Rules of the 2016 Clark County

Democratic Party Convention


Pursuant to the Nevada State Democratic Party Charter and Bylaws and the Clark County Democratic Party Bylaws, the purpose of the Clark County Democratic Party Convention (“the Convention”) shall be to:

A. Elect the Clark County delegates to Nevada State Democratic Party convention;

B. Adopt a county party platform;

C.Take such other action pertaining to the affairs of the Clark County Democratic Party as may be deemed proper.


A. Registration of Delegates and Alternates

1. Those individuals who were duly elected as delegates to the Convention during their Precinct Caucus Meetings shall be permitted to pre-register online; however, in no case shall pre-registration exempt or mitigate the requirements for in-person registration at the Convention as set forth below.

2. In-person registration of delegates and alternates to the Convention shall be conducted on Friday, April1, 2016 from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

3. In-person registration of delegates and alternates to the Convention shall re-open on Saturday, April2, 2016 at 8:00 AM and shall remain open until 12:00 PM.

4. All delegates to the Convention must be bona fide Democrats who are registered to vote as such in Clark County, Nevada. No person may act as a delegate at any convention unless they are a duly qualified elector of the county or precinct which they seek to represent (NRS 293.155). Delegates to the county conventions are elected by precinct caucus eligible participants. Only delegates are voting members of the Convention body.

5. Alternates to the Convention will be allowed to attend regardless of their voting status at the Convention.

6.Delegates and alternates shallat the time of their registration state:

  1. Their presidential preference or uncommitted status as indicated by non-binding written pledge;
  1. Their desire to be a delegate to the Nevada State Party Convention (the “State Convention”) for the purpose of determining whether an election of delegates will be required;
  1. If they were elected as a Precinct Captain or Precinct Representative at the Precinct Caucus Meetings; and,
  1. If not previously elected, their desire to represent their Precinct as a Precinct Captain or Precinct Representative, or serve as an At-LargeRepresentative on the Clark County Central Committee (“CCCC”).

7.Alternates to the Convention and convention guests, including members of the press and vendors may register as such during the in person registration hours set forth in this section; however, shall be credentialed in such a manner to easily identify them as non-voting attendees and may be seated in a separate area designated for such guests, if necessary, to aid in the smooth process of voting on convention business. Under no circumstances may alternates to the Convention or convention guests participate in any manner in the business of the convention, including but not limited to the proposal, consideration, or discussion of any motions that may be made, or voting on any matters brought before the Convention body.

8.The suggested voluntary contribution for Convention registration is $25.00on or before March 25, 2016 and $35 afterMarch 25, 2016, including same day registration. At the discretion of the Clark County Central Committee Executive Board, the suggested contribution may be further discounted. Under no circumstances shall any person be required, directly or indirectly, to pay a cost or fee as a condition for participating, and a waiver of the registration fees shall be afforded upon request.

B.Convention Officers & Committees

1.The Chair of the CCCC shall be the Chair of the Convention and shall preside over all matters where the Convention attendees are convened as a whole. The Chair may delegate the duty to preside over the convention to another elected officer of the CCCC.

2. The Recording Secretary of the CCCC shall be the Secretary of the Convention and shall be responsible for recording the minutes of the Convention, including but not limited to the results of any votes taken.

3.The Convention shall have a Parliamentarian and Sergeant(s) at Arms, who shall be appointed by the Chair of the CCCC, and affirmed by majority vote of the seated delegates present and voting.

4.The Chair of the CCCC with the approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint a Credentials Committee and a Credentials Committee Chair to examine the credentials of all persons claiming to be delegates; the Credentials Committee shall preside over any hearing of matters relating to disputed credentials on the day of the convention.

5.The Chair of the CCCC with the approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint a Platform Committee and a Platform Committee Chair to propose a platform for the county party and consider amendments to that proposal platform.

6.The Chair of the CCCC may also appoint a Convention Organizer to perform such duties in preparation for and on the day of the Convention as the Chair may deem appropriate.

C.Seating of Delegates & Alternates

1. When the Chair calls the Convention to Order at 10:00 am, all persons elected at their Precinct Caucus Meetings as delegates to the Convention who have registered in person, and who are not otherwise disqualified by these rules (as determined by the Credentials Committee), shall be seated as delegates to the Convention.

2. Once registration has concluded at 12:00 PM, any persons elected at their Precinct Caucus Meetings who have registered in person and who have not previously been seated as delegates to the Convention, shall be so seated, subject to the limitations in this section.

3. Any disputed credentials will be granted a hearing by the Credentials Committee. The procedures for any such hearing shall be set by the Credentials Committee and approved by the Chair of the CCCC and confirmed by majority vote of the Executive Board of the CCCC.

4. Once all disputes over the credentials of those delegates elected at their Precinct Caucus Meetings have been resolved, any vacancies in the number of delegates allotted to the Conventionshall be filled by alternates.

5. Alternates elected at their precinct caucuses shall be seated first as permanent delegates and voting members based on the order of their in-person sign in time for the convention and presidential preference. Alternates not elected at their precinct caucuses shall then be seated as permanent delegates and voting members based on the order of their in-person sign in time for the convention and presidential preference. Alternates selected to fill delegate vacancies shall be bona fide Democrats who are registered to vote as such in Clark County, Nevada. No alternates shall be seated until registration closes at12:00 PMand all eligible delegates have been seated.

6. Any dispute over the credentials of those alternates who wish to be seated as permanent delegates and voting members shall be resolved in the same manner as set forth in subsection 3 above.


A.Call to Order: The Chair of the CCCC shall call the Convention to order at 10:00 a.m.

B.Credentials Reports:

After the Convention has been called to order, the Chair of the Credentials Committee shall give a preliminary credentials report, to consist of the number of registered delegates and alternates at the time the Convention convened. The preliminary credentials report shall be approved by a majority vote of the seated delegates present and voting.

At 12:00PM the Chair of the Credentials Committeeshall give a second credentials report, after which alternates may be seated as permanent delegates in the manner set forth in section II(C)(5) above. The second credentials report and any subsequent credentials report shall be approved by a majority vote of the seated delegates present and voting.

C.Consent Agenda:

There may be a consent agenda for the Convention. Items may be placed on the consent agenda by the Chairof the CCCC.

The consent agenda shall be raised after the appointment of permanent convention officers (where required by these rules), and shall pass upon a majority vote of the seated delegates present and voting. If the consent agenda fails to pass, each item on the consent agenda shall be voted on individually at a time to be determined by the Chair. Such individual items shall pass by majority vote of the seated delegates present and voting.

D.Preliminary Convention Business - Election of Permanent Officers, Adoption of Agenda and Rules:

1. Once delegates have been seated pursuant to the provisions of section II(C)(1) above, the Chair may convene the Convention and conduct the preliminary business of the Convention, including:

a. Adoption of the preliminary credentials reports;

b. Permanent adoption of these rules of the Convention;

c. Approval of the Agenda;

d.Approval of the Consent Agenda, if any; and,

e. Calling for a vote to affirm the appointment of the Parliamentarian and Sergeant(s) at Arms

2. Only in the event that any of the temporary convention officers appointed by the Chair fail to be affirmed by a majority of the seated delegates will nominations from the floor be entertained, and a vote held. Any officer elected pursuant to this subsection shall be elected by a plurality of the seated delegates.

3. Any motions to amend the Convention Agenda and/or the Convention rules will require either a privileged resolution from the CCCC Rules and Bylaws Committee or a petition signed by twenty percent (20%) of the total seated Delegates, and may be adopted only upon a two-thirds majority vote of the seated delegates present and voting.

E.Presidential Preference Alignment

1. There shall be a Presidential Preference Alignment that shall not occur until all delegates have been seated. Delegates shall be considered to have aligned with a preference group when they are registered for the convention. A delegate shall be required to designate his or her preference group at the time of registration. A delegate who refuses to designate a preference group shall be registered by the Credentials Committee as uncommitted.

2.The Credentials Committee shall have the responsibility of determining the number of delegates within each preference group, and shall, upon completion of registration, present a report to inform the convention of the size of each preference group.

3.Following the report of the Credentials Committee, all delegates shall be afforded a one (1) hour period to realign with other groups if they so desire. A delegate choosing not to realign shall continue to be counted as part of his or her initial alignment as aforementioned.

4.Any preference group failing to obtain fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of registered delegates at the county convention shall be declared non-viable.

5.Upon completion of the one (1) hour period for initial alignment of all delegates, the Credentials Committee shall report to the convention the viable and non-viable groups. In the event there are non-viable groups, members of non-viable groups shall have a reasonable amount of time not less than one-half hour in which to realign in second alignment with or into other viable groups if they so choose. Members of viable groups will not be allowed to realign in the second alignment. If there are no non-viable groups, no second alignment will be conducted.

6.Should there be more than one viable group, then the number of delegates to the State Convention for each group shall be proportional to that group’s percentage of the delegates seated at the Convention.

F.Election of Delegates and Alternates to State Convention

1.Election of delegates and alternates to the state convention will occur after the completion of the Presidential Preference Alignment as set forth in Section III(E) above. Nevada state statute provides for the election of one (1) delegate per 150 registered Democratic voters in each county.

2.The Chair of the Credentials Committee shall provide a report of the number of delegates to the Convention who had expressed a desire to be delegates to the State Convention. Should the number of those expressing such a desire exceed the number of delegates allotted for ClarkCounty, then the Convention shall immediately precede to the election of delegates as set forth in Appendix A.

3. Should no election of delegates be required, the Chair shall entertain a motion to declare all individuals having expressed a desire to be such, as delegates to the State Convention.

G.Adoption of Platform

1. The platform as proposed by the Platform Committee shall be made available for review as soon as practicable, but in no event later than 12:00 pm on Thursday, March31, 2016.

2.Any proposed amendments to the platform must be made in writing, and presented to the Platform Committee no later than the conclusion of the Platform Committee Meeting held on the morning of the Convention before being brought to the floor.

a.Any amendment approved by the Platform Committee for inclusion in the Platform shall be read aloud and, to the extent practicable, made available in written form for review by the Convention delegates prior to any vote to adopt the platform as a whole or in part.

b.Any proposed amendment rejected by the Platform Committee may only be brought to the floor for a vote, just prior to the vote on adopting the platform, by a petition containing the signatures of twenty percent (20%) of the total seated delegates in favor of the amendment, provided to the Chair or Secretary of the Convention by no later than 1:00 p.m. on the day of the Convention. In case of a challenge to the signatures, the credentials committee shall verify the same.

3.The platformas initially proposed, as amended with the approval of the platform committee, or as amended from the floor as set forth by subsection 5 below shall be voted upon by an up-or-down majority vote by the seated delegates present and voting.

4.Should such up-or-down majority vote fail, then the Chair shall call for an individual majority vote on each major section of the platform. No debate shall be entertained for any sections where said majority vote passes.

5.Debate on any amendments to the platform that have been rejected by the Platform Committee, but have the required number of signatures as set forth in subsection 2 above, or any individual major section of the platform that fails to pass on majority vote, shall be limited to ten minutes. Speakers shall be alternated between those in favor of the proposition and those opposed, with a limitation of no more than two (2) minutes per speaker. The Chair may, at his or her sole discretion, extend the time for debate by no more than an additional ten (10) minutes. Any extension of the debate period beyond the initial period (if not approved by the Chair), or the discretionary period allowed by the Chair, shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the seated delegates present and voting.


A.Parliamentary Authority:

These rules, when adopted by majority vote of the delegates present and voting, shall govern the Convention. To the extent there are any conflicts or disputes regarding the rules, the Convention shall be governed in the following order of authority: (1) the 2016 Nevada Delegate Selection Plan; (2) the Charter and Bylaws of the Democratic National Committee;(3) the Charter and Bylaws of the Nevada State Democratic Party; (4) the Clark County Democratic Party Bylaws; (5) these Convention Rules; (6) Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised.

The Parliamentarian of the Convention shall advise the Chair on any parliamentary questions or interpretations of the rules and bylaws set forth in this section.

B.Suspension of the Rules:

These rules may only be suspended by a vote of three-fourths (3/4's) of the total number of seated delegates. These rules may only be suspended in the instance where there is an unforeseen circumstance in these rules, that none of the other governing documents can resolve and has prohibited the convention from conducting its required business.

The Chair may rule any motion to suspend the rules out-of-order based on the above criterion.

C. Restrictions on an Adjourned Meeting:

The Convention may not be adjourned with the intent to reconvene at another place or time for any reason other than:

1.Declaration of a State of Emergency by the Governor of the State of Nevada, the Clark County Sheriff, or another public official of relevant jurisdiction and authority, or,

2. By a vote of 80% of the total number of seated delegates.

In the event of any order to adjourn, or a motion to adjourn passes, the Convention must reconvene to a location in Clark County, and must be completed by no later than April30, 2016.

D.Etiquette and Civility:

All delegates and guests are entitled to attend and participate in the Convention free of harassment or intimidation. Anyone harassing or attempting to intimidate any delegate or guest to the convention shall be ejected from the convention, at the discretion of the Chair, and shall forfeit any fees paid for the convention or other convention activities.

Any intentional disruption of any convention activities may result in immediate ejection from the convention, including the forfeiture of any fees paid for the convention or other convention activities.

Guests invited to speak to the convention shall not have their remarks or presentations interrupted or interfered with in any manner, including auditory or visual distractions from the floor. Violation of this rule may result in immediate ejection from the convention, including the forfeiture of any fees paid for the convention or other convention activities.

Conversation on the floor should be kept to a minimum, out of respect for guests, delegates, and speakers. Those guests or delegates wishing to converse should exit the floor.


Forty percent (40%) of seated delegates shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting business at the Convention. Once quorum has been certified, the business of the convention cannot be subject to the suggestion of a lack of quorum.


Unless otherwise noted in these rules or the parliamentary authority, all votes taken shall be by voice vote and shall require approval of a majority of seated delegates present and voting to pass. If the presiding officer is unable to determine the outcome from a voice vote, a vote of standing division shall be taken. The presiding officer, at his or her sole discretion, may request a vote by ballot only when deemed absolutely necessary. Any ballot cast pursuant to this section shall be by open ballot, signed by the delegate.


Unless otherwise stated in these rules, or otherwise directed by the Chair at his or her sole discretion, debate shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) delegates for and against any particular motion. The time limit for each delegate shall be two (2) minutes.


The Chair, at his or her discretion, may allow speakers not on the agenda time to address the Convention. Any motion to add a speaker will be deemed out-of-order.

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