Lesson Plan Course: Resource(s):
Big Mathematical Idea:
Learning Outcome(s)Outcome: N7.5
Develop and demonstrate an understanding of adding and subtracting positive fractions and mixed numbers, with like and unlike denominators, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically (limited to positive sums and differences). [C, CN, ME, PS, R, V] / Indicators that will be met
b. Model addition and subtraction of positive fractions and/or mixed numbers using concrete or visual representations, and record the process used symbolically.
f. Determine the sum or difference of two positive fractions or mixed numbers with unlike denominators and explain the strategy used.
Learning Goal: Students will be able to: Represent fractions with fraction strips
Model addition and subtraction of fractions with fraction strips, create common denominators using fraction strips as a guide, and add and subtract fractions using symbolic representation.
Prerequisite Knowledge Students will require an understanding of mixed numbers vs improper fractions, how to write fractions both ways, and have some understanding of equivalent fractions
Math Goals that will be met
Logical thinking, number sense, special sense
Process Standards: Comm, Connections, Reasoning, visualizaion / Adaptations:
Technology Required? SMARTboard / Teaching materials: Handouts, manipulatives?
Fraction Strips, Handouts
Lesson Outline:
Learning target: I can add fractions, even if the denominators are different!
Advance planner?
Set? Matching card activity upon entrance (Check with Laurie to see that they will be able to do something!)
Set norms for interactions in this class. Students should be in pairs based on entrance activity. They will need to work quietly, raise hands. There will be lots of opportunity to share and dialogue.
Mistakes are welcome! We need a starting point for learning! Don’t feel like yu have to answer everything (or anything!) correctly. If you aren’t comfortable speaking out, ask me to move on and come back to you later.
Some behavioural issues re: working in pairs, working with manipulatives
Vocabulary: numerator, denominator, mixed number, improper fraction, equivalent fraction
Development (including examples) (attach lesson notes if necessary) Notebook lesson and guided notes.
This lesson may run two days, since I don’t know how quickly students will work through the review pieces. I hope to get to working with fraction pieces on the first day, but if we move slowly we will get there tomorrow.
Actions: (Model, group, pair, individual guided practice) Pair work with manipulatives
Summary: (exit slip? ) The exit slip is a reflection piece, “what did you learn, what helped you learn, what is your muddiest point”. We need to coach students to take time to really reflect and answer these. There is also a direct exit slip, differentiated by choice.
Formative Assessment
We will continuously assess through dialogue as we walk around. Groups will show us their arrangements with the fraction pieces as we come by. We may photograph some manipulative work. There is a reflective exit slip / Assignment/homework
I am leaving optional worksheets that reinforce equivalent fractions, simple adding and adding with common denominator. There is an enrichment piece as well.
Since I don’t know these students, I cannot gauge the timelines for this lesson. There will be a lot of formative assessment and adjustment of instruction and pacing.