For our second mini-project, you will select a keyconcept from our list (see below) and create a one-page handout(front and back is fine, but not necessary) explaining the term. You will submit to me via email a copy of this cheat sheetby the due date; you will also emailcopies for your classmates and present your findings to the class in a short2-minute presentation during Week Twelve.
Your Keyword Cheat Sheet will be comprised of four components:
1) A Definition of the Key Concept;
2)Explanatory Images;
3) Connections to Two Primary Texts;
3) A Contemporary Example
1)A Definition of the Key Concept: Two or three clearly written and closely proofread sentencesor a series of key bullet points (or whatever other effective method you can come up with) that thoroughly explain the keyword that you have selected. It should demonstrate that you’ve read the text(s) that explain the term and that you can explain the term in your own words (This is a cheat sheet after all).
2)Explanatory Images: Since you are developing a cheat sheet, it should include images that connect to the key concept and help your audience make connections to it. Whatever images you do include, they should help your classmates remember the term and should demonstrate thoughtful reflection on the term itself.
3)Connections to Two Primary Texts: In order to describe and define your key concept you will need to connect the term back to the original texts in which it is used and/or challenged.
4)A Contemporary Example: You will also include an example of how the key concept might work in our contemporary world. You could illustrate how specific people today employ this concept (from presidential candidates to infomercial salesmen), or you could consider the different kinds of media we use—anything from film, television, visual art, online social media or any kind of website or digital application. Whatever example you choose, it should demonstrate thoughtful reflection on how the rhetorical conceptstill applies today.
In no way are you required to design the cheat sheet in this exact order. You are the designer of this text. Do you think starting out with an arresting image might be a fun and effective way to grab your reader’s attention? Or would you rather begin by sharing your contemporary example? I’ll leave that up to you. Also, as a textual designer, aim to make your cheat sheet visually exciting and unique in a way that will help it stand out and be memorable.
Please contact me for any questions or clarifications.