.52% / 37.34% / 42.16%
Total Budget

The government allows school leaders to decide how to use the Pupil Premium funding and measures its impact through performance tables which show the performance of disadvantaged pupils with their peers.

2017 Attainment

Measure / PP / Non PP / National Average for PP / National Average for Non PP / National Average overall
No of Students / 47 / 97
% of Cohort / 33% / 67%
5+ GCSEs A* - C / 27 (57%) / 82 (85%) / 45% / 72% / 65%
5+ GCSEs A* - CEng & Maths at 4 / 20 (43%) / 67 (70%) / 36.7% / 64% / 58.7%
5+ GCSEs A* - CEng & Maths at 5 / 9 (19%) / 39 (41%)
Progress 8 / -0.7 / -0.1
Attainment 8 / 38.01 / 49.03

This data is from 2015 – 2016

At John Spence we have high expectations for all individuals. We do not equate deprivation and challenge with low ability. We ensure that teaching andlearning opportunities meet the needs of all students. We ensure that appropriate provision is made for students who belong to vulnerablegroups. In making provision for disadvantaged students we recognise that not all students who are eligible for PP funding are academically or socially disadvantaged. We therefore focus on the needs and levels of progress and attainment forallof our students. In providing support we will not socially isolate students. Therefore, it is highly likely that all groups receivingadditional support will be a mix ofdisadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students.

Our key objective in using the Pupil Premium Grant is to reduce the differences between these student groups. As a school we consistently track all groups of students to ensure that they make good or better progress. Through targeted interventions we are working to eliminate barriers to learning and progress. Once at age related expectations we always continue to extend that learning further to ensure that they reach higher levels of attainment.

To maintain the profile of the disadvantaged cohort:

  • Teaching and support staff are regularly updated with the names of students who qualify for this funding.
  • Academic tracking includes information on PP status.
  • One of the seven priorities in the whole school development plan is about raising the attainment of the disadvantaged cohort.
  • Departmental and pastoral self-evaluations have a section related to the disadvantaged cohort.

We closely monitor how we are spending the allocated funds to ensure they are having an impact on pupil premium student’s achievement. Pupil Premium Impact will be measured through:

  • Pupil progress data
  • Other quantitative data, e.g. data on reading ages
  • Pupils’ views on the actions that have supported them most effectively
  • Staff views on the impact of particular actions on pupils’ achievement and their attitudes to learning
  • Other qualitative evidence, e.g. views of parents on how particular strategies have benefited their child

Sir John Dunford, the former National Pupil Premium Champion, spent two years examining what works best after speaking to schools, addressing conferences and acting as a channel of communication between the Department for Education and schools. He noted that the most successful schools used a range of strategies that were targeted to the needs of individual pupils rather than sticking with one or two. As a school we have acted upon his findings and based our policy around the following points that the most successful schools:

  • Collected and analysed data on groups and individual pupils, and monitored this over time
  • Focused on teaching quality
  • Identified the main barriers to learning for disadvantaged children
  • Put interventions in place when progress has slowed
  • Engaged with parents and carers in the education of their child
  • Referred to existing evidence about the effectiveness of different strategies
  • Trained all classroom staff in the strategies being used in school
  • Secured staff commitment to the importance of the pupil premium agenda
  • Trained governors on pupil premium

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement:

  1. Summary information

School / John Spence High School
Academic Year / 2017/2018 / Total PP budget / £291712 / Date of most recent PP review / Sept 2017
Total number of pupils / 826 / Number of pupils eligible for PP / 347 / Date for next internal review of this strategy / Jan 2018
  1. Current attainment

Pupils eligible for PP (your school) / Pupils not eligible for PP (national average)
Progress 8 score average (from 2016/17) / -0.7 / 0.12*
Attainment 8 score average (from 2016/17) / 38.01 / 52*

*2016 data

  1. Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP including high ability)

In-school barriers
A. / Disadvantaged students often underperform throughout both key stages
B. / Social, mental and emotional difficulties that impact on the behaviour of some disadvantaged students
C. / Low aspirations, poor resilience and narrow horizons of disadvantaged students
External barriers
D / Attendance rates for disadvantaged students are, on average, lower than for non-disadvantaged.
E. / Lack of positive engagement from parents/carers of some disadvantaged students
  1. Outcomes

Desired outcomes / Success criteria
A. / To improve achievement outcomes for disadvantaged students / Achieve an average overall residual of zero
B. / To increase levels of engagement amongst disadvantaged students / Reduction in number of sanctions recorded on behaviour logs
C. / To raise aspirations of disadvantaged students / Reduce NEET students to zero
D / To increase attendance rates of disadvantaged students / Reduction in the number of disadvantaged students falling below 95%
E. / To foster positive relationships with parents/carers of disadvantaged students / Increased numbers of parents/carers attending all arranged meetings
  1. Planned expenditure

Academic year / 2017/2018
The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are spending the Pupil Premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted support and support whole school strategies.
i. Quality of teaching for all
Desired outcome / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / Chosen action/approach / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff Lead / When will you review
A. To improve attainment levels / Sir John Dunford, the former National Pupil Premium Champion identified that one of the most important factors in schools being successful in closing the gap ‘focused on teaching quality’. / RAG meetings looking specifically at underachieving students across all abilities in each cohort
Subject supportive reviews
Meaningful feedback to students
Allocate an academic mentor to every Year 11 student to track academic progress and to provide support and advice in lead up to GCSEs
Revision sessions for GCSE subjects – mixture of open and targeted invites
Exam results day for all year groups following internal end of year exams/trial exams
Reduced class sizes in English & maths
Form time literacy for Years 7 – 10
Literacy intervention and morning skills / Calendared meetings with specific agenda. Minutes from meetings and follow up actions
CL interview, lesson observations and student voice
Book scrutiny
Mentors given time during registration to meet mentees once every half term with specific agenda. Notes from meetings held centrally.
Revision timetable
Academic data base
Appointment of LBR & JCA
Show My Homework and daily planner
SEN registers / LBY
APU / Half termly at red meetings
Rolling programme throughout the year
July 2018
July 2018
Rolling programme throughout the year
ii. Targeted support
Desired outcome / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / Chosen action/approach / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff Lead / When will you review
B. To increase levels of engagement amongst disadvantaged students / The EEF Toolkit suggests that targeted interventions matched to specific students with particular needs or behavioural issues can be effective, especially for older pupils. / Identify targeted behaviour intervention and/or support for identified students.
Allocate a learning mentor to those students identified by HoYs as experiencing difficulties engaging positively in school.
LAC students given 1 to 1 tuition by REHLAC according to needs.
Identified group of 30 lower ability KS 3 PP students to take part in newly formed GOALS project using sporting activities to improve self-esteem and build confidence.
A programme of group work aimed at the most vulnerable students; Positive Choices, Man Up & Exam Anxiety.
Sports academies to be open to all students and to proportionally reflect the % of PP students in school.
Summer school to support most vulnerable Year 6 students.
Referrals to outside agencies such as CAHMS and Someone Cares to offer professional support.
Implement Pastoral Support Plans and initiate Early Help Assessments.
To access alternative provision for those most at risk of becoming NEET / Minutes of meetings: SLT, RAG, HoYs, Year Teams, Learning Mentors, SEN
Minutes from monthly panel meeting, weekly timetables of Learning Mentors, regularly updated provision list, Learning Mentor case notes.
Half termly timetables.
Allocate staffing, mini bus and funds to run the project. Base line test before the start of the project and at the end of the year.
Time built into Leaning Mentor timetables to allow facilitation and supervision of sessions. Timing to coincide with internal exams for each year group.
Academy attendance registers.
Attendance registers.
Recorded on personal logs and weekly timetables.
Minutes of initial meetings and reviews.
Referral paperwork / Pastoral Team
Learning Mentors
HBL / July 2018
June 2018
July 2018
July 2018
October 2018
Sept 2018
C. To raise aspirations of disadvantaged students. / The relationship between aspirations and attainment is not straightforward. In general, approaches to raising aspirations have not translated into increased learning. A key reason for this may be that most young people have high aspirations for themselves. As a result, it is more important to keep these on track by ensuring that students have the knowledge and skills to progress towards them. The attitudes, beliefs and behaviours that surround aspirations in disadvantaged communities are diverse so generalisations should be avoided. Effective approaches almost always have a significant academic component, suggesting that raising aspirations in isolation will not be effective. (EEF Toolkit) / CEIAG appointed to establish a robust programme of careers guidance throughout all year groups.
Each Year 11 student to have at least one Connexions meeting. Those Year 10 most at risk of becoming NEET to have meeting at the end of Year 10.
To track student’s progression plans.
All Year 9 & 10 students who have an EHCP and/or are LAC will be offered a Connexions interview. Connexions officer present at EHCP Reviews.
Guest speakers invited in to school, particularly post 16 providers.
Fast Tomato to be used in Year9 to inform option choices
Whole year group events: Mock interviews in Year 11 and speed dating in Year 9
Careers information regularly shared with students and parents/carers.
Year 11 mentoring programme to include CEIAG.
Lessons in FFL throughout KS 3 & 4 to include decision making, self-awareness, career exploration, employability skills and career management
Work related option for 15 students in Years 10 & 11 providing a morning a week accessing alternative provision outside of John Spence / Connexions interviews record pupil plans. Student’s action plans on Grofar
Recorded on Grofar.
Recorded on Grofar
Minutes of statement reviews.
CEIAG records
Feedback from employers.
Texts, newsletters, daily information boards, John Spence Twitter account.
Academic mentor notes from meetings.
Lesson plans
Curriculum planning and timetables / KWI
All staff
HoYs / July 2018
October 2018
iii. Other approaches
Desired outcome / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / Chosen action/approach / How will you ensure it is implemented well/evidenced? / Staff Lead / When will you review
D. Increased attendance rates for students eligible for PP. / We can’t improve attainment for children if they aren’t actually attending school. NfER briefing for school leaders identifies addressing attendance as a key step.
There is a clear link between poor attendance at school and lower academic achievement. Of pupils who miss more than 50 per cent of school only three per cent manage to achieve five or more GCSEs at grades A* to C including Maths and English. 73 per cent of pupils who have over 95 per cent attendance achieve five or more GCSEs at grades A* to C. (DfE)
Pupils with no absence are 2.2 times more likely to achieve 5+ GCSEs A*-C or equivalent and 2.8 times more likely to achieve 5+ GCSEs A*-C or equivalent including English and mathematics than pupils missing 15-20% of KS4 lessons. (DfE) / HSLO employed to monitor attendance of all students.
First day response provision.
Fortnightly scheduled meetings between HSLO and each HoY to monitor year group attendance.
Students made aware of own current attendance on a weekly basis.
KS4 residuals linked to attendance and discussed.
Parents made aware when their child’s attendance falls below 95%.
Meeting with parent/carer and student to discuss attendance.
Fortnightly meetings between HSLO and PP coordinator to monitor attendance of PP groups.
Identify trends and where biggest gaps are in PP groups.
Incentivise those groups where gaps are largest.
Reward good attendance.
Attendance is included in the half termly Year 11 Credits
Home visits for PA students. / Weekly figures published for whole school, year groups, form groups and PP groups.
Reasons for absence recorded on PARs
Minutes of meetings produced following each meeting with PP students highlighted.
Attendance displayed in form rooms and in student planners.
Shared during registration time.
PA1 letter
PA2 letter and IAP (Individual Action Plan) implemented outlining actions and support for improved attendance.
Spread sheet shared on Google Doc with accumulative attendance totals for PP v non PP groups and gap between them – by year group and by gender. And for LAC students.
Minutes of meetings produced each half term.
Minutes of meetings
Non uniform days for individual 100% attendance each half term and full week form group attendance.
Shared Google doc, published lists
Minutes of meetings produced following each meeting with PP students highlighted. / ALI
ALI / Jan 2018
E. To foster positive relationships with parents/carers of disadvantaged students. / Parents and carers who take on a supportive role in their child’s learning make a difference in improving achievement and behaviour.’
(Guidance on the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006)
A strong home-school partnership is critical to narrowing the attainment gap for looked after children, and this partnership must often include the state as the parent (Wigley 2011; Fernandez 2008). / To make arrangements around meetings in school as flexible as possible.
Revamp reporting procedures
Allocate key worker for most vulnerable students as point of contact between home and school. In the case of students with an EHCP key worker to attend reviews. Year 6 parents invited in to discuss individual arrangements
Use of School Commsas a means of communication.
Show My Homework parental log ins
Parents/carers are informed of careers information, advice and guidance support available.
Regular information to parents/carers
Attend and contribute to all LAC Care Team Meetings and Reviews
Primary transition work
Transition evening for Year 6 / Tutor Review Day and Consultation Evening invites/letters. Individual invites and follow up invites.
Data shot x 3 per year
Time allocated in timetable, minutes of meetings
Pathways booklet on tutor review day.
Minutes of meetings
Built into timetable
As part of transition process / HoYs
SRO / July 2018

Financial Statement

Resource / Cost
PP Coordinator / 5033
Data Manager (42% of salary) / 12124
Year 7 & 8 Literacy & Numeracy Intervention / 12031
Year 11 revision timetable & support / 2243
Year 11 Intervention / 1087
Attendance tracking (70% of salary) / 18780
Progress Tracking (Red meetings) CLs (42% TLRs) / 28258
Behaviour Interventions (HoY) (42% TLRs) / 10920
Smaller sets inYears 10 & 11 / 4811
Primary Transition / 1306
Alternative Provision / 10126
Be U Resilience Training / 1500
Learning Mentors (approx. 61% of mentees are PP) / 49356
Careers (Connexions @ 42%) / 4546
Learning Support (approx. 43% on SEN reg are PP) / 61809
HLTA Maths (42% of salary) / 11252
GOALS Project (raising achievement) / 6000
SENDCO (49% of salary minus intervention) / 14073
Laptops / 3000
Summer School salaries and resources / 3500
Enrichment activities TICE, music, D of E, activity week / 7000
Education Psychologist SLA (42%) / 3360