Board of Selectmen Open Session Meeting Minutes
October 9, 2014
October 9, 2014
At 6:30 p.m., Chairman Carol Lisbon called the meeting to order with members James P. Dawley, Jr. and Robyn Hunter present. Also present were David W. Ramsay, Town Administrator; Greer Pugatch, Assistant Town Administrator, and Mona DiSicullo, Administrative Assistant.
ATTENDANCE: Douglass Lawrence, Warrant Committee; Robert Springett, Capital Budget Committee
PRESS: Jackie Gentile, Dover-Sherborn Press
Review FY16 Selectmen, Police and Highway Capital Budget Requests
David Ramsay explained the boiler plant replacement at the Caryl Community Center planned for FY16. Preliminary reports indicate that there is some flexibility with the timing of the replacement, and this project could be moved out to another year. Mrs. Lisbon suggested moving it out to FY18.
The estimate for the FY16 repair and painting of the Apparatus Floor at the Fire Department has increased due to the expansion of the scope of the project. The most costly element is the replacement of the original floor as sections are buckling and coming up, likely due to moisture. When the sections are replaced, the floor surface will need to be treated with epoxy paint to seal as well.
With regard to reroofing of the Town House, slates have been replaced when necessary, and the Town is still within industry standards. A rough estimate of $600,000 was given by the Town architect for the replacement of the roof with similar slate. The item remains in FY18 but the roof is evaluated every year based upon slates that are loose and any leaks.
Chief McGowan clarified his Capital Budget request for three vehicles in FY16, two unmarked cars (chief, detective) and one marked patrol vehicle. Given the trade-in values of the three cars, he estimated that the Town would get three vehicles for a net increase of $10,000 instead of following the regular rotation which will buy another eight years. This is basically the 2-1-2-1 rotation and does not extend the fleet, but it replaces existing vehicles. Mrs. Lisbon asked that the spreadsheet be redone reflecting the Chief’s car as a separate item.
Mr. Dawley moved to approve the Police Capital Budget request as submitted in the Chief’s memorandum of September 10 with one amendment to the spreadsheet, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously approved.
Mr. Ramsay noted that there were no FY16 changes to the Highway Capital Budget from last year’s items although prices have been updated. The highway equipment inventory list was reviewed followed by a discussion of requested equipment, their uses, and costs.
The Board held off on approving this budget until the October 23 meeting.
Vote on Town’s Right of First Refusal to Purchase MGL c.61B Property Located at 39 Farm Street
On September 23, 2014 the Board of Selectmen received a notice regarding the conversion of a parcel of land at 39 Farm Street from Recreational Use under MGL c.61B to Residential Use. Under MGL, c.61B this notice triggers a Right of First Refusal to purchase this parcel by the Town. After requesting due diligence reports from the Planning Board, Open Space Committee, Board of Health, Conservation Commission, and Dover Land Conservation Trust, it was determined that there was no special reason for the Town to acquire the parcel.
Mr. Dawley moved to refuse the option to exercise the Right of First Refusal on 39 Farm Street, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously voted.
Mr. Dawley moved to appoint Alexia Pearsall to the Caryl Management Advisory Committee for a two-year term replacing Mary Hable, seconded by Mrs. Lisbon; it was unanimously voted.
Mrs. Lisbon moved to reappoint LaVerne Lovell to the Board of Appeals for a three-year term, and Michael Donovan and Alan Fryer each for one-year terms as Associate Members, seconded by Mr. Dawley; it was unanimously voted.
Mrs. Lisbon moved to appoint Nancy Storey to the Board of Registrars for the Republican Party for a three-year term, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously voted.
Mrs. Lisbon moved to appoint Paul Tedesco as the Hazardous Waste Coordinator for a three-year term, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously voted.
Mrs. Hunter moved to reappoint to the Conservation Commission, John Sullivan and Tim Holiner each to three-year terms and Larry Clawson for a one-year term as an Associate Member, seconded by Mr. Dawley; it was unanimously voted.
Mrs. Hunter moved to reappoint Bob DeFusco to a three-year term on the Finance Committee on Roads, seconded by Mrs. Lisbon; it was unanimously voted.
Mrs. Hunter moved to reappoint Janet Comiskey-Giannini and Thomas Johnson each for three-year terms on the Historical Commission, seconded by Mrs. Lisbon; it was unanimously voted.
Mrs. Lisbon moved to appoint David W. Ramsay and Greer Pugatch as Male and Female Ombudsmen, respectively, for one year, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously voted.
Approve Fiscal Year Calendar
Mrs. Lisbon suggested sending the FY15 calendar to the chairs of the Warrant Committee and the Capital Budget Committee. Mrs. Hunter suggested sending it to the School Committee to keep them informed of warrant dates.
Mrs. Lisbon moved to approve the FY15 calendar, as submitted, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously voted.
Mrs. Lisbon informed residents that the Warrant will be opened on November 20, 2014 and closed on January 16, 2015.
Approve 911 Training and Support Grant Acceptance and Expenditure Request
The Council on Aging received a gift of a 42x24 inch work table from one of its members to replace a card table.
Mr. Dawley moved to accept the gift, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously approved.
Mr. Dawley moved to approve a grant in the amount of $44,640 to be used for 911 training and certification of an officer as required by the state and for tuition and salary reimbursements, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously approved.
Meetinghouse Hill Neighborhood Association Traffic Complaint
Chief McGowan received a complaint by an individual representing the Association regarding the excessive speed of traffic at the corner of Springdale Avenue and Church Street. The Chief will, on a temporary experimental basis, reconfigure the corner so it is more of a right angle. Mrs. Lisbon noted that there have been complaints about that area in the past.
Mrs. Lisbon moved to approve the process as explained by the Chief, seconded by Mr. Dawley; it was unanimously approved.
November 4, 2014 State Election Warrant
The Board needs to execute the State election warrant with four ballot questions for November 4, 2015. A Special Town Election will be run concurrently to approve the acquisition of debt for the purchase of 46 Springdale Avenue which was approved at the Special Town Meeting. Mrs. Lisbon urged residents to come out and vote and clarified that if residents want to acquire the property and take out $5.55 million in bonds, vote “yes.” If residents do not want to acquire the property, vote “no.”
Mrs. Hunter moved to approve the State election warrant, seconded by Mr. Dawley; it was unanimously approved.
Appoint Firefighter and Field Hockey Coach as Special Municipal Employees
Michael Petrangelo, a transfer station employee, was appointed as a call Firefighter in the Fire Department. Katlyn Fabri, a Teacher’s Aide at Chickering School, was appointed as the middle school field hockey coach. Mr. Dawley commended them for performing different jobs and helping out the town, and Mrs. Lisbon added that it is wonderful to have town employees step forward for the Fire Department, as well.
Mrs. Lisbon made a motion to approve, pursuant to G.L. c.268A, s.20(f) the request of the Fire Chief to exempt Michael Petrangelo’s interest in a call firefighter position from the prohibition of G.L. c.268A, s.20, and to authorize Michael Petrangelo to serve as a call Firefighter under the direction of the Fire Chief; provided that the Fire Chief first certifies to the Town Clerk that the services to be provided by Michael Petrangelo as a call Firefighter cannot be performed by a current Fire Department employee as part of his/her regular duties, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously approved.
Mrs. Lisbon moved to approve, pursuant to G.L. c.268A, s.20(b), the exemption of Katlyn Fabri’s interest in providing field hockey instruction for the Recreation Department from the prohibition of G.L. c.268A, s.20, and to authorize Katlyn Fabri to provide field hockey instruction under the direction of the Recreation Department; provided that the Director of Recreation first post a public notice of the opportunity; and thereafter, also certifies to the Town Clerk that the services to be provided by Katlyn Fabri as a class instructor cannot be performed by a current Recreation Department employee as part of his/her regular duties, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously approved.
Other Business:
Special Licenses (10)
Ten special licenses were delineated: September 25 at the Connors Center; September 26 at the Connors Center; September 30 at the Connors Center; October 2 at Elm Bank; October 2 at Elm Bank; October 3 at the Connors Center; October 9 at the Connors Center; October 11 at the Connors Center; October 15 at Elm Bank, and October 17 at Elm Bank.
Mrs. Hunter moved to accept all licenses as delineated, seconded by Mr. Dawley; it was unanimously approved.
Reserve Fund Transfer – Building Maintenance
Mrs. Hunter moved to accept the Reserve Fund Transfer in the amount of $1,214.72 to cover the increase in hours of a part-time union employee by 16 hours per week for four weeks due to the unforeseen medical leave of another union employee. Seconded by Mr. Dawley; it was unanimously voted.
Reserve Fund Transfer – Accounting
Mr. Dawley moved to accept the Reserve Fund Transfer in the amount of $1,461 which was supported by an approved prior notice in August, for additional assistance in the Accounting office due to medical reasons, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously approved.
Winter Rapid Recovery and Repair Reimbursement
In addition to Chapter 90 funds the town received, additional monies were made available to municipalities due to the unexpected harsh winter last year.
Mrs. Lisbon moved to approve a request for $42,131.78 for resurfacing Hartford Street and line painting at various locations, seconded by Mr. Dawley; it was unanimously approved.
Approve August 27 and September 3, 11, and 16, 2014 Open Session Meeting Minutes
Mr. Dawley moved to approve the meeting minutes of August 27 as submitted, seconded by Mrs. Lisbon; it was unanimously voted.
Mrs. Hunter moved to approve the meeting minutes of September 3 as submitted, seconded by Mrs. Lisbon; it was unanimously voted.
Mr. Dawley moved to approve the meeting minutes of September 11 as submitted, seconded by Mrs. Lisbon; it was unanimously voted.
Mrs. Lisbon moved to approve the meeting minutes of September 16 as submitted, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously voted.
At 7:35 p.m. Mr. Dawley moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Hunter; it was unanimously voted.
James P. Dawley, Jr., Clerk