Department of Early Education and Care

Planning for FY 2009 Grant Programs: Purpose, Funding and Timeline (Proposed)

Assume FY08 level funding for all current grantees; DOE will run allocation formula by end of March/April. RFRs to be posted in early May with a due date of June 27, 2008. Funds awarded by September 1, 2008 with some changes to grant requirements. Subject to Federal appropriation levels.
Federal Special Education Funding (“262”) / Supplemental federal preschool funds from Section 619, Part B of IDEA for inclusive early education and care programs for three to five year old children with disabilities.
Pass-through from federal government to local school districts/charter schools based on two part formula: 1996 base distribution per child count; and incremental additional funding based on number of children living in poverty and K-12 population per district. / ·  ~$7.54 Million
·  Grants to 306 school districts, serving ~14,300 3, 4 and 5 year old children with disabilities. / ·  DOE will run allocation formula by end of March/April. No significant changes expected.
Assume FY08 level funding for all current grantees. RFRs to be posted in early May with preliminary awards announced in June awarded by July 1, 2008 with some changes to grant requirements.. All subject to budget language and appropriation levels.
If new funding becomes available, seek Board review and approval of distribution criteria.
Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Classroom Quality / Promote school readiness, support and enhance the quality of services for all children and especially for children at-risk of school failure and/or poor developmental outcomes within a mixed public and private service delivery system. / ·  ~$5.6 Million ($4.25 for grantees originally funded in FY07 and $1.25 for six-month grants for new FY08 grantees).
·  4,800 children in 313 UPK classrooms (includes preliminarily selected grantees) in 226 sites (125 classroom quality grantees (originally funded in FY07) -plus- 101 preliminarily selected new grantees).
·  Initiated implementation evaluation. / ·  Annualized funding of $6.8 Million for full year of on-going costs to same grantees; adjust based on enrollment.
·  Pending funding availability, continue evaluation.
·  Change to accreditation requirement for family child care providers pending, FY09 budget language.
Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Assessment Planning / Support programs to help implement a developmentally appropriate assessment system in order to position them for participation in the UPK program in future years. / ·  70 preliminarily selected agencies including 306 programs with the cost of $1.1 Million to fully fund. / ·  Funding subject to appropriation.
Preschool Direct Services
(Formerly known as Community Partnerships for Children) / Provides financial assistance opportunities for preschool children living in low-income families, children deemed at-risk, and children with special needs to participate in early education and care programs that promote their healthy development and school success. / ·  $47.6 Million
·  ~11,600 children served by 148 local grants, serving 332 communities.
·  Implementation of consistent eligibility policies across EEC financial assistance programs. / ·  Continuation funding to FY08 grantees at current funding levels.
·  Administrative changes in development.
·  Enhancing data collection to gather child specific information.
·  Moving toward electronic billing opportunities.
·  Continue research on current CPC rate structure to move towards alignment with QRIS.
Community Partnerships for Children Local Planning and Coordination / ·  ensure equitable access to EEC financial assistance and information on high quality early education and care options for families;
·  facilitate access to resources for providers to increase program quality;
·  identify workforce development needs and resources to facilitate access;
·  support family education and activities at the local level; and
·  coordinate and collaborate with local, regional, and state resources to maximize services to families / ·  $14.2 Million
·  147 local grants, serving 330 communities / ·  Continuation funding to FY08 grantees at current funding levels.
·  Define further requirements for the role/function of local Council and move toward greater consistency across communities.
·  Potential expanded role related to UPK and/or age groups.
State Supplement for Head Start Programs / To improve quality at Head Start programs by reducing staff turnover and increasing access to Head Start services for additional children. / ·  $9 Million
·  30 grantees
·  Reporting requirement changes were implemented. / ·  Continuation funding to FY08 grantees at current funding levels.
·  Align data collection with UPK Quality criteria.
Massachusetts Family Networks (MFN) / Provide child development information and support through parent- child playgroups, activities designed to enhance parenting skills and support the parent as the child’s first teacher, adult education and family literacy activities and respond to requests for services andreferrals. / ·  $5.2 Million
·  22,000 families with 29,000 children, ages birth-3 years old served in 42 programs across 164 communities. / ·  Continuation funding to FY08 grantees at current funding levels.
·  Greater coordination with other family support grant initiatives.
Parent Child Home Program
(PCHP) / Home-based parenting, early literacy, and school readiness program for at-risk families with 2 and 3 year old children. / ·  $2.25 Million ($100,000 of this amount is used to for PCHP programs in approximately 33 family child care homes.)
·  833 families served by 25 grantees. / ·  Continuation funding to FY08 grantees at current funding levels.
·  Greater coordination with other family support grant initiatives.
Joint Family Support Program (JFSP) / Joint funding to provide a coordinated approach to family outreach, education, and support in communities with high concentrations of families who are low income and at-risk; establish stronger linkages in a community among EEC-funded family support programs with a focus on joint PCHP/MFN programming. / ·  $850,000
·  ~ 300 families via the PCHP portion of this funding (of which 70 are expected to be families experiencing homelessness) by 11 grantees. / ·  Continuation funding to FY08 grantees at current funding levels.
·  Evaluate impact of the JFSP model.
Mental Health Consultation / To eliminate or reduce the number of suspensions and expulsions of children from EEC funded programs; enhance staff competencies to work with behaviorally challenged children, thereby benefiting all children enrolled in the program; strengthen parenting skills and parent involvement; and promote collaboration for better access to services for children and families. / ·  ~$2.03 Million
·  ~1,500 children served by10 grantees, serving 128 communities.
·  Reporting format and content updates implemented. / ·  Continuation funding to FY08 grantees.
·  Allow for some training activities related to grant goals. Consider including language to boost infant-toddler participation.
Building Careers / Assists early education and care and out-of-school time providers to earn an AA or BA degree. Enhances the ability of early education and care providers to plan and implement curriculum, and to assess young children. The program promotes inclusion of children with special needs in early education and care programs and is designed to help non-traditional students succeed academically and professionally. / ·  ~$1,02 Million ($100,000 DOE/ $548,100 Supplemental Budget)
·  ~500 educators and ~400 ECE scholarship recipients served through 21 grantees.
·  The role of the coordinator was expanded. / ·  Funding subject to appropriation.
Professional Development
CPC [1] / Provide professional development opportunities for staff in early education and care programs.
/ ·  $1.37 Million
·  125 (July 07-Dec 07), 114 (Jan 08-June08) Community Partnerships Councils.
·  Developed new consistent service and reporting requirements for CPCs and CCR&Rs in delivery of professional development opportunities, including: alignment of training with core competency areas, limited number of non-credit bearing trainings offered, development of single regional on-line training calendar, etc. / ·  Continuation funding to FY08 grantees with the same requirements.
Accreditation / Provide support to early education and care programs seeking NAEYC and NAFCC accreditation including, but not limited to, reimbursement of fees, mentoring and consultation.
/ ·  $1.72 Million
·  114 Community Partnerships Councils / ·  Continuation funding to FY08 grantees.
·  Encourage CPCs to collaborate regionally. Priority will be given to joint applications.
·  NAEYC primary accreditation system for center-based programs.
·  NAFCC primary accreditation system for family child care programs.
·  Will consider other accreditation systems to determine compatibility with NAEYC – other systems would have to prove they are equivalent.
·  Revision of data requirements to include # of children served in accredited programs and more detail on number of programs in process of accreditation per CPC.
Assume FY08 level funding awarded by July 1, 2008 through a competitive process.
RFRs to be posted in early May with preliminary awards announced in June. All subject to budget language and appropriation levels.
Early Childhood Resource Centers / Provide resources and materials to parents, educators, and the general public on child development. / ·  $60,000
·  6 sites / ·  $60,000
·  EEC is seeking to contract with public libraries to coordinate the dissemination of this wealth of resources and to create broader access to these resources for parents and for all EEC initiatives.
Quality Improvement (License Plate Funds) / Promotes school readiness, school success, and positive outcomes for children by supporting and enhancing the quality of services being delivered to children in early education and out of school time settings across the Commonwealth. / ·  $ 705,171 (to date through 3 grant rounds in FY08: July, Oct & Feb.)
·  54 grantees / ·  Revised RFR to be posted in September 2008 for ~$200,000 (to be discussed by Board at future date).

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[1] In FY08, 16 CCR&Rs received a total of $1,588,000 through a contract amendment aligned with the requirements included on the CPC grant renewals. Funding to be continued in FY09 with similar priorities and requirements (e.g., data reports, training calendar and evaluations, etc.)