Application Deadline: February 6, 2015

This scholarship was created to honor Barbara McCarthy and her dedication, commitment, and leadership within the field of education for persons with visual impairment in Virginia. The intent of this award is to provide financial assistance to students with exemplary academic achievements and who demonstrate a high level of interest in supporting the needs of persons with visual impairments.

The 2015 VIRGINIA AER scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student who has been admitted as full time student at an accredited college or university. The student should either be a resident of Virginia or be enrolled in a training program in Virginia. The institution of higher education is to be one that prepares individuals to work with people who are visually impaired. The scholarship may be granted prior to enrollment, but verification of enrollment is required before scholarship funds are paid.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applicant must be a resident of Virginia or a person enrolled in a VI training program in Virginia. (Being a resident of Virginia will rate higher on rubric)
  • Applicant must be an undergraduate or graduate student with the intent to pursue licensure in the VI field.
  • Applicant will send the following documents, electronically or by USPS to the committee chair:
  1. Completed application with written statement
  2. Transcript(s) copies, non-official acceptable
  3. Resume/CV
  4. Two (2) letters of recommendation from professionals, including their contact information
  5. AER membership number and expiration date (optional)
  • Special Note Mail the entire application packet post marked by February 6, 2015 to Scholarship Chair listed below or email by same date to . Submissions after February 6th 2015 will not be accepted.

Kimberly Coleman, Scholarship Committee Chair

4128 Duke of Gloucester Drive

Chesapeake, VA23321-4564

  • The Scholarship Committee will notify the scholarship recipient by March 6, 2015. A formal announcement and presentation will be madeMarch 18, 2015 at the annual Virginia AER Chapter General Membership meeting during the 2015 VIRGINIA AERVision Conference inReston, Virginia.
  • The $1,000 award will be distributed one month before the term begins.

For further inquiries or questions about the scholarship, contact

Kimberly Coleman by phone at 757-328-1873

or email at

The deadline for submission is February 6, 2015.

AER VA's mission is to empower, encourage, and educateprofessionals
who work in all phases of education and rehabilitation
of blind and visually impaired children and adults.



Applicant Contact Information

  • Name of Applicant:

Current Mailing Address:

Telephone: Fax: e-mail:

  • Permanent Address:


Name and information of a contact with a permanent address

Name of Contact:Relationship to you:

Contact’s address:

Telephone: Fax: e-mail:

Academic Program

  • Name of college or university you attend or will attend:
  • Contact information of person in charge of your program in visual impairment



Telephone: Fax: e-mail:

  • Current year of study or status and anticipated graduation date:
  • Credit hours to date:Average number of credit hours per year:
  • Grade point average:Major:
  • Advisor’s name and contact information


Advisor's telephone: Fax: e-mail:

Economic Support

List current economic support for your education (self, family funds, loans, other scholarships, etc.)

Statement of Applicant

Describes your career goals, your experience in the field of visual impairment, and your hopes for the coming years in a written statement of 500-1000 words below. Include special experiences or interests that pertain to the mission of VIRGINIA AER (

Applicant’s Written Statement

(please type)

I hereby attest that the above statements and application documentation are factual and true.


Applicant’s SignatureDate

Mail the entire application packet post marked by February 6, 2015 to Scholarship Chair listed below or email by same date to . Submissions after February 6th 2015 will not be accepted.

Kimberly Coleman, Scholarship Committee Chair

4128 Duke of Gloucester Drive

Chesapeake, VA23321-4564

You will receive acknowledgement that your application has been receivedby the email address you provided in applicant contact information.