Public Education Foundation Board Meeting

Date Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Present Mindy Beegle, Nick Blaser, Allison Campbell, Cassandra Boston, John Cervellera, Kevin Christian, Kerry Crawford, Donna Cress, Todd Duffy, David Ellers, Gordon Glover, Sheryll Goedert, Bobbie Knighton, Ken McAteer, Shanta Matthews, Shelly Ross, Duke Rountree, George Tomyn.

Staff Judi Zanetti, Lauren DeIorio, Mary Engle.

Guest Tim Westgate & Matt Ganoe, Purvis & Grey

Absent Todd Craig, Bethany Crawford, Jennifer Hatchett, Ryan Holland, Bobby James, Connie Larsen, Samantha Rauba, William Taylor.

Welcome and Introduction / v  Nick opened the meeting welcoming all members.
v  Nick passed around the volunteer hours report for all board members to track their hours.
Audit Presentation / v  Judi introduced Tim Westgate & Matt Ganoe, Purvis & Grey, the auditors for the Foundation. Tim stated that there were no modifications to the 2014-2015 audit, it is a ‘clean audit’. There are no issues to report.
Approval of the Minutes / v  Online minutes were reviewed by the board for November. / Motion: Duke Rountree
Second: Kevin Christian / November
minutes were approved.
President’s Report / v  Nick thanked the board for the various activities and/or events they have participated in. and he reminded the board of the upcoming events.
Treasurer’s Report / v  Sheryll presented the November 2015, and December 2015 financial summaries. There were no concerns or corrections.
v  Sheryll asked for the board’s suggestions regarding what they would like to see in future summaries. / November
Motion: Duke Rountree
Second: Kerry Crawford
Motion: David Ellers
Second: Kerry Crawford / November and December financials were approved as presented.
Payroll Deduction Update / v  Judi informed the board of the history of payroll deduction with the district. Judi announced that in the past three years that she and Lauren have been making presentations at the schools, that this year they were allowed to present to each and every school! At these presentations, the school staffs were informed about the various programs that the Foundation offers and provides.
v  Lauren gave the participation total for last year of $62,000, and this year’s projection is $80,000; and next year’s projection is close to $90,000.
Foundation 4 Update – Board Challenge Teams / v  Nick asked for plans/updates/progress from the various teams in fulfilling the Board Challenge. Several preliminary plans were discussed with the board and upcoming event dates.
·  Team 1- Mrs. Boston spoke of the event she is participating in at her school, “Duct tape the Principal to the wall”, and she also challenged other Principals to do the same.
·  Team 2- “La Cuisine event” raised $2,800, with possibly more coming in.
·  Team 4- “Dodging for Degrees” a dodgeball tournament to be held at West Port HS, youth division and adult division teams., March 12
·  Team 3- “Tennis-a-thon” event held on the Classic weekend, raised $9,000.
v  Nick reminded the board that the challenge will run until the end of the fiscal year, so more events can be held and donations collected until June. Final numbers will be announced at the annual meeting.
Take Stock in Children Update / v  Gordon informed the board of the success of the Sneakers n’ S’mores run with 250 registered runners. The race alone raised just over $10,000.
v  Selections are under way for the incoming class of TSIC, 154 applications for review, with 4 committee teams to review applications. Gordon asked for a representative from each challenge team to sit on a review committee. Please let Judi or Meghan know. Gordon gave the board the time frame for choosing the new class, and on April 26th, the surprise announcements are made to the students.
v  Rally in Tally is February 23rd . Judi and the TSIC staff take the students to Tallahassee for a capitol tour and campus visit of FSU/FAMU.
v  Leaders 4 Life- Gordon announced the top secret announcement that our TSIC office has received notice that we have two state finalists, our finalists were surprised with the news at the Sneakers n’ S’mores run! The Fellows receive $40,000 each to cover additional college expenses.
Program Updates / v  Judi presented the Golden Apple Gala invitation to the board, and asked that they RSVP to the foundation office.
v  Engage in Education flier for the February 17th meeting with guest speaker Ray McNulty.
v  Results from the brief Principals Survey were given to the board. And these results will be used in planning our budget for the coming year, based on these needs.
v  License for Learning funds, Judi suggested that these funds be used as a matching program for Find It Fund It donations up to $50.00, to help generate some interest and/or promote the Find It Fund It program.
v Program. The Foundation sponsored two workshops that were attended at capacity on both days with a waiting list of 25.
v  Tools for Teaching. The 20,000th shopper is expected in February!
v  Coats for Kids has given out approximately 300 coats this year.
v  School Related Employee applications and luncheon this Thursday, board members are encouraged to attend.
Remarks from the Superintendent / v  Mr. Tomyn wants to spread the good, great and positive news that is happening in the district, for example, the district’s graduation rate. So, please get the good news out there!
Remarks from School Board Chairperson / v  Mr. James was not present, so there was no report given.
Golden Apple Academy Update / v  Bobbie asked the board to participate in the upcoming caravan.
v  The Golden Apple Academy is working on the different aspects of the breakfast and gala.
v  Allison Campbell announced the car that Jenkins Hyundai is providing to the event.
New Business / v  Lauren provided the board with Golden Apple sponsorship opportunities.
Board Comments / v  Support Golden Apple, go on the caravan; the Foundation is always looking for Business Partners for schools.
v  Team challenges will continue until June. Look for upcoming event dates.
v  Attend Engage in Education meetings.