G5 Hahaione Elementary School - IB: PYP Units – Yearly Timeline SY 2017-18
Mr. Bradley, Mr. Horiuchi, Ms. Lozis, Mr. Tabata, Ms. Omiya
Quarter 1 / Quarter 2 / Quarter 3 / Quarter 42 0 1 7 / 2 0 1 8
Where We Are In
Place and Time / How We Organize Ourselves / How the World Works / Sharing the Planet
(Exhibition) / How We Express Ourselves / Who We Are
A Whole New World: Widening Our Horizons / A Piece of “Toast?” / Fuel for Thought / Yours, Mine, and Ours / I’m a Poet and
Didn’t Know It! / Got Milk?
Aug. 8 – Sept. 15 / Sept. 18– Nov. 3 / Nov. 6– Dec. 21 / Jan. 8 – Mar. 16 / Mar.27 – Apr 20 / Apr 23 – May 26
6 weeks
Social Studies / 6 weeks
Social Studies / 6 weeks
Science / 10 weeks: All of Quarter 3
Social Studies - Exhibition / 4 weeks
LA & Writing / 5 weeks
Exploration and Discovery
Early Settlements
European Explorers
Native Americans
Present day Explorers
An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journey; the discoveries, explorations andmigrations of humankind,the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations from local and global perspectives. / Economic Activities
Human interactions
Colonial America
Natural Resources
An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities, the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment. / Energy
Finite resources
Alternative energy
Science Inquiry Process
An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world physical and biological and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment. / Rights & Responsibility
Rights, Responsibility,
Peace & Conflict
American Revolution
An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and living things; communities and the relationships within and between them: access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution / Creativity
Various Poetry Styles
Figurative Language
An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs, and values, the way in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity, our appreciation of the aesthetics. / Structures, Systems
Human Body Systems
An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values, personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.
Central Idea
Exploration leads to discovery and develops new understandings. / Central Idea
Economic activities impact humans and the environment. / Central Idea
The need for energy leads to innovation and improvements in technology. / Central Idea
Actions and decisions have consequences that affect society and the environment. / Central Idea
People creatively express their ideas and feelings through writing and visual art. / Central Idea
Interdependent systems work (together) to affect the quality life.
Key Concepts:
- Change
- Causation
- Perspective
- Function
- Causation
- Connection
- Change
- Function
- Responsibility
- Perspective
- Reflection
- Responsibility
- Form
- Perspective
- Reflection
- Function
- Causation
- Connection
Quarter 1 / Quarter 2 / Quarter 3 / Quarter 4
2 0 1 7 / 2 0 1 8
Where We Are In
Place and Time / How We Organize Ourselves / How the World Works / Sharing the Planet
(Exhibition) / How We Express Ourselves / Who We Are
A Whole New World: Widening Our Horizons / A Piece of “Toast?” / Fuel for Thought / Yours, Mine, and Ours / I’m a Poet and
Didn’t Know It! / Got Milk?
Aug. 8 – Sept. 15 / Sept. 18– Nov. 3 / Nov. 6 – Dec. 21 / Jan. 8 – Mar. 16 / Mar. 27 – Apr 20 / Apr 23 – May 26
6 weeks
Social Studies / 6 weeks
Social Studies / 6 weeks
Science / 10 weeks: All of Quarter 3
Social Studies - Exhibition / 4 weeks
LA & Writing / 6 weeks
IB Learner Profiles
- Risk – Taker
- Open – Minded
- Inquirer
- Curiosity
- Confidence
- Cooperation
- Thinkers
- Principled
- Knowledgeable
- Integrity
- Confidence
- Cooperation
- Open-minded
- Knowledgeable
- Inquirers
- Thinkers
- Curiosity
- Creativity
- Commitment
- Open-minded
- Principled
- Caring
- Empathy
- Tolerance
- Respect
- Communicators
- Open-minded
- Reflective
- Appreciation
- Creativity
- Independence
- Balanced
- Caring
- Reflective
- Curiosity
- Empathy
- Tolerance
Lines of Inquiry:
- People explore because of curiosity. (causation)
- People explore for better opportunities. (change)
- Exploration and discoveries involves various points of view. (Perspective)
- The role of economic activities in a society (Function)
- Causes of economic activities. (Causation)
- Interdependence of economic activities (Connection)
- Effects on humans and environment (Causation)
- Influences of Energy (function)
- Energy use and production (responsibility)
- Innovation and Improvement (change)
- Impact of technological advances. (change)
- People’s Rights and Responsibilities – (Reflection)
- The role of values in shaping one’s feelings & point of view. (Perspective)
- Points of view leads to peace and conflict.. (Responsibility)
- Ways to respond responsibly. (reflection)
- Forms of Poetry (form)
- Use of techniques enhances imagery(form)
- Conveying themes and impressions through figurative language, vocabulary and syntax. (reflection)
- Style reflects personal choice and expression (perspective)
- Body Systems (function)
- Interdependence of Systems (causation)
- Health Implication (connection)
Teacher Questions
- Why do people explore?
- What feelings or attitudes are associated with explorations?
- What are the resources and methods of navigation and explorations?
- What characteristics do explorers past and present have in common?
- What significant discoveries were made?
- How do the discoveries and new understandings influence/impact lives and/or environment
- What is economics? (connection)
- How do economics work? (function)
- What are the different types of economic activities that communities rely on?
- How do economic activities affect people and the environment?
- How do economic activities of the past relate to those of the present and future?
- How does energy influence our lives?
- What affects do energy use and production have?
- Why do we look for renewable and/or alternative sources of energy?
- How might technological advancements be used to benefit you, the community, and the world now and in the future?
- How are Rights and Responsibilities established? Who’s responsibility is it?
- What does it mean to have a “point of view?”
- Why is it important to have a “point of view?”
- How does nature and nurture affect a person’s perspective?
- What creates conflict?
- Why do people have conflict and how can people solve them?
- What emerges from conflict?
- Why do people read poetry?
- Why do people write poetry?
- What are various forms of poetry?
- How would vocabulary and choice of style affect my creation of a poem?
- How can poems reflect people’s unique expression? (ideas or feelings)
- What makes your body work?
- How are the body systems connected?
- What affects our body systems?
Quarter 1 / Quarter 2 / Quarter 3 / Quarter 4
2 0 1 7 / 2 0 1 8
Where We Are In
Place and Time / How We Organize Ourselves / How the World Works / Sharing the Planet
(Exhibition) / How We Express Ourselves / Who We Are
A Whole New World: Widening Our Horizons / A Piece of “Toast?” / Fuel for Thought / Yours, Mine, and Ours / I’m a Poet and
Didn’t Know It! / Got Milk?
Aug. 8 – Sept. 15 / Sept. 18 – Nov. 3 / Nov. 6 – Dec. 21 / Jan. 8 – Mar. 16 / Mar.27 – Apr 20 / Apr 23 – May 26
6 weeks
Social Studies / 6 weeks
Social Studies / 6 weeks
Science / 10 weeks: All of Quarter 3
Social Studies - Exhibition / 4 weeks
LA & Writing / 5 weeks
Mini Lessons and Resources
Wonders / Wonders / Wonders / Wonders – Key / Wonders – Key / Wonders – Key
Reading/Writing Workshop
- Unit 1: Week 4
- Unit 3: Week 1 & 5
- Unit 5: Week 4 & 5
- Unit 5:Week 4
- Unit 1: Week 1
- Unit 3: Week 4
- Unit 5: Week 2
- Unit 1: Week 1
- Unit 5:Week 5
Other Reading