Longridge Towers Junior Department Local Offer
What is the Local Offer?
From September 2014 every Local Authority will be required to publish information about services they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from birth to 25 who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND); and also services outside of the area which they expect children and young people from their area will use. This will be known as the ‘Local Offer’
1. How does the Junior Department setting know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs or disabilities?
Longridge Towers is an independent co-educational day and boarding school offering education for children from the age of 3 – 18 years. We follow an enhanced National Curriculum and are a non-selective setting.
We identify children with special educational needs in the following ways:
- Previous records and discussions with parents/carers and other settings.
- Careful observations of the child in school.
- Experienced and well qualified staff.
- Assessments both in-house and external if appropriate.
- Our staff work closely with parents, we operate an ‘open door’ policy and welcome comments and queries. We believe children learn better if they see teachers and parents working together for their benefit.
- If we have concerns regarding your child’s development we will talk to you about why we feel support may be needed.
- Parents can talk to the Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2 Coordinators, the EYFS/KS1 SENCo and the Head of Junior Department (who is also the KS2SENCo) daily, and can make appointments for a longer or more formal meeting through the school office (01289 307584).
2. How will the Junior Department staff support my child?
- Longridge Towers is well resourced in terms of staff and equipment.
- Staff including the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) will work closely with you, explaining the support we are providing, and progress made.
- We will produce Individual Education Plans (IEPs)in collaboration with you. The plans will be reviewed and amended regularly.
- We will develop a shared approach to support and education so your child has a consistent approach with home and school.
- We will communicate regularly through regular conversation, email or planned meetings to provide feedback.
- We will keep careful records charting progress.
- We will liaise with other agencies as appropriate.
- We will attend training to familiarise ourselves with specific conditions and the best methods of supporting these children.
- We have an on-site qualified Matron who assists with the management of medical conditions.
3. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
- Our approach is child-centred.
- We are able to tailor our curriculum to each child’s starting point and learning style.
- We use previous records, discussions with parents and in-house observations to ascertain your child’s starting point and future needs.
- All lessons are differentiated allowing every child to access the curriculum at their level in order to make progress.
- Our positive ethos builds confidence and self-esteem to support learning. IEPs will be created where necessary and shared with you.
- Individual support sessions are delivered where necessary.
- We work closely with other agencies to support individual needs as necessary.
4. How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
- Our open-door policy encourages you to feel welcome at any time so you should always feel there is the opportunity to discuss your child and see their work.
- We hold regular parental meetings to give an overview of your child’s progress. However, we are happy to discuss progress with parents throughout the term.
- Your child’s learning and progress will be tracked using formal and informal assessments and through on-going observation in lessons.
- If needed, we can access specialist support from LIST (Northumberland Locality Inclusion Support Team).
- If you are not able to visit the department, you are welcome to email your child’s teacher or the Head of Junior Department with queries or comments.
- Workshops and information evenings are held where appropriate to explain our approach to various aspects of learning.
5. What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
- Our Safeguarding policies are regularly reviewed and are available for you to read on our website.
- Our strong ethos is based on developing the whole child, encouraging them to reach their full potential. We aim to nurture resilience, capability and confidence.
- Our department is protected by door code admission and fenced play areas. We follow the guidelines for Safe Recruitment and all staff have DBS documentation.
- Small classes ensure we know each child well, and have time to liaise with you regularly.
- Our Personal, Social and Emotional Development programme focusses upon the key areas: health and well-being, relationships and living in the wider world.
- Children are listened to and encouraged to resolve difficulties independently, but supported through the process by staff where necessary.
- Behaviour expectations are gently reinforced by all staff.
- Regular staff meetingsenable staff to disseminate information regarding individual children – emerging needs, friendships, playtime difficulties etc.so all staff are aware and can support your child.
- Our school Matron advises us on health issues and administers medicines as appropriate.
- Staff are good role models for good manners and caring behaviour.
- We always seek additional support and advice from professional agencies when needed.
6. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the Junior Department?
- We draw on the experience of our whole school Special Needs team when required.
- We access specialist services such as an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language therapist and Occupational therapist via LIST as appropriate.
- We access local authority support wherever possible.
- We attend training for specific needs as appropriate.
7. What qualification and training do staff, supporting children with SEND,hold or have access to?
- All staff are qualified with QTS (teachers) and NVQ Level 3 or higher (teaching assistants). There are no specific SEND qualifications amongst staff at present but the Early Years Manager and the Head of Junior Department have attended Northumberland Toolkit training and attend many of the training/update courses provide by the SLA. The SENCo in the Senior School is undertaking an Advanced Diploma in Managing the Role of the SENCo, validated by Worcester University and actively provides advice and guidance to the Junior Department.
8. How will my child be included in activities outside the school including trips?
- A close working relationship with all parents ensures we discuss needs and provide inclusive activities both in and out of school for all children.
- Enhanced staffing ratios are employed as necessary for outings.
- Only accessible and inclusive locations would be chosen for outings.
- Our risk assessment procedures ensure all aspects of visits are safe and appropriate for all pupils.
9. How accessible is the Junior Department environment (indoors and outdoors)?
- Whilst the both buildings which make up the Junior Department are wheelchair friendly (via a standard sized single doorway and ramp in EYFS and KS1), other school buildings are not currently fully wheelchair accessible. This is being reviewed at present.
- Disabled toilet facilities are available in the Key Stage 2 building. There is a staff toilet in the Early Years building but this is not wheelchair accessible.
- Visual timetables are used where appropriate.
- We will access training to support particular needs.
- We will discuss needs for equipment and facilities to support specific needs.
10. How will the Junior Department prepare and support my child to join the school or to transfer to a new setting/school?
- The school offers Taster Days for new pupils and children are welcome to attend as many as necessary to support the transition process.
- Reports and S.E.N. records are requested from previous settings prior to a child starting at school.
- Where necessary, parents will be invited into school to meet staff and to discuss their child’s needs before the pupil joins us.
11. How are resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
- As an independent setting, funding may not be available through Local Authority routes. The school provides support wherever possible through existing staff and the in-house Special Needs team.
- The school purchases additional Special Needs support and advice through an annual agreement with LIST.
12. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
- A decision for level of support will be made in by the class teacher/SENCo/ Head of Junior Department in response to observations, assessments and reports. Parents will be involved in discussions and decisions at every level.
13. How are parents involved with the Junior Department? How can I be involved?
We encourage parents to support our work at home by:
- Helping with activities as appropriate e.g. reading.
- Supporting children to achieve their targets on an IEP.
- Supporting our ‘Golden Rules’ out of school.
- Having open discussions regarding progress.
14. Who can I contact for further information?
Head of Longridge Towers School – Tim Manning
Head of Junior Department/KS2SENCo – Sarah Maddock
EYFS/KS1SENCo – Sandra Bullen
Address: Longridge Towers School
Cornhill Road
Berwick upon Tweed
TD15 2XQ
Telephone Number: 01289 307584