Where have you been?

Final Report

Where did you travel this summer? Where do you wish you had traveled? Where would you like to travel in the future?

Using your previous presentation and first report, composea FINAL REPORT includingthe following information:

  • One interesting natural feature (beach, mountains, rainforest, etc.)
  • Geologic history of the area (This is NOT human history of the area.) (Each bullet should be a paragraph.)
  • What is the name of the nearest fault-line? What type of plate movement occurs at this fault? How active?
  • Does this location experience earthquakes? If so, how strong? How often? If not, why not? Explain how earthquakes occur and why some locations experience them and others do not.
  • Are there volcanoes in the vicinity? If so, name, how often do they erupt? If not, why not? Explain the types of volcanoes and how volcanoes are created.
  • Are there mountains nearby? What type of mountain? How old are they? How did they form? Explain the types of mountains, how they form, and why mountains are in some locations and not others.
  • What watershed is this area a part of? Where does the nearest river originate and to where does it flow? Does this river form delta, alluvial fan, or oxbow lakes?
  • Is there a beach in the region? If so, explain how beaches form, include the source rock, age of beach.
  • Are there glaciers in the region? If so, explain what type of glacier and how they have changed in recent years.
  • What fossils are common to the area? Explain how fossils form.In which era/period/epoch did those organisms live? Do these organisms still exist? Have they evolved? How did they go extinct?
  • Weather patterns of the area (Each bullet should be a paragraph.)
  • Climate of the area (average yearly temperature & precipitation)
  • Has climate change affected this area?
  • Describe severe weather common to the area (thunderstorms, hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, etc – how often do they occur? Describe historic events.)
  • Describe recent unusual weather events
  • What type of weather did you experience while you were there? Why? (Season, frontal movement, etc) Or – during what season would you like to travel here and what weather do you expect to experience?
  • Exploited rock/mineralresources of the area (Each rock type should be a paragraph. Include at least 3)
  • What types of rocks or minerals are found in the area? Are these rocks igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary rocks? How did they form? Are any of them mined? How are they collected? For what purpose are they used?
  • Widely used energy source of the area
  • How is electricity produced in the area? How is electricity generated from this source? What type of pollution is created as a result of this source?
  • What sources of alternative energy do they use? (Wood is not an electrical source!)
  • Human Impact of the area. How has development changed the landscape? Have rivers been rerouted or dammed, why? How has that affected the area? Has human development caused the extinction of plants/animals? How has/will climate change, sea-level rise affect this area?
  • Pictures (preferably with you in them!) included with appropriate topics.
  • Sources listed in APA format.

Report must be received, electronically, to Dr. Turner on or before ______

This report is a test grade.

Your report should be typed and organized with the above major sections titled:

  • Geologic history, Weather patterns, Exploited rock/mineral resources, Energy Resources, Human Impact, Sources.

Your report should be written in complete sentences and in proper paragraphs containing correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

You must include sources for any information you have obtained. Include a Sources section in which you list your sources per APA format. Use the website “son of citation machine” to properly format your source page.

Pictures should be included with the appropriate information. For example, pictures of me in the rain with an umbrella at the beach would be included with the weather information.

Your report should be submitted electronically via email to or to my flash drive. No paper reports will be accepted.

Your report must be turned in on the due date. Every day late will be deducted 10 points. After 10 days, the report will receive a score of 0.

Students who share reports will also share the grade. Do not allow your friends to copy or otherwise use the information from YOUR report unless you are also willing to share your grade with them.

Where have you been?Name______

Final Report Grading RubricPeriod _____

Direction / Answer / Student / Teacher / Points Possible / Points Earned
One interesting natural feature / 5
Geologic History
Nearest fault line / 5
Earthquakes / 5
Volcanoes / 5
Mountains / 5
Watershed / 5
Beach / 5
Glaciers / 5
Fossils / 5
Climate / 5
Severe Weather / 5
Recent unusual weather / 5
Weather experienced during visit / 5
Exploited resources
Rocks/minerals/type (3 / 5
How formed / 5
How collected / 5
Purpose / 5
Energy Resources
Primary Electricity production / 5
Alternative energy / 5
Human Impact
Development/extinction / 5
Pictures in appropriate places / 15
Sources / 10
Point Totals / /125

Report must be received, electronically, to Dr. Turner on or before ______

Report received ______deduction of ______points