Week 1/2– English

Outcomes / Activities/Content / Equipment / Evaluation/Comments
Talking S1.1 Listens to and express different point of view about their family and the families of others. / Use Big Mac and family photo to present each student’s family
-who they live with
-number of brother/s and/or sister/s and ages / Family photos
Big Mac Switch
Board maker
Reading S1.5 Reads a variety of literary and factual texts. / Uses a range of literacy materials to read about:
-Types of families
-Family membersliving together / Books:
Me and my Mum
Me and My Dad
Writing WS1.11
Uses knowledge of sight words and letter-sound correspondences and a variety of strategies to spell familiar words. / Matching family members pictures
Cut out each letter of the word (Mum, Dad, sister brother) “___”, match and paste together to form the word. / Meville – R # 4 – Make 2 copies for matching
Big Mack
Work sheets

Week 3/4 – English

Outcomes / Activities/Content / Equipment / Evaluation/Comments
Talking S1.1 Listens to and express different point of view about their family and the families of others. / Use Big Mac and family photo to present each student’s family
-cultural events
-ethnic background
Learn “Hello” in different languages / Family photos
Big Mac Switch
Board maker
Families – Book
Look up languages on internet - Maltese, Filipino, Greek, Arabic, Italian, Chinese, Chile
Reading S1.5 Reads a variety of literary and factual texts. / Uses a range of literacy materials to read about:
-ethnic background
-cultural events / Books:
- Families
Writing: WS1.9
Plans, reviews and produces a small range of simple literary and factual texts for a variety of purposes on familiar topics for known readers. / Print out “hello” in different languages and decorate by colouring and collage materials / Hello in different languages – Large A4 size

Week 5/6- English

Outcomes / Activities/Content / Equipment / Evaluation/Comments
Talking S1.1 Listens to and express different point of view about their family and the families of others. / Use Big Mac and family photo to present each student’s family
extended family (aunts, uncles, grandparents, niece, nephew)
Discuss the names that we call our grandparents / Family photos
Big Mac Switch
Board maker
Posters of extended families
Reading S1.5 Reads a variety of literary and factual texts. / Uses a range of literacy materials to read about:
- extended families / Books:
Our Granny
Grandpa’s shorts
Aunt Nina’s visit
Writing WS1.9
Plans, reviews and produces a small range of simple literary and factual texts for a variety of purposes on familiar topics for known readers. / Colour in Grandparent pictures
About grandparents - Cloze Passage / Grandparent pictures
Cloze passage

Week 7/8– English

Outcomes / Activities/Content / Equipment / Evaluation/Comments
Talking S1.1 Listens to and express different point of view about their family and the families of others. / Use Big Mac and family photo to present each student’s family
-biggest event of my family.
-What do you like to do with your family. / Family photos
Big Mac Switch
Board maker
Posters of families doing things together
Reading S1.5 Reads a variety of literary and factual texts. / Uses a range of literacy materials to read about:
-Biggest event in my family
-What families do together. / Let’s go visiting
Going shopping
Family at the beach
Having a picnic.
Birthday party?
Writing WS1.11
Uses knowledge of sight words and letter-sound correspondences and a variety of strategies to spell familiar words. / Cut and paste ‘what I like to do with my family’ BLM.
All about my family BLM / Work booklet
Photos of students family
Glue, scissors, textas

Week 9/10– English

Outcomes / Activities/Content / Equipment / Evaluation/Comments
Talking S1.1 Listens to and express different point of view about their family and the families of others. / Use Big Mac and family photos to present each student’s family.
Discuss what different families do for Christmas eg go to church, exchange gifts. / Family photos
Big Mac Switch
Board maker
Families – book
Reading S1.5 Reads a variety of literary and factual texts. / Use a range of literacy materials to read about:
-Christmas / Assorted Christmas books
Writing WS1.9
Plans, reviews and produces a small range of simple literary and factual texts for a variety of purposes on familiar topics for known readers. / Christmas close passage. (BLM)
Giving and receiving gifts (BLM) / ‘Christmas’ Theme book

Week 1–10 Mathematics

Outcomes / Activities/Content / Equipment / Evaluation/Comments
WEEK 1-2
SGS1.2 Two - Dimensional Space:
Sorts, represents, describes and explores various two-dimensional shapes / Identifying shapes found in pictures and the environment
Identifying line of symmetry on appropriate two-dimensional shapes
Using the terms ‘sides’ and ‘corners’ to describe features of two-dimensional shapes / Thematic Unit Families
Use the ‘Our Place’ model for corners and sides.
doll house.
WEEK 3-4
NS1.1 Whole Numbers
Counts, orders, reads and represents two- and three- digit numbers / Counting forwards or backwards by ones, from a given two-digit number
Identifying the number before and after a given two-digit number
Reading and using the ordinal names to at least ‘thirty-first’ eg. When reading a calendar dates / Thematic Unit Families
Counting family members (immediate and extended)
Ask questions involving two-digit numbers, eg. ‘Why are the houses on either side of my house 32 and 36?’
Activity: Unit Two Meville to Weville: R#123
Discussing birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions and events at school and families.
During morning circle, discuss about the date.
WEEK 5-6
DS1.1 Data
Gathers and organises data, displays data using column and picture graphs and interprets the results / Gathering data and keeping track of what has been counted by using concrete materials, tally marks, words or symbols
Displaying data using concrete materials and pictorial representations
Displaying data using column graphs and picture graphs / Counting family members and track what has been counted using concrete materials.
Counting family members and use pictorial representations, eg there are 5 members in the family; S has 3 members; S has 4 members.
Use family favourites (favourite TV shows, songs, food, movies, books, places)
Thematic Unit Families
WEEK 7-8
MS1.1 Length
Estimates, measures, compares and records lengths and distances using informal units, metres and centimetres / Making and sorting long and short constructions from concrete materials
Using everyday language to describe length
Describing distance using terms such as near, far, nearer, further, closer / Building a house using a cardboard/ coloured paper glued onto an A-4 paper and discuss long and short strips to make up a house. Thematic Unit Families – Joanne pp. 38
Discuss long, short, high, tall, low, the same – (talk about heights of family members – short/tall; houses,
Treasure hunting at the Sensory Garden (make up your own treasure)
Treasure Hunt Place Pictures/Symbols- R# 73 - 76
WEEK 9-10
MS1.2 Area
Estimates, measures, compares and records areas using informal units / Comparing the areas of two similar shapes by cutting and covering
Measuring area by placing identical informal units in rows or columns without gaps or overlaps / Colouring in cut out of a house. Discuss the two houses, similarities and differences. eg. House Template – Student worksheet in the folder.
Discuss the structure of the unit tessellation in terms of rows and columns

Week 1-10Creative Arts

Outcomes / Activities/Content / Equipment / Evaluation/Comments
WEEK 1-2 My Family
Makes artworks in a particular way about experiences of real and imaginary things.
Sings, plays and moves to a range of music, demonstrating an awareness of musical concepts. / General Family Tree
(magazine cut and paste)
Individual Family Tree
Students to bring in photos of their immediate family/ carers and Grandparents.
Listen to Songs from CD and sing along and dance. / ‘Paper plate book’ pg 33
Paper, Paint, scissors, glue, textas
Magazines (cut out pics of family members)
Tree template (A3 paper)
Leaf templates
Individual Family photos
Paint, glue, scissors
‘We are family’ and
‘Three is family’ songs
‘Dance to your Daddy’
WEEK 3-4 Culture
Makes artworks in a particular way about experiences of real and imaginary things.
MUSIC S1.2 Explores, creates, selects and organises sound in simple structures. / Cultural Collage(magazine cut and paste)
Family mobile (general or personal)
Musical instruments to Cultural music / Paper, scissors, glue
Magazines (cut out pics of different families)
‘Thematic Unit Families
Paper, Paint, scissors, glue, textas
Individual Family photos
‘World Music’ and/or ‘Aunt Wendy’s Mob’ songs
 Musical instruments
WEEK 5-6
Realises what artists do, who they are and what they make.
DRAMA S1.1Takes on roles in drama to explore familiar and imagined situations. / Paddle pop stick people attached to CD
Paper doll chains
Dress up as family members and act out family situations. / Paddle pop sticks
Craft CDs
Coloured wool (for hair)
Glue, scissors, textas
Paper face templates or cut out faces from magazines.
Paper, scissors, textas
Dress up clothes. Eg-
shirts, dresses, hats, glasses, shawl, etc.
WEEK 7-8 Events
Makes artworks in a particular way about experiences of real and imaginary things.
Sings, plays and moves to a range of music, demonstrating an awareness of musical concepts. / Assorted Christmas Craft (Up to individual classes)
Sing songs and act out or do actions. / Paper Plate Craft -
pgs 46-56
Assorted pictures
Five in the Bed’ and “Five
cheeky children jumping on
the bed”
Big mack switch
Merrily merrily - ‘Ging gang
WEEK 9-10 Celebrations
Uses the forms to make artworks according to varying requirements.
DRAMA S1.2Conveys story, depicts events and expresses feelings by using the elements of drama and the expressive skills of movement and voice.
Sings, plays and moves to a range of music, demonstrating an awareness of musical concepts. / Assorted Christmas Craft (Up to individual classes)
Act out story of ‘Red Riding Hood’.
Sing Christmas carols and songs. / Paper Plate Craft -
pgs 46-56
Assorted picture
‘Little Red Riding Hood’ script and Red riding hood cape
Big mack switch
Step-by-step communicator switch
Christmas CDs

Week 1 -10 HSIE

Outcomes / Activities/Content / Equipment / Evaluation/Comments
WEEK 1- 2
SSS1.8 Identifies roles and responsibilities within families, schools and the local community, and determines ways in which they should interact with others. / Discuss roles and responsibilities of family members.
Who looks after me?
Thank you cards to parents – BLM – Send one home for each student / Pictures, Posters
Stimulus pictures
Meville – R # 44-46

WEEK 3-4
CUS1.3 Identifies customs, practices, symbols, languages and traditions of their family and other families / Discuss the types of food people eat in different cultures
How do people eat?
Cultural day with Upper C - Taste food from different cultures. / Pictures of people eating and cooking – Stimulus pictures
Pictures of different types of food
Food – pastitzies, gelato, fried rice, lamington spaghetti bolognese
WEEK 5-6
SSS1.8 Identifies roles and responsibilities within families, schools and the local community, and determines ways in which they should interact with others. / Discuss roles and responsibilities of extended families
Write a story about “A day with ______” Use PCS
Invite a grandparent to talk about their role. / Pictures, Posters
Stimulus pictures
Paper, textas
Jenny Howlet, Lorraine Daw


ENS1.5 Compares and contrasts natural and built features in their local area and the ways in which people interact with these features. / Discuss a special event that has happened in your family.
Discuss things that families do together.
Go on holiday
Have picnics
Eat together
Share pictures of family events.
Have a picnic in the sensory garden\park to show how families spend time with each other. / Posters
Family pictures of students
Plates, cutlery, picnic blanket etc.

WEEK 9-10

ENS1.6 Demonstrates an understanding of the relationship between environments and people / Look at pictures of families celebrating Christmas.
Discuss what is happening in each picture
Decorating tree
Exchanging gifts.
Mum and dad helping children. / Posters ‘the Christmas tree’ and ‘Christmas time’

Week 1 -10 PDHPE

Outcomes / Activities/Content / Equipment / Evaluation/Comments
WEEK 1-10
Outcomes from Student IEP’s / Student IEP’s

Week 1 -10 Science & Technology

Outcomes / Activities/Content / Equipment / Evaluation/Comments
Week 1-2 My Family
DMS1.8 Develops and Implements own design ideas in response to an investigation of needs and wants. / Grassy head family (Plant seeds and watch them grow)
Washing dolls in a bathtub. / Stockings
Potting soil
Grass seeds
Water tub/bubbles
Week 3-4 Culture
PSS1.5 Grows, makes or processes some products using a range of techniques and materials.
INVS1.7 Conducts guided investigations by observing, questioning, predicting, collecting and recording data, and suggesting possible explanations. / Look at Family slideshow on computer.
Cook fried rice and Spaghetti bolognaise.
Look at pictures of different family cultures and compare differences. / Family slideshow (Jo)
Cooking ingredients and equipment needed.
Large posters of families (assorted)
Week 5-6 Grandparents
LTS1.3 Identifies and describes ways in which living things grow and change. / Sequencing cut and paste worksheet- how families grow and change.
Grandparents word matching activity on computer. / Thematic Unit Families – Joanne pg.14
Go to click on grandparents.
WEEK 7-8 Events in your family
ESS1.6 Identifies and describes ways in which people and other living things depend upon the earth and its environments. / Sequence cut and paste worksheet- Morning to night.
‘Who am I’ worksheet
Look at pictures of different family outings.
Household Chores: Washing and drying dishes at meal times and/or in water tray. / Thematic Unit Families – Joanne pg.21
Thematic Unit Families – Joanne pg.41
Large posters of family outings (picnic, party, wedding, etc.) and Stimulus pictures (library)
Water tray/tub, bubbles
Dishes/tea set
Tea towel

Week 9-10 Celebrations

LTS1.3 Identifies and describes ways in which living things grow and change. / Look at pictures of mothers and their babies.
Matching cut and paste worksheet- Animal mothers and babies. / Large posters of families (assorted)
Thematic Unit Families – Joanne pg.50-51

Courtesty of William Rose School