Department Name: Teaching and Learning

Step 1: Review 16-17 School-to-District Alignment document, posted at
(School Improvement Plans and Department Improvement Plans from prior years also posted at the above webpage)
Step 2: Identify two to three Department SMART Goals for 16-17; complete the forms below
Step 3: Submit your Department Improvement Plan to Anita Seay by 10/5/16 or
bring 18 copies of the Plan to the 10/10/16 Cabinet meeting; be prepared to present Plan on 10/10/16
2016-17 Department Improvement Plan
SMART Goal #1
Increase the overalldistrict CCRPI score from 91.8 in 2015 to 94.8 in 2021. (0.5 each year for 6 years – adjust as needed)
Actions, Strategies and Interventions / Timeline / AdvancED Standards
(Check all that apply) / 2013-16 Strategic Plan
(Check all that apply)
Analyze data (Data Team) at the system level to ensure targeted professional development and department support.
Develop effective and innovative instructional leaders.
Utilize effective professional learning communities.
Personalize learning for all.
Added a Title III Instructional Coach to support ESOL and general education teachers in working with ESOL students in the regular classroom / August 2016 to May 2021 / X
X / Purpose Direction
Governance Leadership
Teaching Assessing for Learning
Resources Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous
Improvement / X / Instruction
Human Resources
Facility & Safety Services
Technology Services
Operational Services
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Annual review of CCRPI scores and subgroup performance, LAC meetings, and Personalized Learning Rubric scores.
SMART Goal #2
Increase the percent of all Forsyth County 3rd-8th grade students scoring at the proficient or distinguished levels on the ELA EOG from 70% in spring 2016 to 72% in spring 2017.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions / Timeline / AdvancED Standards
(Check all that apply) / 2013-16 Strategic Plan
(Check all that apply)
Assist school level Data Team process through Support Director visits and Vertical PLCs.
Develop comprehensive K-12 ELA framework that integrates literacy across all content areas.
Provide Lexile Training for administrators and teachers leaders (across all content areas).
Added a Title III Instructional Coach to support ESOL and general education teachers in working with ESOL students in the regular classroom. / August 2016 to May 2017 / X
X / Purpose Direction
Governance Leadership
Teaching Assessing for Learning
Resources Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous
Improvement / X
X / Instruction
Human Resources
Facility & Safety Services
Technology Services
Operational Services
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Annual review of ELA EOG scores (reading, grammar, and writing), F&P scores, ELA common assessments.
ELA Leadership Team/Data Teams
SMART Goal #3
Increase the graduation rate from 92.7% in 2016 to 96% in 2021.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions / Timeline / AdvancED Standards
(Check all that apply) / 2013-16 Strategic Plan
(Check all that apply)
Assist school level Data Team process through Support Director visits and Vertical PLCs.
Build a mechanism of support to direct students into a pathway that motivates them to graduate from high school.
Personalize learning for all.
Academic integration across all career pathway areas.
Collaborate with Student Support Services to provide training and support for secondary school counselors and staff to ensure student academic needs are met.
Added a Title III Instructional Coach to support ESOL and general education teachers in working with ESOL students in the regular classroom. / August 2016 to May 2021 / X
X / Purpose Direction
Governance Leadership
Teaching Assessing for Learning
Resources Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous
Improvement / X
X / Instruction
Human Resources
Facility & Safety Services
Technology Services
Operational Services
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
Annual review of graduation rates, reasons for withdrawal/drop out, End of Pathway results, Move on When Ready/Dual Enrollment rates, AP enrollment, Bridge Bill data, CCRPI survey data
2016-17 Teaching and Learning Action Plan
District Vision: FCS Learner Profile
Department Vision: Teaching. Learning. Leading. Serving.
Mission: Develop effective and innovative instructional leaders.
Goal: By 2021, every Forsyth County School will utilize professional learning communities to personalize learning for all.
Actions and Strategies / Focus Questions/Evidence / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible? (Facilitator)
Support Directors will meet monthly to collaborate and discuss school visits. / 2016-17 School Year / Support Directors and Central Office staff as needed
Support Directors will schedule and conduct initial meetings with caseload schools’ principals. / Focus: Initial meeting with caseload schools
  1. Define purpose.
  1. Develop a supportive and collaborative relationship.
  2. Foster a systemic collaborative culture
  3. Create a systemic focus on effective teaching and learning
  1. Share 5 yr plan.
  2. Feedback/Questions
  3. Attain a master schedule and a schedule of meetings held at the school by grade levels, departments, etc.
/ July 2016 / Support Directors and Central Office staff as needed
Communicate the actions and behaviors of an effective PLC / If PLCs are implemented in each school, then improved teaching and learning will result. / August 2016 / Professional learning session for Vertical PLC Co-leaders; T&L Directors, SSS Director, Special Education Director; HR Director, Fonda Harrison, and Joey Pirkle
Develop a feedback tool for Support Directors to use when observing PLCs in action at their assigned schools. / If a common feedback tool is used, then consistent feedback can be provided to ensure continuous development of PLCs. / August 2016 / Feedback tool developed based on the research of DuFour & Eaker; Johnson & Stovall
Support Directors will complete two visits to caseload schools. One visit will be with the principal and/or leadership team with a focus on establishing a positive relationship with the school. The second meeting will be to attend a school level meeting (faculty meeting). / Focus: Establish relationships
  1. Ideas for School Improvement Plans
  2. Trust: transparency regarding that the Support Directors will talk about schools, not people.
  3. We want to be transparent. We want our schools to reach out to us to personalize our work to meet their needs.
/ August/September 2016 / Support Directors and Central Office staff as needed
Actions and Strategies / Focus Questions/Evidence / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible? (Facilitator)
Attend monthly Vertical PLC meetings. Visit assigned schools and also observe school level PLCs using the PLC feedback tool to develop consistent expectations and a systemic focus. / If expectations are monitored and feedback provided, then PLCs will be successful. / August 2016-April 2017 / PLC visitation schedule & feedback tool;Support Directors
Discuss observations of PLCs in action. / If Support Directors consistently discuss the current status of vertical PLCs, then systemic monitoring of district goals can be maintained. / August 2016-May 2017 / Support Directors and Fonda Harrison
Support Directors will complete two visits to caseload schools. One visit will be with the principal and/or leadership team with a focus on visioning. This meeting should be scheduled after the September 16 Admin Meeting. The second visit will be to observe classrooms, attend grade level, department, and/or data team meetings, etc. / Focus: Visioning
  1. Discuss professional learning regarding Daggett book
  2. Draft school visions
  3. Dream Big
  4. Communication
  5. Articulate
  6. Challenge activity
  7. Draft Action Plan
  8. Tie vision to school improvement plan
/ September/October 2016 / Support Directors and Central Office staff as needed
Support Directors will complete two visits to caseload schools. One visit will be with the principal and/or leadership team with a focus on Growth Mindset. This meeting should be scheduled after the October 14 Admin Meeting. The second visit will be to observe classrooms and/or PLC meetings. / Focus: Growth Mindset
  1. Dweck
  2. Growth Mindset Inventory
  3. Discuss where you are or your school is with growth mindset
  4. Discuss how to encourage a growth mindset in school staff
  5. Implementation? Impact?
/ October/November 2016 / Support Directors and Central Office staff as needed
Support Directors will complete two visits to caseload schools. One visit will be with the principal and/or leadership team with a focus on Change Leadership. This meeting should be scheduled after the November 8 Admin Meeting. The second visit will be to observe classrooms and/or PLC meetings. / Focus: Change Leadership
  1. Discussion of Leading Change Step-by-Step
  2. Where are you with your vision and school improvement plan?
  3. How will you apply the “change steps” to your vision and school improvement plan?
/ November/December 2016 / Support Directors and Central Office staff as needed
Support Directors will complete two visits to caseload schools. One visit will be with the principal and/or leadership team with a focus on Change Leadership. This meeting should be scheduled after the December 13 Admin Meeting. The second visit will be to observe classrooms and/or PLC meetings. / Focus: Passions and Interest & Social Emotional Learning with a focus on GRIT / December 2016/January 2017 / Support Directors and Central Office staff as needed
Actions and Strategies / Focus Questions/Evidence / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible? (Facilitator)
Support Directors will complete two visits to caseload schools. One visit will be with the principal and/or leadership team with a focus on these basic tenets of personalized learning, Passions & Interests and Social Emotional Learning. This meeting should be scheduled after the January 10 Admin Meeting. The second visit will be to observe classrooms and/or PLC meetings. / Focus: Student-driven learning / January/February 2017 / Support Directors and Central Office staff as needed
Support Directors will complete two visits to caseload schools. One visit will be with the principal and/or leadership team with a focus on this basic tenet of personalized learning, Student-Driven Learning. This meeting should be scheduled after the February 14 Admin Meeting. The second visit will be to observe classrooms and/or PLC meetings. / Focus: Mastery-based learning / February/March 2017 / Support Directors and Central Office staff as needed
Support Directors will complete two visits to caseload schools. One visit will be with the principal and/or leadership team with a focus on this basic tenet of personalized learning, Mastery-Based Learning. This meeting should be scheduled after the March 14 Admin Meeting. The second visit will be to observe classrooms and/or PLC meetings. / Focus: Testing
How can I support your school during testing? / March/April 2017 / Support Directors and Central Office staff as needed
All principals will complete the Personalized Learning Readiness Rubric at the conclusion of the March 14 Admin Meeting. / N/A / March 14, 2017 / Personalized Learning Readiness Rubric; principals
Support Directors will review readiness rubrics and select schools for Cohorts 1 and 2. Selections will be made prior to the 2017 Summer Leadership Retreat. / N/A / Prior to 2017 Summer Leadership Retreat / Completed Personalized Learning Readiness Rubrics; Support Directors
Support Directors will complete two visits to caseload schools. One visit will be with the principal and/or leadership team with a focus on support for testing. Conversations should also focus on how the work of each school level PLC supported students in being prepared for end-of-year assessments. / Focus: Reflection
  1. Did you make progress toward your vision?
  2. What worked or didn’t?
  3. Degree of change? How did growth mindset help or promote change?
  4. What other steps have you considered to advance yourself toward your vision?
  5. Does your vision need to be revised in light of new learning?
/ April/May 2017
(prior to Leadership Retreat) / Support Directors and Central Office staff as needed
Readiness activities will be developed for Cohort 2 Schools. These activities will be based on needs identified through the readiness rubric. / N/A / June 2017 / Completed Personalized Learning Readiness Rubrics for Cohort 2 Schools; collaborative effort between Support Directors and identified Cohort 2 Schools