13.  heavy lift, Cargo gear and securing

What are the contents in the cargo securing manual / 1.  Details fixed and portable securing devices available onboard with their MSL
2.  Securing points with their SWL/MSL (Maximum securing load)
3.  Specific weight load tests of all lashing materials
4.  Maintenance and inspection schedule of securing devices
5.  General principles of cargo Securing with specific gear
How do you prepare cargo securing manual for your ship
If there is no sufficient securing points on the cargo what will you do
What are the factors deciding fix lashing points on the cargo / Centre of gravity
How do you select positions on heavy lift as securing points
How do you load a heavy lift of 100t with the cargo gear that has not been used for last two years / 1.  Check the register of ships lifting appliances and cargo handling gear for the previous records.
2.  Even though the crane has not been used it may have been maintained and tested as required.
3.  If no previous records are available?
How do you rig a derrick as per the rigging plan / Rigging of single swinging derrick from its lowered position
1.  secure slewing guys in the spider band and stretch them to port and st bd
2.  secure cargo working end of the runner to a deck eye to prevent this end shift to the head when lifted the derrick
3.  secure bull wire to the winch barrel and float the derrick
4.  topping the derrick until the required level
5.  secure the chain preventer
6.  secure guys once derrick is slewed to the required position
What are the specifications of wire rope as per the rigging plan / 1.  SWL
2.  length ,diameter and number of strands
3.  type of wire and the core
There is a corroded eye on the crane which is connected to a cargo wire. How do you repair it / That cannot be repaired on board because classification societies accepts only mechanical splicing
Can you repair it onboard
When receiving a wire rope how you will know that this rope is up the required standards / By inspecting the manufacturer’s certificate, which is a compulsory and to be kept in the registry of ships lifting appliances and cargo handling gear.
What are the contents of manufacturer’s certificate on wire rope / The manufacturer or his authorized representative must issue for each wire rope a certificate containing at least the following information:
(a) compulsory information:
v  name and address of the manufacturer or his authorized representative
v  nominal diameter of the wire-rope
v  length of the wire-rope delivered
v  average mass per meter
v  mode type and direction of lay of the cable (right or left hand lay, preformed or not, crossed or Lang’s lay)
v  length of the lay of the cable
v  the construction (composition of the wire-rope, nature and composition of the core of the wire-rope, number of strands, number of wires); enclose drawing of cross-section with principal
v  characteristics of the steel (class or quality)
v  nominal tensile breaking strength of the wires
v  the lowest practical resistance of the wire-rope to breakage under tension;
v  the minimum practical tensile breaking strength of the wire-rope;
v  information on the nature of the protection against internal and external corrosion (in the case of galvanizing, the quality of the zinc coating must be stated)
v  certificate that the wire-rope is made in a single piece and that its characteristics are constant throughout its length
v  information on the nature and methods of the tension, tortion and bending tests, and the results thereof;
v  the temperature limits for use of the wire-rope;
v  maintenance and inspection instructions;
(b) information where applicable:
v  if the wire-rope is made according to a national or international standard, identify this standard.
Who give those standards / Classification societies
How often you test cargo gear should be tested / 1.  after 1st installation onboard initial inspection and test
2.  at 5 yearly interval
3.  after any major repair or modification
How often you test cargo gear should be inspected / 1.  thorough examination should be done by a competent person at least every 12 months (person who is properly trained and experienced)
2.  if the equipment is subjected to frequent use more frequent inspections should be carried out
3.  loose or associated gear should be inspected before every use
How are the record keeping is done on the above tests / v  in the format supplied in the operations manual
v  to be kept in the file named “register of ships lifting appliances and cargo handling gear”
What are the inspection done on cargo gear / Item to be inspected / Method of inspection
Derrick boom / thorough inspection of the booms specially the area of spider band and underside near the crutch
Blocks / All blocks to be overhauled. Blocks to be dismantled and closely inspected for rust , corrosion ,pitting and hairline cracks
Goose neck / This is the main element. Would be drawn out and clean.
Inspected for any sign of corrosion or deformity
Runner wire / Damage by
1.  more than 10 percent of strands are broken in a length of eight diameter to be condemned
2.  crushing
3.  corroding and chafing
All other loose gear / For their proper condition
Who is the person authorized to inspect cargo gear / A competent person who is properly trained and having good experience related to the cargo gear (normally chief officer)
What are the document required regarding the cargo handling gear / 1.  certificate or report shall be issued on the appropriate form by the competent person
2.  these certificate shall be kept onboard for 2 years
3.  Register of ships lifting appliances and cargo handling gear should be maintained in an approved form. this has 2 parts
v  Part one : Thorough examination of lifting appliances
v  Part two : Regular inspections of loose gear
What are the certificates related to the cargo gear / 1.  Proof load test certificate for cranes/derricks
2.  Wire rope certificates
3.  Manufacturer’s certificates for SWL of all associated gear (thimbles , shackles, deck eyes etc)in the lifting system
What are the contents in the rigging plan / The rigging plan includes the installation or attachment method and the selection of safe working loads for rigging components. The rigging plan must identify the following:
(1) Lifting Requirements
(2) Securing and Attachment Requirements
(3) Manufacturer and Weight Testing Requirements (Lifting Straps, Pad eyes, Wire)
What are your concerns prior to loading and discharging of cargo? Explain your visual inspections
what are contents of register of ships lifting appliances and cargo handling gear / 1.  it is a filing system for retaining records and certificates of ships lifting appliances
2.  it contains manufacturers certificates for following
v  wires
v  chains
v  blocks
v  shackles
v  hooks
v  derricks
v  cranes
What are the contents in the cargo securing manual / 1.  Number of lashings (And types in detail) and securing points available onboard
2.  SWL of the lashings and eye pads and ring bolts etc
3.  Lashing methods for special cargoes
Who is the authority to verify the contents or the conditions in the register of lifting appliances and cargo handling gear / 1.  Flag state or the approved organizations by the flag state
2.  cargo surveyor during cargo equipment survey
3.  external auditor when monitoring ships conformity to the ISM code
Procedure for lifting when the gear has not been used for many years / Mr. Shane’s book
How do you going to use a cargo gear / 1.  Make sure all maintenance are done in accordance with the PMS
2.  Check all the tests are done according to the
Who are the authority approved by the Sri Lankan government inspect and survey of cargo gears / Type approved by the administration of the country of manufacture
How do you find the load density / From the load density plan
How do you rig the heavy lift / This rigging to be done according to the rigging plan. Bur in generally rigging of the Jumbo derrick is as follows
1.  vessel is up right and even keel
2.  rig preventer back stays to the mast if required
3.  make sure topping lift is securely shackled in position
4.  send one person aloft to remove the clamp holding the derrick to the mast
5.  all 4 winches to be operative for port and st bd power guys ,topping lift and for lifting purchase
6.  check all winches are in double gear
How do you find SWL of a lifting gear / Register of ships lifting appliances and cargo handling gear and Rigging plan
What is the critical instant during lifting of a heavy load / v  Once the weight is just break the contact with the surface which is holding it.
v  At this very moment the COG of the weight is transferred to the derrick head causing virtual loss of GM
Your vessel is equipped with 2x30t cranes. Explain how you lift 50t load / 1.  Connect 2 cranes by using heavy lifting beam
2.  Then connect the lifting beam to the spreader
How do you prepare your vessel for the cargo gear survey / Lavery
What will you check in the cranes / Apart from the main things
1.  Lights and limit switches
2.  Wipers and heaters
3.  Emergency means of escape
4.  Fore extinguisher
How do you carry out lashing heavy deck cargo / Following booklets are to be sued
1.  Ships cargo securing manual
2.  Code of safe practices for cargo stowage and lashing
If stevedores doing lashing what would you check on them / 1.  Those lashing gear should be approved type
2.  SWL to be according to the requirement
3.  Lashing to be carried out up to the satisfaction of the C/O
How do you place dunnage for heavy load on deck / v  Dunnage should consider only if the load density exceeds
v  In general 6”X4” is suitable for this purpose
v  If vessel is transversely framed dunnage should be longitudinally and vice versa
v  length of dunnage should be calculated s follows
consider example of 120t weight of dimensions 8 x 2 m² to be loaded at a place where load density is 5t per m²
load on deck = 120/8x2 = 7.5t per m² which exceeds the load density
dunnage should be arranged throughout the length of the load and the dunnage length if consider as Y
120/8XY = 5
Y = 3m always weight of the load/final area should be equal or less than the load density
How do you load a container ship
If the load concentration of heavy lift exceeds the load density what would you do / Lay the dunnage as required. Length of the dunnage depends upon the weight of the load and the length or width of the load
When carrying out annual inspection of derricks what would a chief officer pay particular attention / Item to e inspected / Method of inspection
Derrick boom / thorough inspection of the booms specially the area of spider band and underside near the crutch
Blocks / All blocks to be overhauled. Blocks to be dismantled and closely inspected for rust , corrosion ,pitting and hairline cracks
Goose neck / This is the main element. Would be drawn out and clean.
Inspected for any sign of corrosion or deformity
While working cargo by derricks, runner wire fails. How do you replace the runner with minimum delay / 1.  order boatswain to open new runner wire in the stores and flake it on deck
2.  heaving line connect to the broken end of the runner
3.  and run the winch in a way that broken wire will clear the drum
4.  now only the heaving line remain on the drum
5.  pass the other end of the heaving line through the head block and connect the new wire to the heaving line
6.  turn the drum in a way that the runner is pulled and the heaving line is cleared
7.  runner end to be clamped to the drum
What is the document gives the load density / Load density plan
A heavy load to be loaded on to the hatch cover which exceeds the load density. What would you do? / Lay dunnage but ensure length of dunnage long enough to reach the hatch coaming so that the part of the weight will be taken by the hatch coaming
What is annealing and why do you do that / Annealing is a heat treating method done to achieve any of the following
v  To bring a deformed material to its original shape
v  To obtain certain desirable properties
v  To reform molecules inside the metal
v  To regain strength after being exposed to heavy stresses
What is the size of dunnage used when placing h heavy weight on deck / Size of dunnage should be calculated according to the weight of the load and the load density. Required Load density = weight /final area
How do you find a good place for heavy lift and how is the lashing is done / 1.  load density plan should be consult against the weight to be loaded
2.  volume occupied by the weight to be considered
3.  lashing points
4.  if cannot find a place with sufficient load density , dunnage should be used
Explain full procedure of loading heavy lift on top of the hatch cover / 1.  Calculate the load density on the hatch cover by using load density plan. If spreader is used weight of the spreader should also be taken in to account
2.  if load density is insufficient Place adequate dunnage or load bearers