Counseling Division
July 7, 2013 – 9:00 to 11:00 am
SSA 219
Presiding: E. Colocho, Chair of the Counseling Division
Meeting was called to order at 9:10 a.m.
1. Chair’s reports/announcement
The chair announced that this year there would be 21 unpaid days. Reporting illnesses and emergencies were discussed. Programs might be affected but bottom line, students are first.
2. Farah Saddigh, Chair Math Department
- There was discussion regarding the Math Placement Test. Math Instructors will be taking the Math placement test. Math department would like to revalidate the math placement test.
- Some students are not satisfied with math placement results. In this case students will be referred to math chair with petition. The Math chair will shared her office hours later.
- There were questions regarding Fast Track. The chair informed that she will find out and let us know.
- The Math Lab will try to make 7 tutors available plus volunteers.
- Follow up will take place at next Counselor’s meeting on August 2013.
3. Dan Ruiz, Retention Counselor
- Three handouts were distributed (data, studies)
- In Fall there will be workshops for FYE, Financial Aid, Probation, and Dismissal. There will also be a pilot program for Students on academic and progress probation. Students who have attended the workshops will be receiving e-mail to their LACCD student e-mail.
- Suggestions were made by Dan to improve the DEC screen S011 and show a flag or sign for probation.
- Students who are on the dismissal list, provided by Dan, get one hr. appointment. Students on academic or progress probation need half hour appointment. This procedure will be conveyed to the info desk so the appropriate appointment times will be given to the said student.
- Data from the studies in 2012-13 showed 600 students served; 58% of student population wish to transfer; AS and AA degrees are low; retention has improved with the new resources students had since 2011 (workshops, FYE, and Career Fairs, eFiles).
4. Shiela Millman, Financial Aid
- Effective as of 7/18/13, Financial Aid will need students who have applied and are eligible for financial aid to submit a “Satisfactory Academic Progress” form to keep progress reports in the counseling office and satisfy Financial Aid that the student is maintaining record of their progress through Counseling. The goal of the form is to cut Financial Aid Traffic.
- Forms will be filled out with student and Counselor and the Info Desk will walk over to Financial Aid.
- A Student Educational Plan must be in file
- Low GPA and excessive drops and if transcript shows student received degree will be reason for disqualification
- The form will be placed in a cubby by the Info. Desk/Drop in Counseling.
5. Barbara Christie, STEM Program
- Brochure was passed around
- STEM hours are 9-5 and Barbara’s office hours are 10-12.
- Dan will get an assignment to work with the STEM academy this summer.