
Integrated Workshop on Project Standard, Validation and Verification Standard, Project Cycle Procedure and Programme of Activities Standards

Organized by

UNFCCC Secretariat

24-25-26 August 2011

Venue: Hilton

Bonn, Germany

One of the objectives of the 2-year business plan of the clean development mechanism (CDM) adopted by the CDM Executive Board (hereinafter referred to as the Board) at its fifty-ninth meeting is for greater efficiency in the operation of the CDM. The Board has requested the secretariat to consolidate project cycle rules and requirements into clear standards and procedures. The Board further requested the secretariat to revise the regulatory framework for programme of activities in conjunction with aforementioned consolidation work. The Board also encouraged the secretariat to ensure broad consultation on draft deliverables with stakeholders and with relevant panels and working groups before they are made available to the Board for consideration at its sixty-third meeting[1].

Key draft documents to be presented in the Workshop[2]:

1. Project Standard (PS) - contains requirements for the PPs

2. Validation and Verification Standard (VVS) - contains requirements for the DOEs

3. CDM Project Cycle Procedure (PCP), includes provisions for PoAs

4. Standard for the development of eligibility criteria for inclusion of CPAs

5. Standard for the demonstration of additionality of a PoA

6. Standard for sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and PoAs

7. Standard for application of multiple CDM methodologies for PoAs

Aim of the Workshop:

1. Receive inputs on the above listed draft documents through enhanced consultation with the stakeholders

2. Discuss unresolved concerns of the stakeholders and propose possible new solutions for further development of the drafts

Agenda of the Workshop:

Chair of the workshop: Conor Barry, the UNFCCC Secretariat

DAY 1: 24th August 2011, Wednesday
Time / Topic
8.30-9.00 / Registration
9.00-9.30 / Opening Plenary: Saal Rhein
  • WelcomeAddress
James Grabert: UNFCCC Secretariat
  • Proceeding of the workshop and setting expectations
Conor Barry: UNFCCC Secretariat
09:30-10:15 / Location: Plenary Room (Saal Rhein)
Plenary session 1:
1.1-Presentation of the project standard (PS)
Aim, objectives and introduction to the standard with highlight of the new requirements
Pierre Bouchard: UNFCCC Secretariat
1.2- Impressions on the PS from the Project Developer’s perspective
Gareth Phillips: Project Developer Forum
Moderator:Michael Lehmann
10:15-10:30 / Coffee Break
10:30-11:15 / Location: Plenary Room (Saal Rhein)
Plenary session 2:
2.1-Presentation of the validation and verification standard (VVS)
Aim, objectives and introduction to the standard with highlights of the new requirements
Mayuresh Sarang: UNFCCC Secretariat
2.2- Impression on the VVS from the AEs/DOE perspective
Werner Betzenbichler: DOE/AIE Coordination Forum
Moderator: Phillip Gwage
11.15-12:00 / Location: Plenary Room (Saal Rhein)
Plenary session 3:
3.1- Introduction to CDM Project Cycle Procedure (PCP): Philosophy and main procedural changes
Motoharu Yamazaki: UNFCCC Secretariat
3.2- Impression on the PCP from a stakeholder perspective
Felicity Spors : World Bank
Moderator: Steven Gray
12:00-12:30 / Location: Plenary Room (Saal Rhein)
Plenary session 4:
Discussion on the content and adoption of the agenda
Moderator: Conor Barry
12:30-13:30 / Lunch Break
13:30-14:45 / Location: Plenary Room (Saal Rhein)
Plenary session 5:
5.1- Introduction to the standard for the demonstration of additionality of a PoA: Definition of policy and measures PoA and means for demonstrating additionality for each type
Wenxin Li: UNFCCC Secretariat
5.2- Introduction to the standard for the development of eligibility criteria for inclusion of CPAs
Anil Raut: UNFCCC Secretariat
5.3- Perspective of a stakeholder
Stephan Hild
- Q&A Session
Moderator: Gajanana Hegde
14:45-15:45 / Break-out session 1: Saal Rhein, Room Paris, Room Berlin
Break-out groups 1.1:
Measure based PoAs - Demonstration of additionality
  • Views of the stakeholders on the proposed means for demonstration of additionality
  • Situation/issue that may have been missed
  • Possible improvements
Moderators: Dzianis Isakau; Mischa Classen; Patrick Horka
Location: Saal Rhein
Table 1, 2 and 3 / Break-out groups 1.2:
Policy based PoAs - Demonstration of additionality
  • Views of the stakeholders on the proposed means for demonstration of additionality
  • Situation/issue that may have been missed
  • Should there be additional guidance on barrier analysis?
  • Possible improvements
Moderators:Amit Thusu; Wenxin Li
Location: Room Paris
Table 5 and 6 / Break-out groups 1.3:
Table 8
Drafting group on principles and definitions contained in the VVS and the PS
Moderator: Gareth Philips
Location: Room Berlin / Break-out groups 1.4:
Location: Room Berlin
Table 9
Table 10
Project description: What information are needed at the design stage: Content of the PDD
Moderator: Sven Kolmetz
Location: Room Berlin
15:45-16:00 / Coffee Break
16:00-17:00 / Break-out session 2: Saal Rhein, Room Paris, Room Berlin
Break-out 2.1:
Policy and Measure PoA and streamlined eligibility criteria
  • Views of the stakeholders on the different means for demonstration of additionality for Policy and Measure PoA and on the establishment of eligibility criteria
  • Possible improvements
Moderators: Stephan Hild; Gajanana Hegde
Location: Saal Rhein
Location: Saal Rhein / Break-out 2.2:
Frame specific wordings for standard on measure PoA additionality
- Moderator shares inputs received in the previous break-out session summarized by the secretariat (5min)
- Group might be split in smaller groups to look at specific inputs and to propose wordings (35min)
- All proposed wordings are gathered and discussed in the whole group to find consens and allow everyone to comment on the propose draft (25 min)
Moderator: Patrick Horka
Location: Saal Rhein / Location: Room Paris
Break-out groups 2.3:
Eligibility criteria
  • Relevance of the defined criteria
  • Issues that may have been missed
  • Possible improvements
Moderators: Jun Wang; Anil Raut
Location: Room Paris
Table 5 and 6 / Break-out groups 2.4:
Break-out groups 2.4:
Table 8
Drafting group: Local and global stakeholders consultations
And environment impacts
Moderator:Thomas Kleiser
Location: Room Berlin / Break-out groups 2.5:
Location: Room Berlin
Table 9
Table 10
Project description: What information are needed at the design stage: Content of the monitoring plan
Moderator: To be defined during the session
Location: Room Berlin
Break-out 2.1:
Policy and Measure PoA and streamlined eligibility criteria
Views of the stakeholders on the different means for demonstration of additionality for Policy and Measure PoA and on the establishment of eligibility criteria
Possible improvements
Moderators: Stephan Hild; Gajanana Hegde
Location: Saal Rhein
Table 1 and 2 / Break-out 2.2:
Frame specific wordings for standard on measure PoA additionality
- Moderator shares inputs received in the previous break-out session summarized by the secretariat (5min)
- Group might be split in smaller groups to look at specific inputs and to propose wordings (35min)
- All proposed wordings are gathered and discussed in the whole group to find consens and allow everyone to comment on the propose draft (25 min)
Moderator: Patrick Horka
Table 3
17:00-17:30 / Location: Plenary Room (Saal Rhein)
Plenary session 6:
Initial feed-back on the proceedings of the workshop
Wrap-up of the day
Moderator: Conor Barry
18:00 / End of Day 1
DAY 2: 25th August 2011, Thursday
Time / Topic
09:00-09:45 / Location: Plenary Room (Saal Rhein)
Plenary session 7:
Presentation of the process for identification and correction of significant deficiencies
Ariesta Ningrum: UNFCCC Secretariat
Statements of position by the different groups of stakeholders
Moderator:Conor Barry
09:45-11:45 / Break-out session 3: Saal Rhein, Room Paris, Room Berlin
Identification and correction of significant deficiencies in previous validation/verification reports
This break-out session provides for discussion and comment on the new introduced provisions:
  • Principles of liability
  • Definition of significant deficiencies
  • Process of identification and correction of significant deficiencies including the composition of the review team
  • Possible improvement of the process
Moderators: Michael Lehmann; Siddharth Yadav; Gareth Phillips; Susanne Haefeli-Hestvik; Diana Harutyunyan; Werner Betzenbichler; Leo Perkowski;
Tables: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9
11:45-12:00 / Coffee Break
12:00-13:00 / Break-out session 4: Saal Rhein, Room Paris, Room Berlin
Break-out groups 4.1:
Provision for direct communication with stakeholders on case specific matters
This break-out session provides for discussion and comment on the new provisions:
  • Steps of the process where the communication is initiated and timelines
  • Are the current provisions sufficient to ensure a better understanding between the Board/secretariat and stakeholders
  • Possible improvements
Moderators: Werner Betzenbichler; Andrei Marcu; Natalia Orjuela; Fatou Gaye, Leo Perkowski
Location: Saal Rhein, Room Paris
Tables: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, / Break-out groups 4.2:
MoC of PPs with the Board
This break-out session provides for discussion of these new elements on MoC included in the VVS and PCP and to seek stakeholders' views on possible improvements and simplifications to the MoC process.
Groups: ……..
Moderators: Rachel Child; Sana Lingorsky;
Location: Room Berlin
Tables: 8, 9
13:00-14:00 / Lunch Break
14:00-14:45 / Location: Plenary Room (Saal Rhein)
Plenary session 8:
Presentation of the new processes for post registration modifications
Phillip Eyre: UNFCCC Secretariat
Moderator: Leo Perkowski
14:45-1716:4500 / Break-out session 5: Saal Rhein, Room Paris, Room Berlin
Post registration modifications:
This session provides for discussion of the new processes for post registration modifications: modifications requiring prior approval from EB and modiofications where a validation opinion can be provided by the DOE with the issuance request
  • Views of the stakeholders on the situations where each of these processes applies
  • Situation that may have been missed
  • Possible improvements

Break-out groups 5.1:
Modifications requiring prior approval from EB
Groups: ……..
Moderators: Melanie Eddis; Susanne Haefeli-Hestvik; Phillip Eyre, Siddharth Yadav
Location: Saal Rhein,
Tables: 1, 2, 3, 4 / Break-out groups 5.2:
Modifications not requiring prior approval from EB
Groups: ……..
Moderators: Oliver Stankiewitz; Henning Huenteler; Pierre Bouchard
Location: Room Paris
Tables: 5, 6, 7
16:00-1716:15 / End of Day 2Coffee break
16:0015-1618:1500 / Break-out groups 6.1:
Post registration modification: continuation
End of Day 2 / Break-out groups 6.2:
Identification and correction of significant deficiencies in previous validation/verification reports - Continuation
18:00 / End of Day 2
DAY 3: 26th August 2011, Friday
Time / Topic
PLENARY SESSION / Break-out sessions: Room Paris, Room Berlin
9:00-10:00 / Location: Plenary Room (Saal Rhein)
Plenary session 9:
9.1- Introduction of the standard for sampling and surveys for CDM project activities and PoAs
Kenjiro Suzuki: UNFCCC Secretariat
9.2- Introduction to the standard for application of multiple CDM methodologies for PoA
Xing Zhang: UNFCCC Secretariat
9.3- Perspective of a stakeholder
Jelmer Hoogzaad:Climate Focus
- Q&A Session
Moderator: Peer Stanstian / Location: Room Paris
Break-out session 6.1:
Monitoring requirements:
Should the PS contain more requirements on monitoring? e.g. how to choose monitoring regime, practical aspects of monitoring, accuracy and calibration requirements…
Location: Room Paris
Tables: 5
Location: Room Berlin
Break-out session 6.2:
Work on digitization: Needs and way forward
Moderators: David Sturt
Location: Room Berlin
Tables: 8
Location: Room Paris
Break-out groups 6.3:
What information should be contained in the verification reports?
Moderators: Leo Perkowski
Location: Room Paris
Table: 6
10:00-11:00 / Break-out session 7: Plenary room / Break-out Session: Room Berlin, Room Paris
Presentation of the Draft Best Sampling Practices Examples:
Focusing on Sample Size Calculation.
Ms: Eleanor Allan
Location: Saal Rhein, / Location: Saal Rhein,
Break-out groups 7.1:
Sampling guidelines for PoAs with homogeneous CPAs
  • View on the defined conditions and characteristics for homogeneous CPAs
  • Are the proposed conditions for homogeneous CPA appropriate and practical?
  • Issues that may have been missed
  • Possible improvements
Groups: ……..
Moderators: Nikunj Agarwal; Inga Fisher;
Location: Saal Rhein,
Tables: 1 and 2 / Location: Room Paris
Break-out 8.1:
Inputs for improvement of the PS, VVS and PCP
This session provides the opportunity to stakeholders to propose means of improvement of the current PS, VVS and PCP drafts
Moderators: Gareth Phillips; Susanne Haefeli-Hestvik;
Location: Room Paris
Tables: 5 and 6
Break-out groups 8.2:
Inputs for improvement of the VVS
This session provides the opportunity to stakeholders to propose means of improvement of the current VVS draft
Moderators: Madlen King
Location: Room Berlin
Table: 9
Location: Room Berlin
Break-out groups 8.3:
Inputs for improvement of the PCP
This session provides the opportunity to stakeholders to propose means of improvement of the current PCP draft
Moderators: Werner Betzenbichler;
Location: Room Berlin
Table 10
Break-out groups 7.2:
Sampling guidelines for DOE verification of PoAs
  • View on the defined criteria for sampling during verification
  • Are the proposed confidence/precision and other methods for DOE verification appropriate?
  • Issues that may have been missed
  • Possible improvements
Groups: ……..
Moderators: Michael Lehmann; Thomas Kleiser
Location: Saal Rhein,
Tables: 3 and 4
Location: Room Berlin
Break-out groups 7.3:
Application of multiple CDM methodologies for PoA
  • Clarity of the requirements defined in the standard
  • Should there be further guidance on interactive effects between technology/measures applied?
  • Issues that may have been missed
  • Possible improvements
Moderators: Gajanana Hegde
Location: Room Berlin
Table 8
11:00-11:15 / Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 / Break-out session 9:
This break-out session aim at providing stakeholders the opportunity for discussing other topics related to the procedure or the standards that were not covered previously
Break-out groups 9.1:
Consolidation by the moderators/rapporteurs of the input on the different topics discussed during the break-outs
  • Excess issuance CERs
  • Post registration changes
  • Direct communication with stakeholders and MoCs
Location: Room Paris
Tables: 1: Excess issuance CERs
Table2: Post registration changes
Table 3: Direct communication with stakeholders and MoCs / Break-out groups 9.2:
Consolidation by the moderators/rapporteurs of the input on the different topics discussed during the break-outs on PoA related standards
Location: Room Berlin
  • Tables 8: PoA additionality standard
  • Table 9: PoA applictaion of multiple methodologies
  • Table 10: PoA Sampling
, 9, 10
PoA related standards
Location : Saal Rhein, Room Berlin:
Table 1: Eligibility criteria
Break-out groups 9.3:
To be defined based on proposals from stakeholders
Location: Saal Rhein
Tables: 1, 2, 3, 4
12.30-13:30 / Lunch Break
13:30-14:45 / Location: Plenary Room (Saal Rhein)
Plenary session 10:
Feed-back from the break-out discussion on the PoA standards: Issues identified, recommendations and way forward
  • PoA additionality and application of multiple methodologies: Felicity Spors
  • Eligibility Crietera: Jun Wang
  • PoA Sampling
  • DOE verification: Jun Wang
  • Homogeneous CPs: Nikung Agarwal
- Discussion
Moderator: Peer Stiansen
14:45-16:15 / Location: Plenary Room (Saal Rhein)
Plenary session 11:
Feed-back from the break-out discussion on key issues: recommendations and way forward
  • Identification and correction of significant deficiencies: Michel lehmann
  • Post registration modifications processes: Siddharth Yaddav
  • Provision for direct communication with stakeholders on case specific matters : Leo Perkowski
- Discussion
Moderator:Felicity Spors
16:15-16:30 / Coffee Break
16:30-17:15 / Location: Plenary Room (Saal Rhein)
Plenary session 12:
Feed-back from the break-out discussion for the improvement of the PCP, VVS and PS: recommendations and way forward
  • Registration: Melanie Eddis
  • Verification: Gareth Philips
  • Information required in the monitoring report:Jenny Peetrmans
- Discussion
Moderator: Gareth Phillips
17:45-18:15 / Location: Plenary Room (Saal Rhein)
Closing Remarks
DOE/AIE Coordination Forum
NGO representative
UNFCCC Secretariat
18:15 / End of Day 3 and end of the workshop
13:30-14:45 / Location: Plenary Room (Saal Rhein)
Plenary session 10:
Feed-back from the break-out discussion on the PoA standards: Issues identified, recommendations and way forward
PoA additionality and application of multiple methodologies: Felicity Spors
Eligibility Crietera: Jun Wang
PoA Sampling
DOE verification: Jun Wang
Homogeneous CPs: Nikung Agarwal
- Discussion
Moderator: Peer Stiansen
14:45-16:15 / Location: Plenary Room (Saal Rhein)
Plenary session 11:
Feed-back from the break-out discussion on key issues: recommendations and way forward
Identification and correction of significant deficiencies: Michel lehmann
Post registration modifications processes: Siddharth Yaddav
Provision for direct communication with stakeholders on case specific matters : Leo Perkowski
- Discussion
Moderator: Felicity Spors
16:15-16:30 / Coffee Break
16:30-17:15 / Location: Plenary Room (Saal Rhein)
Plenary session 12:
Feed-back from the break-out discussion for the improvement of the PCP, VVS and PS: recommendations and way forward
Registration: Melanie Eddis
Verification: Gareth Philips
Information required in the monitoring report: Jenny Peetrmans
- Discussion
Moderator: Gareth Phillips
17:45-18:15 / Location: Plenary Room (Saal Rhein)
Closing Remarks
DOE/AIE Coordination Forum
NGO representative
UNFCCC Secretariat
18:15 / End of Day 3 and end of the workshop


[1] EB 60 Annex 27, paragraph 6.

[2]The draft documents will be available to participants one week prior to the workshop.