To: Global Grassroots Activists

Re: Report on 2011 Global Grassroots Activities

Date: February 9, 2012

From: Ken Patterson, Lisa Marchal

Greetings Global Activists,

In this report we want to provide you with some highlights of your accomplishments and actions in 2011. Note: OUR DATA IS ONLY AS GOOD AS WHAT YOU REPORT, so please report at least monthly for 2012. Let us know if information is missing or if additional information would be useful for you, potential activists, donors, and community partners.

Legislative Accomplishments in Brief

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, Malaria

After your amazing work to secure a $4 billion, 3-year US pledge in 2010, you made sure that Congress did not cut funding for 2011 and 2012.

·  You used conversations with Congress to bring the Global Fund pledge to their attention.

·  You generated a ton media on the Global Fund.

·  You secured 82 signers on a House letter to all key House and Senate appropriators requesting $1.3 billion for the Global Fund in 2012.

·  You secured 18 signatures on a Senate Global Fund/PEPFAR letter to head Senate appropriators requesting that they fund these two programs at the President’s budget request level ($1.3 billion for the Global Fund)

Ultimately, the US funded the Global Fund for $1.05 billion in both 2011 and 2012. We are also expecting some additional funding yet for 2012 to hopefully bring the total up to $1.3 billion for 2012. Your work with Congress and the media have reinforced the need for the US to keep its $4 billion pledge. Let us know if you need a copy of the sign on letters with signatures.

U.S. Tuberculosis Programs

You provided critical advocacy to fighting this devastating disease that still takes 1.7 million lives a year. Because of your work Congress increased bi-lateral TB funding by $11 million to $236 million for 2012.

·  You secured 31 signers on a congressional letter supporting U.S. TB programs and you did a fantastic job generating media during World TB Day

Given that totally drug-resistant TB emerged in January 2012, funding for the Global Fund and U.S. TB programs has never been more important.

Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI)

You increased Congressional funding by $10 million to $100 million, which is the first installment of a new U.S. three-year, $450 million pledge to support the rollout new vaccines for the poorest children. The extra 10 million can largely be attributed to the work done by our WA State groups with Rep. Norm Dicks, who proposed the $10 million amendment.

·  You were instrumental in securing over 71 media hits and 62 signatures on a bipartisan congressional letter to the Administration supporting theU.S. pledge.

Over the next three years, this funding, along with that of other donors, will support immunizations for more than 250 million of the world’s poorest children and prevent 4 million premature deaths!

Education for All

With RESULTS’ behind-the-scenes work, the House introduced the bipartisan Education for All Act, HR 2705, which will improve the effectiveness of global education funding for the children most in need. Congress and the Administration also supported the first funding for the multilateral Global Partnership for Education (GPE), which brings donors and developing countries together to achieve national education goals for recipient countries. This US funding will also leverage additional money from other donors. Education funding took a hit to $800 million, largely due to revelations that USAID has not been spending all of the education appropriations on education.

·  RESULTS played a key behind-the-scenes roll in making sure that authorization for GPE funding showed up in the EFA Act and the 2012 appropriations bill language.

·  WA State group worked effectively to get Rep. Dave Reichert to be the lead Republican on HR 2705, the Education for All Act, and you generate 59 cosponsors in 2011 (61 to date).

·  You generated 50 pieces of media and secured 69 cosigners for a congressional letter that was crucial to achieving this first-ever commitment to the GPE. RESULTS Chicago did a fantastic job cultivating Rep. Jan Schakowski to take leadership on this sign on letter.


The House and Senate introduced new, bipartisan microfinance legislation that will improve the impact of U.S. funding by ensuring innovations and programs that reach the poorest are supported. RESULTS DC played a key role in introducing both pieces of legislation. Also, years of building bipartisan support for microfinance paid off as Congress protected microfinance funding at $265 million in the foreign assistance bill.

Meetings with Members of Congress and Aides

Here are the numbers on your meetings with members of Congress and their aides. These are the highest impact actions we can take according to our RESULTS experience, and according to research conducted by the Congressional Management Foundation. If a face-to-face meeting is missing from our tally, please let us know. Let’s make 2012 a big year for meeting with members of Congress and Congressional aides.

2011 Meetings with Senators, Representatives, Aides

·  52 meetings with Representatives: Adams, Barton, Castor, Clarke, Conyers, Diaz-Balart, Dicks, Duncan, Bernice Johnson, Bilirakis, Farenthold, Flores, Fortenberry, Gowdy, (A.) Green, (G.) Green, Hastings, Herrera Beutler, Himes, Honda, Hoyer, Inslee, Jackson-Lee, Lofgren, Matheson, Miller, Nugent, Paulson, Perlmutter, Peters, Price, Reichert, Ros-Lehtinen, Rivera, Schakowsky, Smith, Terry, Van Hollen, Yarmuth, Young

·  7 meetings with Senators: Bingaman, Cantwell, Coburn, Cardin (2), Johanns, Murray

·  129 meetings with House aides

·  53 meetings with Senate aides

Meetings with Reps and Senators Over Time
2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011
Senate face-to-face / 11 / 13 / 11 / 7
Rep face-to-face / 60 / 86 / 54 / 52
Senate aide meetings / 62 / 75 / 53 / 53
Rep aide meetings / 132 / 166 / 170 / 129

Congressional Coverage

We cover in some way approximately 230 representatives of 435 (about 52%), and 55 of 100 senators (about 55%). Some of this is just occasional coverage. In 2012 we want to gather more firm numbers on which Representatives we cover regularly so we can measure our progress toward our goal of firmly covering all 100 senators and two-thirds of Representatives by 2015.

Media Generated

Group History of Generating Editorials & Number of LTEs, Opeds, Other Media
2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011
Editorials / Editorials / Editorials / Editorials
Anchorage / Asheville / Asheville / Salt Lake UT: Deseret News (2)
Asheville / Cincinnati / Cleveland / Detroit MI: Free Press
Boston / Cleveland / Dallas / Triangle NC: Durham Herald-Sun
Contra Costa / Houston / Delaware Valley, NJ / Portland OR Oregonian
Ft. Wayne / Northern VA / Falls Church, VA / Omaha NE: World-Herald
Houston (2) / Olympia / Houston (4) / Tulsa OK: World
Indianapolis / Portland / Indianapolis / Austin TX: American Statesman (2)
Las Vegas / Rome, NY / Jackson, MS / Houston: Chronicle (2)
Olympia / Salt Lake City (2) / Los Angeles / Bloomington: Herald-Times
Portland / San Diego / Louisville / Dallas: Morning News
Salt Lake City / Santa Fe / Maui / Delaware Valley NJ: Star-Ledger & the Home News Tribune
San Diego / Seattle / Miami / Asheville NC: Citizen Times
Seattle / St. Louis / N.Detroit + Ann Arbor
Snohomish (2) / Trenton (2) / Northern VA (2)
Tulsa / Tulsa / Olympia
Vashon (3) / 5 editorials missing / San Antonio
Waco / San Francisco
Wichita / San Jose
2008 Media Totals / 2009 Media Totals / 2010 Media Totals / 2011 Media Totals
18 Groups generated
22 editorials / 15 Groups generated
17 editorials / 25 Groups Generated
29 editorials / 12 Groups generated
16 editorials
29 Opeds / 42 Opeds / 32 Opeds / 37 Opeds
83 LTEs / 125 LTEs / 144 LTEs / 108 LTEs
38 Articles, Radio, Other / 22 Articles, Radio, other / 51 Articles, Radio, other / 17 Articles, Radio, other

Outreach and Fundraising Activities

2011 Fundraising

According to our development department you raised $265,000 for RESULTS and RESULTS Educational Fund in 2011. This is absolutely amazing—Holy Cow! THANK YOU to EVERYONE who participated in events and for other support you provided to help us be financially strong! Congratulations, and a special thank you to the following global groups that organized fundraising events in 2011. See the list below:

·  Albuquerque, NM
·  Anchorage, AK
·  Austin, TX
·  Boston, MA
·  Bremerton/South Kitsap-Gig Harbor
·  Chicago, IL (Two!) / ·  Washington DC
·  Denver, CO
·  Houston, TX
·  Inland Empire, CA
·  Miami, FL
·  Triangle, NC / ·  New York, NY
·  San Diego, CA
·  Seattle, WA
·  Sitka, AK
·  Tacoma, WA
·  Indianapolis, IN

2011 World TB Day and World AIDS Day Mini-Grant Activities

The following groups organized outreach events using our ACTION mini-grant program. Contact them for ideas on how to organize an event using the mini-grant program to enhance outreach, build partnerships, and really engage the community. A few dollars can really make a big difference in our outreach.

·  World TB Day 2011: Atlanta, Austin, Chicago, Inland Empire, NC Triangle

·  World AIDS Day 2011: Ann Arbor, Asheville, Cleveland, Inland Empire, Los Angeles, Snohomish, Tulane University

Historical Reporting of Outreach Events

2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011
93 reported / 165 reported / 143 reported / 54 (under reported)

Global Grassroots Health Indicators

Global Grassroots Chapters

Below is a list of new and lost chapters over the past several years with the total number of global chapters in the bottom row. The number of groups doesn’t include active individual activists who continue to take action.

2007 New Groups / 2007 Lost Groups / 2008 New Groups / 2008 Lost Groups / 2009 New Groups / 2009 Lost Groups / 2010 New Groups / 2010 Lost Groups / 2011 New Groups / 2011 Groups Lost
Roaring Fork, CO / Mt. Dora, FL (5/07) / Ashland/Medford / Roaring Fork, CO / St. Louis (8) / Thousand Oaks (9) / Amherst College / NYC / Corvallis, OR (1/11) / Northampton, MA
PG County MD / Escondido, CA (3/07) / San Fernando Valley / Provo UT / Thousand Oaks (9) / Santa Barbara (7) / Coastal CT / St. Louis (8) / Northampton MA (4/11) / Westchester, NY
Washington, DC (5/07) / Fullerton, CA (3/07) / Omaha, NE / Sante Fe, NM / Santa Barbara (7) / Brooklyn / Los Angeles CA / Ashland/Medford / Winston Salem, NC (6/11) / Maui, HI
West Los Angeles, CA (7/07) / Glenwood Springs, CO / Middlebury College / Baton Rouge, LA (went dom) / Tampa / San Fernando, CA / Topeka KS / Philadelphia / Fairfield University, CT (9/11) / Winston Salem, NC
Westchester, NY (7/07) / Hartford, CT / Whitworth / Middlebury College, VT / Marin County CA / Broward, FL (went dom) / Arcadia U, PA (9/11)
Greenville, SC (7/07) / Wichita, KS / NYC / West LA / Ft. Worth TX / Tulsa, OK
Olalla, WA (7/07) / Provo UT / Brooklyn / Hartford, CT / Evansville, WI / Wichita, KS
Sante Fe, NM / Madison / Maui HI / Waco TX
S. Kitsap, WA / Whitworth college / Rockwall TX / Boulder CO
Broward County FL / Dallas TX / Brooklyn, NY
Baton Rouge, LA / Whitworth College
Tufts U
Laguna Woods
58 Groups / 65 Groups / 62 Groups / 63 Groups / 64 Groups

Conference Call Attendance 2007 to 2011

Below is a chart of past global conference call guests and attendance. As you can see, the trend line on attendance is downward except in 2008 when Sam Daley-Harris was really helping us emphasize the calls for group building and health. What conclusions can we draw? We welcome your insights.

2007 / Guest / 2008 / Guest / 2009 / Guest / 2010 / Guest / 2011 / Guest
Jan / 194 / Sam / 345 / Muhammad Yunus / 266 / Alex Counts / 233 / Nita Lowey / 187 / Geoff Adlide
Feb / 152 / Sam / 228 / Michael Riggs / 265 / Jeffrey Sachs / 184 / Ernie Loevinsohn / 197 / Dr. Lucica Ditiu
Ma / 191 / Eliot Engel / 291 / Desmond tutu / 221 / Winston & Asia Russell / 189 / Sherrod Brown / 183 / Michel Kazatchkine
April / 162 / Gene Sperling / 209 / Gene Sperling / 221 / Julia Bolz / 200 / Joanna Kuebler, Adon Adon / 168 / Nita Lowey
May / 184 / Joanne Carter / 244 / David Beckman / 211 / Nita Lowey / 225 / Jeffrey Sachs / 145 / Tony Lake
June / 244 / Carol Welch, Jim McGovern / 305 / Paul Farmer / 202 / Dr. Michel Kazatchkine / 147 / Carol Nyirenda / 204 / Tony Hall
July / 190 / Emily Gibbons / 178 / No guest / 255 / No guest / 199 / No Guest / 162 / Chris Dunford
Aug / 193 / Sam, Joanne / 310 / Jeffrey Sachs / 188 / Desmond Birmingham / 169 / Winstone Zulu / 151 / Carol Bellamy
Sept / Rep. Rush Holt / 241 / Heather Booth / 177 / Heather Booth / 179 / Dr. John McArthur / 155 / Rep Adam Smith
Oct / 167 / Winstone Zulu / 196 / Rep. Adam Smith / No call / 142 / No Guest / 149 / Jay Evensen
Nov / 160 / Mary Njoroge / 235 / David Gartner / 198 / David Gartner / 202 / Lily Eskelsen / 142 / Chris Collins
Dec / 297 / Robert Egger / 222 / Mark Lopes / 210 / No guest / 243 / Sam Daly Harris / 167 / Seth Berkley
Avg / 194 / 250 / 219 / 193 / 168.5
Avg 1st 6 mos / 188 / 270 / 231 / 196 / 180

International Conference Attendance of US Activists