26 April 2010

WinACC Management Group (trustees)


It is recommended that the Management Group approve the draft role profiles for WinACC Chairman and Vice-Chairman and the terms of reference of the trustee appointment panel for the new chairman.
Robert Hutchison has announced that he intends to stand down from being Chairman of WinACC at the 2010 AGM, the date of which is likely to be 2 October.
The trustees meeting in January 2010 asked the Chairman and co-ordinator to bring a paper to the April trustees’ meeting addressing:
1.  Chairman role profile and person spec.
2.  Vice-Chair role profile and person spec.
3.  The terms of reference of a small group of trustees to oversee the appointment of a new chairman
4.  Ideas about a Vice-chair who might work alongside the chairman with the intention of standing as chair at the 2010 AGM.
5.  Suggestions about anyone who might be co-opted as a trustee.
It is suggested that items 4 and 4 on this list are better handled at the meeting. This paper therefore addresses items 1 to 3.
For discussion and decision

Chairman role profile, person spec and selection criteria.

1.  Robert has been working full-time for WinACC as chairman. We cannot assume a new chair will allocate as much time nor that they have such a wide range of skills.

2.  The essential aspects of the role are:

Leadership: vision, direction, and the ability to enthuse people


·  Ensuring that the trustees carry out their governance responsibilities effectively;

·  Chairing meetings;

·  Managing executive director (co-ordinator)

Ceremonial and representative functions e.g. speaking at AGM, launching events, liaison with chief funders and partners

3.  Robert has also undertaken the other following essential activities. They sit well with the role of Chairman and could be done by a future chair, but it is also possible to identify another WinACC member to carry them out:

Influencing people with power

·  Chairing WDSP HQEG and, as a result, membership of the WDSP Executive (chairmanship is the decision of the HQEG, not WinACC)

·  Pushing / persuading / supporting Winchester City Council and Hampshire County Council and others to adopt climate change strategy and action plan, resource it and implement it


4.  Appendix 1 recommends the role profile and person specification for the chairman.

5.  Appendix 2 recommends the role profile and person specification for the Vice-chairman.

6.  Appendix 3 recommends the terms of reference for a small committee of trustees to guide the process of appointing a new chairman.

Author Chris Holloway

Date: 12 April 2010

Appendices Attached: 3

Appendix 1: Draft WinACC Chairman role profile and person spec

Purpose of the role:

1.  To provide leadership for WinACC

2.  To head the trustees in effective governance of the charity.

3.  To supervise and support the head of staff, and ensure an effective relationship between the trustees and the staff/volunteers

4.  To be a spokesperson and figurehead for WinACC with stakeholders and community

Specific tasks

·  Plan and prepare for trustee meetings and the AGM with Executive Director.

·  Chair trustee meetings ensuring:

o  A balance is struck between time-keeping and space for discussions.

o  Business is dealt with and decisions made.

o  Decisions, actions and deliberations are adequately minuted.

o  The implementation of decisions is clearly assigned and monitored.

·  Support and supervise the Executive Director.

·  Ensure that a successor is found before the term of office finishes.

Essential Qualities

1.  Commitment to WinACC and its mission, values and approach

2.  A good knowledge of the broad range of issues linked to climate change;

3.  Live in Winchester district.

4.  A willingness to devote the necessary time and effort.

5.  A willingness and ability to provide leadership for a diverse organisation with strongly held and varied opinions;

6.  Tact, diplomacy and powers of persuasion. The desire to choose constructive debate and dialogue over confrontation and the ability to draw together differing views, guide discussions and reach a consensus;

7.  The communication skills to engage and enthuse people individually and in groups.

8.  The ability to work with partner organisations

9.  Good judgement and independence of mind.

10. A willingness to work collectively as part of a group.

11. The skills to run a meeting well.

Desirable Qualities

12. Experience of fundraising

13. Willingness to raise funding

14. Experience in the public sector

15. Experience in business

16. Experience of campaigning

17. Experience of working with volunteers

Main Activities

·  Chair the quarterly meetings of the trustees

·  Attend the Co-ordinating Group (minimum four meetings per year) which advises the trustees on policy direction and implementation

·  Maintain close contact with the Executive Director (Aka Coordinator) and provide guidance and advice;

·  Represent WinACC at events (in co-operation with others on the Co-Ordinating group);

·  Represent the Forum at the meetings with Winchester City Council, Hampshire County Council and other significant partners

Time Commitment: two days per month, preferably an average of one day a week.

Remuneration: There is no payment but expenses can be reimbursed.

Appendix 2: Draft WinACC Vice-Chairman role profile and person spec

Purpose of the role:

To support the Chairman in

·  providing leadership for WinACC

·  effective governance of the charity.

·  Supervising staff

·  Being a spokesperson and figurehead for WinACC with stakeholders and community

Specific tasks

·  Support the chairman to plan and prepare for trustee meetings and the AGM.

·  Chair trustee meetings when the chairman is unavailable

·  Ensure that a successor is found before the term of office finishes.

Essential Qualities

1.  Commitment to WinACC and its mission, values and approach

2.  A good knowledge of the broad range of issues linked to climate change

3.  Live or work in Winchester district

4.  A willingness to devote the necessary time and effort

5.  A willingness and ability to work collaboratively in support of the chairman and to work collectively as part of a group.

6.  Tact, diplomacy and powers of persuasion.

7.  Good judgement.

8.  The skills to run a meeting well.

Desirable Qualities

9.  Experience of fundraising

10. Willingness to raise funding

11. Experience in the public sector

12. Experience in business

13. Experience of campaigning

14. Experience of working with volunteers

15. The communication skills to engage and enthuse people individually and in groups.

Main Activities

·  Attend the quarterly meetings of the trustees

·  Attend the Co-ordinating Group (minimum four meetings per year) which advises the trustees on policy direction and implementation

·  Represent WinACC at events (in co-operation with others on the Co-Ordinating group);

·  Represent the Forum at the meetings with Winchester City Council, Hampshire County Council and other significant partners when the chairman is unavailable

Time Commitment: 2 days per month.

Remuneration: There is no payment but expenses can be reimbursed.

Appendix 3: Terms of reference trustee appointment panel for a new chairman


To agree the final content of the recruitment pack and wording of the recruitment advertisement, role profile, person specification

To agree the process for selection in accordance with WinACC’s Equality and Diversity Policy

To recommend to the trustees the constitution of the selection panel


Two or three trustees, not including the current chairman.

Advised by the Executive Director (co-ordinator).

