
Technology Education New Zealand (TENZ), the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ) and TEARAWAY Magazine worked collaboratively through the Techlink project to facilitate links between schools and enterprise. The aims of Techlink have been to demonstrate the benefits of these links in developing innovative and entrepreneurial skills in students.

Techlink has facilitated links between schools and the enterprise community in New Zealand in two ways – by publishing examples of technological practice and by facilitating units of technology education that involve technologists. The project has been undertaken in three phases. It began with the development of case studies focusing on innovative New Zealand-based technologists. These case studies highlighted technological practice and principles and have been used as resource material for the planning and delivery of technology education units in 18 primary and secondary schools during 2003. These schools have been supported by local technologists and have had the assistance of a Techlink facilitator to implement and case study these units. Resulting material is now available on this website.

Technology Education New Zealand (TENZ)

TENZ is a professional network which has been set up to promote and support Technology Education in New Zealand.

Technology Education New Zealand (TENZ)

TENZ is a professional network which has been set up to promote and support Technology Education in New Zealand.

TENZ aims to:

  • Foster the development of Technology in the New Zealand Curriculum.
  • Develop and maintain national and international links between those working in Technology Education and with the wider technological community.
  • Support professional, curriculum, and resource development in Technology Education.
  • Encourage research in Technology Education.
  • Organise a national Technology Education conference on a biennial basis.

TENZ operates as a network of almost 1000 primary, intermediate and secondary teachers, tertiary personnel, teacher educators and practising technologists.


The Institution of Professional Engineers (IPENZ- ENGINEERS NEW ZEALAND) is the professional body representing 8,000 engineers in New Zealand. IPENZ has a significant community programme which is mainly directed at assisting schools to deliver the technology curriculum, and at raising awareness of the role of technology in our social, economic and environmental development. An important part of this is ensuring that sufficient school leavers enter engineering and technology careers.

IPENZ works in schools under the brand “Neighbourhood Engineers”. The features of this programme include the development and management of a relationship between engineers and schools to provide classroom-based assistance in teaching technology, a national competition for the best technology project; and the development of resource material such as Matters of Principle and case studies (e.g. Delta units). IPENZ also produces engineering career material for use in schools.

Other community activities include issuing Informatory Notes on significant national issues from an engineering perspective. Recent notes cover such as issues as school governance of the technology curriculum and managing innovation.

Tearaway Press

TEARAWAY, The Voice of New Zealand Youth, is the most widely read youth title in New Zealand, with 254,000 readers monthly. TEARAWAY aims to inform, enrich, enthuse and empower young people; to encourage full, productive, enjoyable lives, with respect and care for selves, and others. Distribution is via secondary schools, and during holidays, McDonalds Restaurants. The TEARAWAY team has a 15-year reputation for producing lively, stimulating material that 'speaks' to today's youth. TEARAWAY Magazine is the longest running, and by far the most-read youth magazine in New Zealand.