Linton Village Hall Management Committee

Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 17th January 2015 at10.00am

Agenda item / Discussion / Action by
1.Welcoming remarks and apologies / Present
Miss Liz Davies, Mrs. Sandra Hampson
Ms. Clair Hodgson Ms. Lynn Hodgson,Mrs. Sue Jones (Treasurer) ,
Mrs. Fiona Morison (Secretary), Mrs. Janet Taylor, (Chairman ) Mrs. Carol Wood
Apologies:, Mrs. Liz Denbigh, Mrs. Ursula Stewart
Welcome to visitors. There were 27 people in attendance at the meeting.
2.Minutes of meeting Jan. 2014
3. Matters arising / Copies of the 2014 minutes and accounts were circulated via email and the website to the general public prior to the meeting. Paper copies were also available at the meeting.
Accepted and signed by acting Chairman, Janet Taylor.
Proposed by Mr. Paul Taylor
Seconded by Mr. Ian Houston
Mrs. Stewart raised the issue of heating during the WI meeting. JT reminded the meeting that the purpose of the new heating is to provide a background heat in order to maintain the fabric of the building and to make the hall generally less cold and damp to meet in. It is not intended to replace additional heating necessary to make the hall comfortable enough to sit/work in. The overhead heaters are still needed to boost the temperature of the hall to the desired level. The wall heaters have been set to come on at specific times andshould not be altered. Our thanks to Ben Casson for setting the heaters and making the protective timer covers. On behalf of the Community Lunches, Howard Lower noted that he also used extra heating in the committee room.
Mrs. Jennifer Baker noted that if we extended the background heating period, this would negatively impact on the cost of hiring of the hall.
Ms. Lynn Hodgson noted that the timers have to be set on a weekly, not a monthly cycle. Therefore alterations are difficult to make for a monthly meeting.
Ben Casson explained that the overhead heaters did not heat the air by convection in the same way as the wall heaters, and that might explain why some people disliked this style of heating.
Janet Taylor suggested that during the next year, we could seek advice about better insulation for the hall. She will also investigate the cost of 2 more convector heaters to be placed in the committee room.
4. Chairman’s Report / Mrs. Janet Taylor read a statement for the Chairman’sReport. (Annex A). She also thanked Mrs. Sandra Hampson, who is stepping down this year, for all her help in running the 100 Club and as a trustee of the village hall.
5. Treasurer’s report / Treasurer’s Report.
The documents relevant to the Treasurer’s report were widely circulated to the village in advance of the meeting. The following issues were noted:
  • The hire cost of the hall has remained the same as in 2014, yet the heating costs have gone up from £560 to £1230. We hope that this figure will diminish because the heating is now longer altered. The LVHC cannot turn the heating on for longer periods because of the consequent cost. Roger Davies noted that our hire income has dropped as our maintenance expenditure has increased.
  • The committee is trying to encourage increase usage by investigating the possibility of updating the IT facilities of the hall.
  • More than £5000 was raised via general fundraising. Much of this money is ploughed back into maintaining the building.
  • £4000 has gone into the property maintenance fund. It now stands at £13,815 and will cover emergency repairs not covered by insurance.

6. Secretary’s report / Fiona Morison read out her Secretary’s Report, (Annex B).
7. Events Committee Report /
  • A short film made by Paul Taylor was shown, depicting events in the Village. This was much enjoyed by all.
  • The Fete organised with the church was very successful – a success which we hope to build on. We also hope to continue our catering links with the Music Festival.
  • More musical events are planned, plus the jumble sale, craft fairs, skittle and darts competition, coffee mornings and a new venture, a Wellness Event. It was suggested that a fashion show might be popular!
  • The committee thanked Denise Pegrum for offering to run the 100 Club

8. Elections for the committee 2015 / Elections for the Committee.
  • Mrs. Sandra Hampson stepped down.
  • All other members present agreed to continue their role on the Committee, and were re-elected. This was proposed by Jim Stewart and seconded by Ken Downham.

  1. AOB
/ BT Infinity
  • Mr. Jim Stewart advised the meeting of the problems he had had with BT Infinity.
  • The discussion which followed focused on the need for the whole community to insist that we all need a secure, faster and more reliable connection to the internet.
The website
  • Tina Tupper showed the meeting the new website. It was suggested that more films and photographs should go on it, but Clair pointed out that we had safe guarding responsibilities.
  • Tina stressed that wherever possible, email addresses should be used as a contact point, rather than a phone number. Users should also be aware of protecting their user name and password, and that they had virus protection software.
  • User groups are urged to populate their sites as soon as possible.
  • Testimonials might also encourage more bookings.
  • Website links would also be useful the Festival and also to local
  • Jim Stewart offered a vote of thanks to Tina.
Hearing Aid devices
  • Within our community, there are those who are hard of hearing
  • NHS hearing aids can be linked to our sound system, but not of any other type.
  • Ian Houston offered to investigate this and liaise with Janet.
Some thank yous………….
  • Julie Houston proposed a vote of thanks to Janet and the committee.
  • Janet also thanked the committee and noted that people work well together, play to their strengths and find friendship and fun.
  • Ken Downham observed that new people brought new ideas to the village and that our activities have evolved over time.

10 Meeting Closure /
  • The meeting was formally closed at 12noon.
  • Refreshments were served.

11. Date of the next meeting / 16th. January 2016 is a suggested date.