Today we are going to concentrate on how David Almond creates setting and atmosphere in Skellig.

v  We will be working in groups, so it is important that you work well in your groups and take your roles seriously. We have a lot of work to get through today, so we must be efficient.

v  You will work through your task and then present it to the rest of the class.

v  When other groups are presenting, you will take notes on what they are saying.

v  This way, we will all learn together about the effect setting and atmosphere and symbols have on the reader.

Words the writer uses… / The effect these words have.
E.G – The garden is a ‘demolition site’ / Decay, waste, dirt, dust, garbage

v  Remember to always write down the page number of the words you are talking about.

Group 1 – Description of the Garden. Pg 8 & 9

You will be able to find information on this in Chapters 1 - 13. What words or phrases tell you about the garden. Also, how does Michael feel about them?

Group 2 – Danger! Death! Decay! Pg 10

The first detailed description of the GARAGE is given from the outside, at the beginning of Chapter 2.

Find as many words as you can which describe the garage from the outside which associates it with danger, death or decay.

Words / phrases chosen… / Why they are effective?
Ancient doors / The doors are more than just old – it is as if they have been there forever.
Heaps of water pipes / This word makes us picture LOTS of pipes – impossible to count how many

Group 3 – The atmosphere INSIDE the Garage. Pg.11

Senses David Almond uses once Michael has finally plucked up the courage to enter the Garage. How does he help the reader visualise the setting? Which words relating to senses does David Almond use?

Visual Sense / Aural Sense (hearing) / Other Senses – (Smell, taste, touch)
Something little and black / Scuttled / Feels spider webs

Group 4 - words create atmosphere. Pg 12

You must also find the senses and words which David Almond uses and say how he has created atmosphere inside the garage.

Word/phrase / Why is it effective / Atmosphere created
Dust clogging my throat. / Clogging gives the impression of something thick preventing the person from breathing. Suffication / Decay, dryness, claustrophobia.

Group 5 – Symbols and Motifs. Pg 13 - 14

Which images are repeated in chapters 1 – 13?

RECURRENT Image / Reference in the text / Why is the image/ symbol is important
Bones / Bones link life together