(March 22, 2012) Continuing my practice of trying to collect as many of my information tidbits as possible into one somewhat organized email, here are the latest bits and pieces from our worlds. -GR
Technology Clips

·  LibGuides Coming Soon. I am very pleased to report that we now subscribe to LibGuides, an organizing tool used by many colleges for their Internet links pages, their instruction pages, and others (see this page to see how San Jose State is using them). I've been working with Pam Poandl and Stephanie Staley on preliminary planning for using LibGuides, which provide an easy-to-use (really!) tool for updating web pages, and will provide the foundation for the distribution of subject-page updating responsibility to all librarians. I will be sending you a separate email soon detailing the overall tentative plan, our template ideas, etc. For now, feel free to peruse our site, linked on the left side of our Intranet or available directly at http://cabrillo.libguides.com/ (all librarians should have received or will be receiving an account from Pam). There are a number of training videos available, but you need to log in with your account to see them here.

·  Online Clicker Tool. With the growing interest in instruction techniques that involve active student responses, I was very interested to come across a web-based equivalent to the "clicker" systems used by many Cabrillo science faculty and others: PollEverywhere. This has very interesting potential for use in the course-related instruction sessions and L10 review sessions we do every semester. For a sample, take a look at my test poll, at http://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/NTM5MzA1Nzkz (best viewed in "full screen" mode), and enter your vote at http://www.polleverywhere.com/vote (use the numbers listed on the other page).

Library Clips

·  Library Program Plan Presentation. The library's program plan passed with flying colors, only requiring a few minor tweaks. Very receptive audience, with lots of library fans in attendance. Many thanks to Stephanie Staley, Sylvia Winder, and Randall Studstill, all of whom attended and contributed to the presentation!

·  MOBAC Financial Situation. The MOBAC budget committee met recently to review our financial situation for the coming year. With our membership in the umbrella organization PLP, our financial flexibility has been reduced considerably. We will be proposing to the Admin Council that MOBAC discontinue any database support and any external workshop support for the fiscal year 2012/13. For Cabrillo, this means we will be losing our only science database, AccessScience. More on this topic to come.

·  Notes from Sacramento. As usual, the annual meeting of deans and directors from the California community colleges was a rich source of information, background, and perspective. A few items gleaned from last week's sessions:

o  Ebooks: The CC league is still working on possible future collections of e-books, from EBSCO or other vendors. Apparently, we are too big a system for many publishers to be willing to provide deep discounts. In addition, we're hoping to provide future collections/options that would also allow for downloading the books onto personal devices like Kindles, iPads, etc. Definitely stay tuned!

Course-related instruction sessions were mentioned several times as being one of the best marketing and persuasion tools we have, very effective in winning the hearts and minds of classroom faculty, and not solely an effective method for helping students understand information research within a context that is highly relevant to them.

o  Surveys: The Chancellor's Office has posted the results of recent systemwide library surveys. A wealth of perspective can be found in these reports: it seems most libraries have lost staff, reduced hours, increased database spending, etc. - just like us. Find surveys at this link.

Computer books on Safari. A number of libraries have discontinued most/all purchases of print computer books, and switched to subscribing to Safari Books Online, a resource that I will definitely be investigating!

Chancellor Jack Scott spoke to the group for the first time ever (he's been invited every year), & provided some very interesting perspective on the Student Success Task Force process and issues. Nutshell: they wanted to get these student success conversations going. Imagine a smiling Jason Robards who happens to be very knowledgeable about libraries and community colleges...

o  Library Trends. Every year the attendees compile a list of current issues, for later discussion and for prioritizing during the meeting. This is one of my favorite elements in these meetings, as I always see our own core issues echoed strongly in the list. This year's highest priority issues identified were:

§  Student Success Task Force

§  Basic skills activities

§  Defending the database budget (especially with the statewide purchase)

§  Re-purposing reference desk staff

§  Statewide library catalog & ILS systems

§  Accreditation standard 2C

§  E-book strategies being pursued

§  Mobile access

§  Librarians working with online classes (online CRI sessions - what a concept!)

§  Library management succession

§  One-shot librarian workshops (CRI)

§  Service reduction planning

§  Social media

§  Building renovations

Campus Clips

·  VP of Instruction Plan. During Renee's two-month absence, Kathie Welch and Wanda Garner will be sharing the primary lead role for Instruction. Many of Renee's activities were distributed among all the deans. Think good thoughts in Renee's direction, and be patient with the infrastructure and processes within Instruction.

·  Campus Climate Survey Available. The complete results of the 2010 Campus Climate Student Survey are now posted on the PRO website. As usual, the library and all of the learning centers scored very highly with students. For the past two surveys, the library has no longer been the highest rated center. The most highly rated learning centers, for both the 2008 and 2010 surveys, were the Watsonville ILC as #1, the Math Learning Center as #2, and the Library as #3. Way to go everyone!

·  English & Math Faculty Meeting. A historic meeting was held on Wednesday, with over 60 Math and English faculty from Cabrillo and the local high schools gathering to discuss student preparation and expectations. Meetings like these can definitely contribute considerably to smoother educational progress for future Cabrillo students.

·  Section Cuts Coming for 2012/13. Division deans are working with program chairs on plans for cutting sections for 2012/13, in preparation for potential drops in enrollment with the last fee hike and for the possibility that the tax initiatives fail. Summer session will have no evening classes in Watsonville (we lost an L10 section on this one), and more classes will likely be identified for Spring than for Fall, so we can restore them if the enrollment numbers allow us.

·  CPC SPRAC Reports. Four SPRAC reports were submitted at this week's CPC meeting, all eliciting discussion:

o  High School outreach position (reporting to Margery). Concern was voiced about the possible impact of this one - conversations will continue.

o  Watsonville Center technology LIA being reduced one month (Summer). The Watsonville CTC has been closed summers for several years now.

o  College Bank staff being reduced 4 hrs/week each, with shorter Friday hours planned starting in Summer.

o  Two of 5 vacant custodial positions being eliminated. We may find ourselves emptying our own trash cans, as M&O tries to stretch its staff across a growing number of buildings.

·  Budget Status. This continues to be a very grim time, with no change to the $2.5 million cuts needed by July 1 and the potential of an additional $2.7 million if the tax initiatives fail to pass. These are mind-boggling numbers, and are definitely having a considerable impact on the nature and the functioning of the college. Sadly, some of our colleagues from all job types will be losing their jobs as of July. Things will not be business-as-usual, and many activities which have been expected in the past will simply no longer be options. We must be patient, and we must be strong.
