Adopted byRegional conference "Responding to Climate Change in Eastern Partnership Countries”
on 26th-27thMarch 2014, Tbilisi, Georgia

Climate Forum East,

Reaffirming that climate change now constitutes one of the most serious threats to nature and humans, not only in the near future but already nowadays,

Expressing concern at the low prioritization of climate change adaptation efforts in Eastern Partnership Countries,

Recognizing the need to further strengthen jointefforts fora robustresponse to climate change,

Reaffirms the need

1.for development of regional, national, local, sectoralclimate change adaptation strategies(focused on an ecosystem-based approach and “no regret” actions)and the integration of climate change in relevant sectoral policies together with civil society, harmonization of sectorial plans/programs with these strategies and policies, and implementation of adaptation measures,

2.for strengthening national dialogue and cross-sectoral information exchange on climate change,focusing on fostering public-private partnerships in climate change, and international dialogue for knowledge exchange, especially in scientific research and in adaptation experience in vulnerable sectors,

3.forestablishing a forum of experts for Eastern Partnership countries, tofurther developclimate change monitoring systems and methodologies and to form a basis for the development of sector-specific climate vulnerability assessment,

4.for capacity developmentand awareness raising in the sphere of climate changeand disaster risk reduction, including integration of climate change issues in educational curriculums and risk-specific information campaigns for vulnerable groups in urban and rural areas,

5.for promoting and advocatingfor funds and indicative insurance systems, which support local communities adaptation to climate change and ensures communityand CSO participation in the decisionmaking on funds application,

6.for fostering local level climate change engagement in concretesmall scale adaptation actions, education, awareness raising and decisionmaking

and resolvesthat during the 2ndClimate Forum East conference in October 2014 the next steps for further elaborating on the above mentioned will be taken, in particular in regard to thedefinition of the forum of experts and strengtheningEastern Partnership dialogue for experience exchange in CCA.