1.0CALL TO ORDER: at 7:05pm in the meeting room at Crescent Point Place. In attendance were Lee Walz,Glenn Thunberg, Kelly Waehrer, Rhonda Klein, Kathy Meier, Dirk Brouwer, Jeremy Rehman, Terena Tomlinson, Ann Fraser, Mike Higdon, Roxy Ganser, Mel Angeltvedt, Wes Schmidt, Terry Christensen, and Jeanette Knox

2.0MINUTES FROM JANUARY 5th,2011: were read. Kathy Meier moved the minutes as read; Ann Fraser 2nd, carried!



9.2 Hockey players going to Europe during Provincials

5.0Treasurers & Booth Report:

January’s end balance is $54, 993.76 Kelly Waehrer moved the treasurer’s report and Rhonda Klein 2nd!

The Booth’s end balance for January is $28,762.93! Terena Tomlinson moved the booth report & Roxy Ganser 2nd!


7.0Reports from Officers

7.1 Registrar: Everything is wrapping up! The coaching certificates are currently being worked on! For next year, it is required that ALL initiation coaches be certified. Talk about this in the fall.

7.2 Equipment Manager:Everything is going good. Our jersey bags are in rough shape, so we have some on order. We are also in need of a puck catcher. Wes also reports that the bantam girls look really good in their new uniforms. Also, we seem to be losing a lot of pucks this year. We had 350 pucks at the start of the season and we are down to 150! We are out of Lg white socks. Wes is unsure wither or not to order any, due to the possibility of new jersey’s(which means new socks). Kathy Meier said that the midgets can just order their own if they require them!

7.3 Booth Coordinator:Kathy reports that we were down from last years Minor Hockey Week. This year we had free coffee and donuts, which was a hit! We made $860.00. One suggestion for the money was a popcorn machine for the booth. Kathy will look into this and we will decide next meeting. Kathy also reports that in March the booth won’t be open as much during some practices. It doesn’t pay to have the booth open for 4 hours and only make $40.00!

7.4Ref-in-Chief:Jeremy reports he hasn’t had to cancel any games. We will do what we have to do to get the league playoffs and provincial games played. That means we might have to pay some mileage fee’s to make this happen!

7.5Ice Conveynor:Kevin was absent!

7.6Advertising Rep: Mel reports that 45 signs are up, 17 signs are sold (12 are printed & 5 are waiting proofs) Mel wants to invoice himself, so Glenn is going to send out the invoice template that he used when he was the advertising rep. Melwould like to propose that next year we do a 2-3 year contract with the board sign sponsors.


8.1Provincials: Glenn proposes that PMH donates free coffee for the senior provincials! The executives all agree! We will be putting up sign up sheets for anyone wishing to volunteer their time for that weekend. Kelly will be putting up on the website asking for help from the association! Kathy would like to book the popcorn machine from Servus Credit Union for that weekend!

New Business

9.1Satellite: we haven’t got the satellite dish for the play room yet… Kathy doesn’t want it now until next season (October/2011). It’s not necessary to pay for a dish during the summer months!

9.2Hockey Players going to Europe during Provincials: there have been some issues arising in regards to players going to Europe during provincials. A scout comes and evaluates our players (peewee age) and they select what they like and those players go and tryout in August/September! The players will find out in November if they make the team. Then they travel to Europe to play in April; usually right when our provincials are. This will be our second time that this has happened to our association. What Mel is asking is that at the beginning of the season, the coaches are to be notified by the player/parents up front if they tried out for this Europe team. Mel is also asking that at the beginning of the season, the player/parents commit to your blades team. The executive will back up the coaches on this each year! We may want to say something at the Fall Registration meeting in regards to this to let all the members know.

10.0Next meeting-March 2nd, 2011 the CPP at 7pmin the meeting room!

10.0ADJOURNMENT: 7:52pm