California Section 811 Project Rental Assistance (PRA) Program Marketing Requirements
Appendix B
1. The California Community Transitions (CCT) and Regional Center tenant referral organizations (TROs) are primarily responsible for marketing the availability of project-based rental assistance under the PRA Program and meeting the program marketing requirements set forth below.
2. PRA assistance must be made available without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, familial status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
3. Community-Wide Marketing: The availability of PRA assistance must be marketed to the total population of persons ages 18-61 who reside in the MediCal-funded facilities with which the TROs are working to make transitions, and with and persons 18-61 participating in a Home and Community-based Waiver program or State Plan service who are at risk of returning to an institution due to loss of affordable housing with long-term services and supports.
4. Affirmative Marketing: In addition to marketing to the total eligible population, targeted marketing efforts must also be done to those categories of persons who may be least likely to participate in the program due to barriers that may be associated with race, gender or first language. Identification of these underrepresented groups must be done through completion and analysis of the PRA Affirmative Marketing Form located at: Once underrepresented groups have been identified, specific actions must be taken to market the program to those underrepresented groups.
TROs shall not begin accepting applications for PRA-assistance or otherwise making PRA Program referrals until after conducting outreach required pursuant to the Affirmative Marking analysis and plan. You may begin this outreach upon approval of your Affirmative Marketing analysis by the State; therefore, it is suggested that your completed Affirmative Marketing Form be submitted with the Application for PRA funds.
Ongoing Assessment The PRA Affirmative Marketing Form must be done by the TROs (a) 30 days prior to beginning your outreach and marketing efforts and (b) annually thereafter to periodically assess the effectiveness of Affirmative Marketing efforts and take corrective action. Send forms upon completion to: California Housing Finance Agency; P.O. Box 4034, Sacramento, CA 95812-4034; Attention: Smyra Bailey.
5. Recordkeeping: Records must be kept for a period of five years following program completion which document the Affirmative Marketing analysis performed, the actions taken to address the identified underrepresentation, and the results of those actions. In addition, copies of all program marketing materials, and fair housing information provided to tenants must be maintained for five years following program completion.
General Marketing Requirements:
- PRA assistance must be made available without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, familial status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. This must be clearly stated in all program marketing materials and communications.
b. Use the Equal Housing Opportunity logotype or slogan in press releases, program advertisements, solicitations and all other written communications concerning the program to members of the public.
c. Distribute and otherwise make readily available information about fair housing rights and responsibilities. (Fair Housing materials can be found at: DFEH Publications.) Provide fair housing information to: (i) all persons who inquire about the program, (ii) all persons who apply to the program, (iii) all persons accepted for assistance, and (iv) all persons who are rejected or wait-listed.
d. HUD’s Fair Housing Poster (HUD Form 928.1) and the State’s Fair Housing Poster (from DFEH Publications) must be prominently displayed in all offices in which rental activity takes place. This includes, (i) property management leasing offices located at their projects with Section 811 PRA units, and may include: (2) a designated place at an institution where information or other business regarding the PRA program is conducted with potential tenants, and (iii) the offices of the TROs.
e. All advertising and outreach must be in formats that are accessible for persons with disabilities and that ensure meaningful access for persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). For persons with LEP, this may include conducting advertising and outreach in languages other than English.
Contact Christina DiFrancesco at (916) 263-0415 or with any questions regarding these requirements.
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