Title of Your Report Here

Sub Heading Here

A report for


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Nuffield Australia Project No …

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Executive Summary (Heading 1)

The table of contents is generated by using styles – please use the Microsoft Word standard styles uniformly throughout the document. These heading styles range from Heading 1 through to Heading9. Most reports should only go as far as showing up to Level 3 in the generated contents. However, the report can still use as many levels as is necessary to maintain a well laid out document.


Foreword (Heading 1)

Acknowledgments (Heading 1)

Abbreviations (Heading 1)

Introduction (Heading 1)

Sub-heading (Heading 2)

Sub-heading (Heading 3)


This is the story behind your report. It should include some of the followingtopics , but preferably not in this order. Make this your story in your words, including:


If not relevant leave blank


These should include:


Objectives (Heading 1 – 22pt Arial bold)

This is probably the most important single section of your report. You need to be able to express your objectives in a few (less than 5 ideally) dot points, which will define the content and structure of the rest of your report, and which may be the headings for your Chapters. It is vital to get the Objectives clear, logical and simple. You should make a point during your report of referring back to the objective(s) you are discussing at the time.

Chapter 1: Introduction (Heading 1)

The Introduction should set the scene for your studies. It should

1.Describe the industry by giving essential statistics, and then

2.Fit your topic into that background, with a statement of why it is important and the effect it could have.

Note that the introduction needs to build on the description of your objectives, justifying your selection of the topic you have chosen, point by point. The introduction is the broad overview, which you will put your report into context.

Given these points you will need to plan your report structure. Begin by setting out a list of major points (Chapters), sub headings and points within each sub-heading. Time spent here will save a lot later. Planning like this will allow you to write each Chapter separately, so that, if there is a hold-up getting some information, you can go on with another Chapter.

Note that you are now into the body of your report. You must write accurately, concisely and formally. There is no place for your opinions – from now on you need to be able to give evidence for every statement of fact.

Chapters (Heading 1 – 22pt Arial bold)

Sub-heading (Heading 2 – 14pt Arial bold)

Normal text here (12pt Calibri normal). As a rule of thumb please start all bullet points with:


It is most important that you reference any statement of fact in your report. This shows the reader that your arguments are based on evidence, rather than on your opinion, which is the difference between writing a report and an opinion piece.

Plain English Compendium Summary

As part of the Final Report requirements, authors need to provide a one page, plain English Compendium summary along with each Final Report in electronic and hard copy format. A template for the summary can be found below, following the completed example.

Note that this one-page summary will be read by people without expertise in the field of study. It should be written in plain English and stand-alone as a summary of the research.
Project Title: / Name of project
Nuffield Australia Project No.:
Scholar: / Include Name/s
Organisation: / Include name & address of research organisation
Background / NB: If this project is following on from previous work in an earlier project then also include that Project Code and title
Publications / Indicate where research has been published and if research has been presented at conferences or updates - include details.