Title: Showcasing Shell Eco-marathon

Duration: 2:56 minutes

Description: Shell and engineering students are showcasing cars that are eco-friendly, running on sustainable energy sources

[Background music plays]

Bright, uplifting music

[Text displays]

On a white background:


OSLO, MAY 2015

[Video footage]

Footage of the Shell set up on a busy Aker Brygge in Oslo. Zooming in on Shells banner reading “Shell Eco-marathon” and Shell logo.

Footage of camera teams and camera set ups. Footage of people standing around taking pictures with their camera phones.

One of the student engineers is working on one of the display cars, which is orange, but covered under a cloth.

Footage of a caterer showing off the sandwiches.

Filming one of the teams in orange shirts, and then the unveiling of one of the cars. Ketil Solvik-Olsen, the Norwegian Minister of Transport and Communications is taking the cloth off the car, and a girl is standing next to him with a microphone.

The futuristic-looking car is red.

[Female speaker]

Go ahead.

[Video footage]

The girl with the microphone is telling the Minister to go ahead and unveil the car underneath the cloth.

[Male speaker]

That's nice!

[Video footage]

The audience applaudes.

Footage of another car being unveiled. The cloth is being taken off by Ketil Solvik-Olsen, the Norwegian Minister of Transport and Communications, and a boy in a football jersey, with the imprint “Daniel, 9” is helping him. This car is orange.

Longer footage of the car from the side.

Footage of the red car, and the woman with the microphone and the man.




[Myselie Nguyen]

The driver has a declined seating position, so it's not comfortable.

It's to reduce the amount of energy used.

[Male speaker]

What is it made of?

[Myselie Nguyen]

Carbon fiber.

We believe that it is the future.

[Video footage]

Camera filming the red car standing outside with a lot of people standing around, looking at it and touching it.

Camera switches scenes and films a girl in the audience taking a photo of the car with her smartphone.




[Video footage]

Camera filming Lill Michaelsen next to the orange car.

[Lill Michaelsen]

Our vision of the future is that mobility should be 100% recyclable and use renewable sources of energy.

[Video footage]

Camera filming the orange car standing outside. The camera is rotating around it, so we get a full view of how the car looks from all sides.




[Video footage]

Camera filming inside on of the tents, where Vebjørn is being interviewed.

As he is explaining, he is simultaneously showing it on the red car, removing the hood and showing the motors and fuel cell inside.

[Vebjørn Røed Myklebust]

We have made a new car which is powered by hydrogen.

It has two motors connected to separate wheels.

Here is a fuel cell which is fed by a hydrogen tank, which is to be placed here.

[Video footage]

The camera is filming the red car outside again, with people standing around it.

There is a scene change, filming Myselie Nguyen and Ketil Solvik-Olsen. They are standing next to the red car, with a young boy.

[Myselie Nguyen]

Do you weigh under 70 kilos?

Then you can sit.

[Video footage]

Filming of the boy getting in to the car. The audience are standing around the car, and also a woman with a professional video camera who is filming.



[Ketil Solvik-Olsen]

I believe this is an amazingly exciting way to learn.

It is a lot more fun than just theory and reading books.

[Video footage]

Footage of a person sitting inside the orange car. The person is starting the car by pulling on a start wire. Beside the car there is a man from the team, trying to explain how it works to another person.

[Male speaker]

The bits of the sprocket...

[Video footage]

There is a woman with a Norwegian flag standing beside the orange car, which she is waiving as to say “go” to the driver. There are a lot of people watching and they are standing behind orange cones which have been set up to mark a race track.

Footage of one of the wheels of the car – a person is holding up the car to easier demonstrate the spinning of the wheel, as a driver is pressing down the gas pedal. The person is pushing the car a little, and then the car is driving off on the race track.

Footage of the orange car’s team – all in orange t-shirts.

Back to interview of Ketil Solvik-Olsen

[Ketil Solvik-Olsen]

What makes me the most excited when I look at the cars and the students, is that these students are tomorrow's engineers, who will find solutions for both mobility and industry.

To have this experience must be extremely valuable, both for the students and their future employers.

[Video footage]

As Ketil Solvik-Olsen is talking, there is footage of both the red and the orange car outside, with both the car's teams and others standing around.

Filming of the students who have made the orange car, setting up for a group picture beside their car.



[Video footage]

Footage of Børre Jacobsen standing on a small podium, with the teams standing beside him. He is holding a speech to all the participants. The camera is shifting to a close up of him talking.

[Børre Jacobsen]

I want to wish you the best of luck in the competition next week.

I hope you come home with fond memories, valuable experience and hopefully a trophy or two in your suitcases.

[Video footage]

Camera filming the two teams sitting and standing between the red and the orange car.

Some of them are waving the Norwegian flag and they are taking a group picture.

[Myselie Nguyen]

One, two, three...


Shell logo on white background

[Music ends]