
Telephones: (+34) 625 19 43 21 (Spain)

(+1) 618-972-2541 (U.S.)

Nationality: Irish, U.S.A.

Address: 1605 W. Taylor Dr.

Carbondale, IL 62901 (USA)


1987-1989 Master’s in Applied Linguistics, specialization in syntax and semantics. Author of linguistics articles and book chapters.

1982-1987 Bachelor’s in German, minors in History, Japanese and Art History.


2009-2016 Lecturer in English, Southern Illinois University. Carbondale, IL, USA. Teach academic writing, academic readiness skills and cross-cultural training to native and international students.
2001-2016 Freelance translator and linguist, Barcelona, Spain and Carbondale, IL, USA. Linguistic consulting, translation (Catalan and Spanish into English) and proofreading of texts.

1996-2001 Academic Director of the Institute of North American Studies (IEN), Barcelona, Spain. Managed the English program and translation service. In parallel, translated for private clients.

1992-1996 English teacher at the Institute of North American Studies (IEN), Barcelona, Spain. Coordinated the English programs at Pompeu Fabra University and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Translator for the IEN. Published several articles in international journals and performed workshops at both local and international conventions.

1988-1989 Assistant editor of an academic journal, Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages, at Southern Illinois University.


HISTory /

SOCIAL SCIENCES: Catalan Historical Review (Annual journal published by the Institut d’Estudis Catalans)

Catalan Social Sciences Review (Annual journal published by the Institut d’Estudis Catalans)

Historical Analysis of Catalan Identity (book issued by the Institut d’Estudis Catalans)

El Català (book on the Catalan language and Catalonia published by the UAB)

Son Marroig (guide to Talayotic and pre-Talayotic culture and their vestiges in Mallorca, published by the Institute of Tourism Strategy of the Balearic Islands)

Palma Gòtica (history and architecture guide published by the Institute of Tourism Strategy of the Balearic Islands)

PolIticS /

EuropeaN UNION: Walk In and Campus (two news magazines published by the Open University of Catalonia)

Infoeuropa (new publication by the Patronat Català Pro Europa)

L’ampliació (new publication by the Patronat Català Pro Europa on the European Union enlargements)

Biannual Report on the European Union (news publication by the regional government of Catalonia’s delegation to the European Union in Brussels)

Món.Cat (news publication by the Patronat Catalunya Món on Catalonia’s international relations)

Yearbook of the School of Peace Culture (publication outlining the main conflicts and peace processes around the world) and other publications for the School of Peace Culture, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Studies on micro-credit (Euro-Med Institute)

Studies on municipal government (UDITE)

EURODITE study on the knowledge economy in Catalonia


Urban PLANNING: Fedenatur – Lectures on environmental/rural planning

The Same Landscapes (Gustavo Gili Publishers)

Landscape Plus (Gustavo Gili Publishers)

Instituto geológico y Minero de España. Studies on the geography and Geomorphology of Mallorca.

Faculty of Geography of the UAB – studies on demographics and urban geography

Barcelona Town Hall – urban planning/architecture routes around Barcelona

CREAF – 20 Years (retrospective publication by an environmental agency)

The Socio-environmental Patrimony of the UAB Campus, Institute of Environment Science and Technology, UAB

Focus-Abengoa Foundation (translations on its cultural activities: the School of Energy and Climate Change)

Art /

ArChitecture: Paper Theatres (exhibition catalogue, Frederic Marès Museum)

Joma (book on the artist, Edicions del Mediterrani)

Expo Aichi 2005

Museums for the 21st Century, Josep Maria Montaner (Editorial Gustavo Gili)

Josep Puigmartí (exhibition catalogue, UAB)

Ramon Herreros (Edicions del Mediterrani)

Josep Mª Montaner, Museums for the 21st Century (Gustavo Gili Publishers)

Antoni Amatller (exhibition catalogue, Frederic Marès Museum)

L’Art Cristià (history of the Saints Museum of Olot)

Josep Iglésias del Marquet (exhibition catalogue, Jaume Morera Art Museum, Lleida)

Loft Architecture (Taschen)

Focus-Abengoa Foundation (translations on its cultural activities: the School of the Baroque)

Joaquim Capdevila, The Neuer Schmuck in Barcelona (book on contemporary jewelry, Frederic Marès Museum)

Numismatics (exhibition catalogue, Frederic Marès Museum)

Juan Gris (Museo del Prado)

Pre-Columbian Art (exhibition catalogue, Frederic Marès Museum)

Susana Solano (Gustavo Gili Publishers)

Leandre Cristòfol (exhibition catalogue, Jaume Morera Art Museum, Lleida)

Amador Domènech (Gustavo Gili Publishers)

Art and Jewelry / Art and Watches (international trade magazine on jewellery, art and watches)

Antoni Solà (exhibition catalogue, Frederic Marès Museum)

Juan Muñoz (exhibition catalogue, MACBA/La Central Publishers)

Francesc Torres (exhibition catalogue, MACBA)

Manolo Laguillo (exhibition catalogue, MACBA)

ArCHAeologY: MARQ (Archaeology Museum of Alicante) – script for the promotional video and brochure texts

Clos Archaeology Foundation – translation of exhibition catalogues (The Lady of Kemet, Ill Skeletons – Paleopathology, Terra Cottas, etc.)

National Underwater Archaeology Museum (ARQVA)

The Aborigines (dissertation on kinship among the aborigines of Australia

FINANCES / BUSINESS: IESE Business School- Translations of articles for the magazine IESE INSIGHT on finances, IFREI studies (Index of Family-Responsible Enterprises) and case studies

PSYCHOLOGY Revista de Psicología Social, Cultura y Educación and Psyecology [sic] (Routledge/ Taylor & Francis)

Numerous academic articles and dissertations from the Fundacion Vidal Barraquer/Blanquerna

GASTRONOMY / Brochures and magazines for hotels (Hotel World

TOURISM: Trade Center, Masia Can Portell, Hotel Ritz, Derby Hotels Collection, SH Hoteles, Meliá Hotels) Translation of cookbook for the Fundación Dieta Mediterránea

Articles on the food, architecture, monuments, art, festivals and landscapes of Catalonia, Tarragona (Tourism Board of Tarragona) and the Balearic Islands (Institute of Tourism Strategy)


My clients include the following:

Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)

Clos Archaeology Foundation

Department of Universities, Research and the Information Society (DURSI) – regional government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya)

Derby Hotels Collection

Design Museum of Barcelona

Fira de Barcelona (trade fair association)

Focus-Abengoa Foundation

Frederic Marès Museum

Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje

Generalitat de Catalunya – Department of the Presidency, delegation to the European Union in Brussels

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

Gustavo Gili Publishers

Hotel Ritz

IESE Business School

Institute of Tourism Strategy of the Balearic Islands

Institut d’Estudis Catalans

J. V. Foix Foundation

La Central Publishers


Meliá Hotels

Museo del Prado

Open University of Catalonia (UOC)

Patronat Catalunya Món (formerly Patronat Català Pro Europa)

Reina Sofia Museum

SH Hoteles

School of Peace Culture, UAB

Statistical Institute of Catalonia


Tourism Board of Tarragona

Universidad de Barcelona (UB)


Mary C. Black

Tel.: (+1) 618-972-2541