To Kill a Mockingbird

Literary Road Map: CHAPTERS 5-11

Getting It Straight: Use these questions as a guide as you complete the reading.

You don’t need complete sentences. J

Chapter 5

·  Why is Scout angry at Dill?

·  What does she do to him?

·  Who does Scout hang out with?

·  List 5 things you learn about Miss Maudie in this chapter.

·  What do the kids decide they are going to do?

·  How are they going to do it?

·  Summarize what happens.

·  Sum up why Atticus does not want them bother Boo.

·  How does the chapter end?

Chapter 6

·  One night what do the kids see Mr. Avery doing?

·  What do the boys do? Why can’t Scout participate?

·  What are Dill and Jem planning to do?

·  Describe what happens.

·  When Atticus asks about Jem’s pants what does Dill tell him?

·  How does Jem get his pants back?

Chapter 7

Write a summary of this chapter. Be sure to include all of the things that the kids find in the knothole.

Chapter 8

This chapter opens with a call from Eula May who informs Atticus that there will be no school because it is going to snow. The kids spend the day playing in the snow.

·  What happens in the middle of the night?

·  Where are the kids taken?

·  What is Mr. Avery doing?

·  When they finally are able to return home what does Scout find around her shoulders?

·  According to Atticus who put it there?

·  What does Miss Maudie say about her house?

Chapter 9

·  What happens between Cecil Jacobs and Scout?

·  Who is Tom Robinson?

·  Why does Atticus say he is defending him?

·  How does Scout deal with Cecil the next day?

·  Who is Francis?

·  What did Jem and Scout get for Christmas?

·  What happens between Scout and Francis on Christmas day?

·  How does Uncle Jack react?

·  What does he do to Scout?

·  What happens between Uncle Jack and Scout when they get home?

·  What does she make him promise?

·  Summarize the conversation between Uncle Jack and Atticus.

Chapter 10

Write a short summary of this chapter.

·  Why is it a sin to kill a mockingbird?

Chapter 11

·  Why do Jem and Scout hate Mrs. Dubose?

·  How does Atticus tell Jem to handle her?

·  List some of the mean things she says to the kids.

·  Jem is furious. What does he do?

·  When Atticus finds out what does he make Jem do?

·  What does Mrs Dubose want Jem to do for her?

·  Describe the experience that Jem has at Mrs. Dubose’s house.

·  How does Atticus explain to Scout what a nigger-love is?

·  What happens to Mrs. Dubose?

·  What was she addicted to?

·  Why was she so mean?

·  What did Mrs. Dubose have her maid send Jem?

·  How does the chapter end?

Delving In – Answer each of these questions. Use a quote or example to support your answer.

1. Discuss why Atticus must defend Tom Robinson. Find specific quotes from the text. What does this say about Atticus? (pg. 75 and after, pg. 88)

2. Discuss what Uncle Jack learns from Scout and Atticus. (around pg. 85)

3. Consider Scout’s statement on pg. 89 that her father “didn’t do anything.” What new side of her father does she see during this chapter? Why hasn’t he revealed this about himself before?

4. Discuss why Atticus admired Mrs. Dubose in spite of the ugly things she said about him. Why does Atticus feel that she is brave? (What is Atticus’ idea of courage. How does he teach this to Jem?)

Analyzing Quotes – SPEAKER (or who they are about), context, and SiGNiFicAnCe!

1.  “…I never figured out how Atticus knew I was listening, and it was not until many years later that I realized he wanted me to hear every word he said.” (89)

2.  “This case, Tom Robinson’s case, is something that goes to the essence of a man’s conscience—Scout, I couldn’t go to church and worship God if I didn’t try to help that man.” (104)

3.  “I wanted you to see something about her—I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.” (112)