Ms. Verdi & Mrs. Ferrara’s First Grade News

Week of October 31st

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A-Art B- P.E. C-Media D-P.E. E-Music

Phonics–short vowel followed by /k/ sound, use –ck. “short vowel, lonnnnnggg spelling”

Find 5 or more words with -ck and write them in your homework journal.

Challenge - Choose 3or more words and write them in sentences.

sock sick pack buck speck


Read every night for 10-15 minutes.

Sight Words

If your child has word cards in their reading bag, please help them memorize them and practice them nightly. Once they know the word automatically, you can remove them from the bag for future practice. In addition to the words in their bags, please help them practice the sight words below.

into bigblueallshe

Math– Look for math sheets marked Homework.

In your homework journal, write all the addition partners to 10.

Math Terminology

sum – the answer to an addition equation

count on – moving forward in counting

partners to 10 – two numbers added to get 10

whole – the total amount or all of the parts

part – a piece of the whole

addend – any numbers being added together

add – to put groups together to find the total or sum

plus – the symbol used in addition +

expression – math phrase without an equal sign, 2+1

equation or number sentence – a written sentence using numbers and the +, -, = signs

Science/Social Studies – We are learningabout fairy tales with similar themes that originated in Egypt and Ireland. Similarly your child will hear folktales from around the world that features people who are no bigger than the size of a thumb, “Tom Thumb”, from England; “Thumbelina,” from Denmark; and “Issun Boshi,” from Japan. Please talk with your child about character, setting, plot, and conflict (or problem) of the folktales and fairy tales.


** Monday, October 31st – Autumn Party

**November 8- No school – Professional Development

**November 11 – No School, Veterans Day

Look for our log on information. You can download the app on most electronic devices to read at home. The children have started using Raz-Kids in class as well as ESPARK. ESPARK is an app that focuses on each child’s weaknesses.As always, thank you for your continued support!!

*As a reminder, please make sure all homework is handed in on Friday.

* The weekly newsletter can be found on our website as well.