Dailard Elementary DSF Board

Meeting Minutes

October 14, 2014

In Attendance

Maria Linfoot

Andrea Loyko

Rebecca Smith

Cameron Bresnick

Wendy Rutherford

Beverly Fitzpatrick

Lorie McKee

Jodi Gross

Karen Miller

The meeting was called to order by President, Rebecca Smith, at 5:35 PM

Secretary’s Report

-Motion to approve September Meeting Minutes

-First – Cameron

-Second – Andrea

-All in favor

-Action items reviewed

-Copy machines – All copy machines are due for an upgrade in December and replacement copiers will be received at that time

  • AI – Andrea will follow-up with Beverly to arrange this
  • AI – idea to budget for 2015 for printer or copy machine for PTF

-First in Math is up and running

-Raz-Kids expires October 20th – Lorie is working to contact the company

Principal’s Report

-Area Superintendent is coming in October to survey campous

-California Earthquake Shakeout is at 10:16 am on 10/16

-Water assembly is Thursday afternoon 10/16

-October 30th – 3rd-5th grade training at Dailard

-Focus this year is on Math for professional development

-District is providing monthly professional development


-Fixing bank in back and raising fence

-Will start locking gate at top and below during school hours

-Kinder Open House

-November 13th during Paper airplane night

Board members will deliver flyers to different preschools


-Testing the program in Mrs. McKee’s class – video taping lessons for learning

-PE started and is going really well

-Red Ribbon Week

-Assembly on Monday, October 27th

-Making construction hands and bookmarks and will have various spirit days

-Halloween Parade is Friday, October 31st which is a minimum day

-Instrumental Music Teacher – no one in place at this point


-1st meeting is October 21st

-5 parents – Rebecca Smith, Cherie Slinger, Kathryn Fletcher, Andy Mangahis, Nick Pettit

-Computer Upgrades

-Someone is coming to talk to Beverly on 10/15 about upgrading current computers

President’s Report

-Pledge Drive Update

-Currently at $16,731

-PE Equipment

-AI – Jodi will check on basketball funnels

-AI – Rebecca will talk to Mac as a work order has to be put in for basketball funnels and installation

-AI – everyone will brainstorm ideas for new recess equipment and send on to Rebecca

-November meeting will be moved to November 4th

-December meeting will be on the 9th at 5:30

-AI – Rebecca will call KnB to reserve

-Secretary and Community Liaison are on the last year of their terms

-AI – Karen will promote in the newsletter

Treasurer’s Report

-Current balance is $105,165

-Projected to be negative $57,000 this year, currently negative $2368

Teacher’s Report

-Art Consultant

-Andrea is looking in to this further, can use VAPA curriculum and possibly a substitute teacher


-Will start in the Spring – can do more than one grade in a month

-AI – Andrea will work on getting choices for days and times from teachers – 1 hour/week for 4 weeks

-First Grade Coin Drive

-Currently at $730

-Plan to buy items and bring to Monarch School before Thanksgiving

-Fight for Five

-Teachers currently working on negotiations with district, but district not willing to meet/budge

-May lead to a strike later in the year

-District wants to impact 5 areas

  1. Increase class size
  2. Decrease counselors
  3. Decrease nurses
  4. Eliminate enrichment such as nursing
  5. Eliminate teacher prep time

-AI – Jodi will check by-laws to see if DSF is able to take a political stance as a foundation

-PE Make-ups

-AI – Lorie will talk to Tommy about scheduling make-up classes when needed


-AI – Lorie will ask teachers about possibility of just one week of adventure camp, not multiple weeks

A&E Report


-October 25th from 6-10

-Davis YMCA will offer childcare at their site from 5:30-9 for kids 3 and up (must be potty trained), $12/kid

-Raffling 3 items the week of the auction – American Girl Doll, Scooter and Nutra Bullet

-Holiday Bazaar

-Krista is Chair, Rachel is her co-chair


-Working on sponsors

-Box Tops

-Deadline is October 24th

-Sharon is co-chairing

-5th Grade

-$100 popsicle profit/week

-Garden Club

-New greenhouse is in and needs to be assembled

-5th grade girl scout troop is taking over the garden between buildings 3 and 4 and making a beach themed garden

-Process has been started to become garden to table certified

-Spring Fling

-Sunday, April 12th

-Arts and Crafts vendors will be renting tables for $50 each

-Event is Hawaiian themed

Community Liaison

-Welcome back luncheon for teachers was a big success

Visual and Performing Arts

-Mobile Dairy Assembly is December 12th at 8 am

-H2O Where Did You Go? Assembly is January 15th at 8am

-Planetarium assembly will be 3 full days in the multipurpose room


-Next Coffee Talk is Monday October 20th at 6pm

Action Items


-Andrea will follow-up with Beverly to arrange copy machines

-Andrea will work on getting choices for days and times from teachers for drama – 1 hour/week for 4 weeks


-Jodi will add printer or copy machine for PTF idea to a 2015-16 budget idea list

-Jodi will check on costs for basketball funnels

-Jodi will check by-laws to see if DSF is able to take a political stance as a foundation


-Lorie will talk to Tommy about scheduling make-up PE classes when needed

-Lorie will ask teachers about possibility of just one week of adventure camp, not multiple weeks


-Karen will promote open positions in the newsletter


-Rebecca will talk to Mac about funnels as a work order has to be put in for basketball funnels and installation

-Rebecca will call KnB to reserve room for December meeting


-Brainstorm ideas for new recess equipment and send on to Rebecca

Upcoming Meetings

Thursday, September 22nd – Back to School Night and Picture Day

Friday, September 30th – Friday Flag

Saturday, October 1st – D.A.D.S Campout

Monday, October 10th – A&E Meeting

Tuesday, October 11th – PTF Board Meeting

Board Meetings 2nd Tuesday of each month following