Dinah Zike Foldables
Resources in the Northside Professional Library
Big Book of Books and Activities: An Illustrated Guide for Teachers, Parents, and AnyoneWho Works with Kids!
Big Book of Projects: How to Design, Develop, and Make Projects, from Kindergartenthrough College
Foldables, Spelling, and VKVs [Visual Kinesthetic Vocabulary] for Phonics, Spelling, andVocabulary,PreK-3rd
Foldables, Notebook Foldables and VKVsfor Spelling andVocabulary: Test Prep, Academic Vocabulary, and
ESL Strategies, 4th-12th
Notebook Foldables for Binders, Spirals, and Composition Books: Strategies for All Subjects,Gr. 4-College
An Illustrated Guide to Classroom Organization: It Can Be Done, K-6, rev. ed.
Envelope Graphic Organizers: Using Repurposed Envelopes for Projects, Study Guides, and Daily Work:
Strategies for All Subjects, All Levels
Big Book of Math, Elementary K-6
Big Book of Math, Middle School and High School
Big Book of Science, Elementary K-6
Big Book of Science, Middle School and High School
The Earth Science Book: Activities for Kids
Big Book of Social Studies, Elementary K-6
Big Book of Texas History, Grade Levels K-7
Big Book of United States History, Middle School and High School
Big Book of World History, Middle School and High School
Notebooking Central: Notebook Foldables[each title is an individual book]
Formative Assessment
Language Arts: Contractions and Confusing Words
Conventions: Grammar and Mechanics for Writing
High Frequency Words: Primary/ELL
Homophones, Homographs, and Homonyms
Prefixes and Suffixes
Genre: Story/Novel (Fiction Genres)
Strategies for Comprehending and Interacting with Informational Text
Literary Elements, Devices, and Language
Literature Response: Including Literature Circles
Story, Book, and Me: PreK-Grade 2
Writing: Springboards, Strategis, Stages, Types, and Traits
Math:Addition and Subtraction: Facts, Operations, and Properties
Multiplication and Division: Facts, Operations, and Properties
Linear Measurement: Facts, Operations, and Properties
Geometry: Beginning Concepts and Applications
Pre-Algebra: Tools for Algebraic Reasoning
Algebra I
Algebra II
Science: Earth Science: Land Inside and Out
Life Science: Classification, Reproduction, and Heredity
Life Science: Cells, Interdependence, Flow of Matter and Energy, Biodiversity
Physical Science: Energy
Physical Science: Force and Motion
Physical Science: Matter and Interaction of Matter
Systems of the Human Body
Social Studies:Primary Concepts for Social Studies
Physical Geography and Map Skills
Texas History
U.S. History: Pre-History to Reconstruction
U.S. History: Reconstruction to Present
Dinah-Might Adventures -
Edited templates:
Video tutorials -
All materials are published by Dinah-Might Adventures, LP,San Antonio, TX