JANUARY 12 2015

PRESENT – Gay Robinson, Phil Holland, Alan Tiplady, Robert Glass, Barbara Preston

1. Introductions were made, Gay explaining that she was attending in place of Louise Davis. Alan explained the structure and purpose of the PPG and why we wanted to meet to discuss the website. We understood that the practice had decided to use the Systemone package as the best available so it was now a question of making changes and additions wherever possible and appropriate. Robert reinforced our understanding that both practices had achieved an amazing amount in moving to the new Health Centre in a very short time and we appreciated the need to be patient about such changes being made.

2. We listed our suggestions and concerns in no particular order; Phil and Gay responded as appropriate. As follows;

  • Registering when logging on for the first time doesn’t compare with most sites which ask for almost immediate registration. Instead it proves necessary to go in to ‘repeat prescriptions’ and only then sign up. Phil wasn’t sure if this could be changed but would investigate. If not, we suggested this is explained in the letter patients are given re signing up with a temporary password.
  • Cancelling appointments – this box hasn’t worked. Phil will check but thought it is now activated.
  • It’s not always possible to get back to Home. Phil to investigate.
  • Texts – Gay confirmed that, if patients give a mobile number to Reception staff, they will be asked if they wish to set up a text service to confirm appointments. However, it’s no longer possible to receive test results this way as confusion was caused when there was more than one test involved.
  • The section on national health associations and local self-help groups is appreciated. How can we ensure this is kept up to date/ add to it etc? Suggested Dave Pratt isasked to monitor the latter at least as it is an interest of his. Gay confirmed that there are one or more copies of the Nottingham Self-Help’s annual guide in the Health Centre.

3. We also discussed our wish list for the PPG section of the website, noting that we realised they couldn’t all be done at once and indeed we’re not ready for some of them;

  • Names of PPG members. We were unsure whether we wanted many details e.g. phone numbers and will need to consult members
  • Demography of current PPG members in comparison with the patient list as a whole, emphasising the gaps and asking for interest in filling them
  • A virtual group – there is something on the site but little and no decision has been made yet about how this would work
  • Results of surveys/ You Said, We Did etc apparently there won’t be a survey this year, Friends and Family returns being used instead. Will we do our own survey? In time we hope such reports will be available on this site + responses
  • Details of meeting dates etc
  • Minutes – will need to check o.k. with Dr Page and probably put on only when checked for sensitive information etc
  • Suggestions – will need to make clear this would not be the place for personal complaints. Rather people should be encouraged to give general feedback, giving their email address. We would need to point out that any suggestions would almost certainly have to wait to the next meeting. And that this would be different from the Suggestion Box which we hope will be a feature in the surgery soon
  • An introduction to the PPG, what it’s about etc. Alan volunteered to write a draft of this and circulate before the next Cabinet meeting
  • Alan also volunteered to be Web Coordinator.

4. We agreed all the above was enough to start with!