Birmingham and Wolverhampton LPCs
New Pharmacy Contract LPC Communications: Issue 3 December 2016
This is the third regular Contract update, which will be numbered so that you will know that you have had them all. Back copies will be on the LPC and CPWM websites.
It is worth listening to the PSNC Webinars which are available to listen to on demand, the slides are available to download:
This update concentrates on an overview of the Quality Criteria, some clarification in relation to the Gateway Criteria following on from more information from PSNC and an outline plan of the events planned by the LPCs:
- MUR / NMS quarterly submission reminder
- SCR face to face training
- Gateway Criteria Clarification
- PhAS and Quality Criteria
- Quality Criteria
- Planned Contract Support Events from LPC
MUR/NMS Quarterly Reports
All participating pharmacies must submit report no later than 10 working days from end of June, September, December and March. This currently is to the following email / postal address:
Pharmacy Team,
West Midlands NHSE,
St Chad’s, 2nd floor East,
213 Hagley Road,
Birmingham, B16 9RG.
NB: The process is changing in the near future (date tbc). You will be informed in advance by NHSBSA and NHSE. You will then have to send returns via a form to NHSBSA. Once an area is switched you will either upload the completed quarterly spreadsheets to the NHSBSA portal or you can key the individual figures from your completed quarterly spreadsheets into an online survey tool. More information at:
Summary Care Records (SCR)
Approximately 35 pharmacies across Birmingham and Wolverhampton LPCs have not yet sent a member of their pharmacy to attend the face to face training which must be undertaken as part of the SCR accreditation set up. There will be one or two further events arranged as mop up sessions – so if you are one of these pharmacies and you now wish to get set for SCR then look out for these sessions. They are likely to be in Jan and Feb 2017 and the LPCs will share the dates once released and the NHS Digital ‘mop up’ F2F events link is as follows - to register:
Once set up and a ’test prescription’ has been submitted, a payment of £200 will be made to the pharmacy. This payment will not be available after March 31st 2017 so ensure that you are set up by then. Additionally, one of the quality framework payments is around use of SCR. This is fundamental to many future opportunities and you are encouraged to get set up asap. If you are not currently set up, details can be found at:
If you are set up don’t forget to ensure all pharmacist smartcards, including locums are updated to use SCR. More information is on Communication Number 2.
Gateway Criteria Clarification
Once the basics have been covered, there are four ‘gateway criteria’ that you mustachieve towork towards eligibility for anyof the New Contract Quality Framework payments. The first opportunity to claim is in April 2017
The four gateway criteria are:
- Offering MURs or the NMS or must be registered to provide the NHS Urgent Medicine Supply Advanced Service (NUMSAS)
- NHS Choices entry up to date
- Ability to send and receive email via NHS Mail
- Ongoing utilisation of EPS
NOTE: There is no payment for passing the gateway criteria
Clarification – Eligible Advanced Services– Only three of the Advanced Services are applicable for this Gateway Criterion. You must be performing at least 1 of the 3 specified advanced services
- Medicines Use review (MUR)
- New Medicine Service (NMS) (to be able to offer this service you must be MUR accredited)
- New Urgent Medicine Supply Advanced Service (NUMSAS)
If you have never delivered these Advanced Services before then you need to make sure that you complete required training and gain accreditation prior to providing the service. MUR, NMS and NUMSAS links are here.
Also, note for those who intend to work towards HLP accreditation you must be delivering both MURs and NMS.
Pharmacy Access Scheme and Quality Payments
Please refer to Communication Number 1 – a new list has been published and details can be found on:
Pharmacies eligible for the Pharmacy Access Scheme will qualify for Quality Payments, BUT NOTE THAT: When the ‘top-up funding’ that PhAS pharmacies receive is calculated, it is assumed that the contractor will achieve 100 points and the value of those points is deducted before the final PhAS payment is set. See the diagram below:
Quality Criteria Overview
DH is introducing the Quality Payments scheme as part of the CPCF imposition. Contractors do not have to participate but we recommend that you do. It is derived from a PSNC proposal to tackle their move to even greater Rx volume focussed funding, but the PSNC proposal was with full funding to recognise costs. Payments will be made to community pharmacy contractors who meet certain quality criteria. Payments will be made in 2017/18, with implementation from December 2016
All pharmacies on the pharmaceutical list in England can participate:
•including Distance Selling Pharmacies (some criteria made need to be adjusted)
•including pharmacies receiving a Pharmacy Access Scheme (PhAS) payment
It does not include Local Pharmaceutical Services (LPS) contracts
•but NHS England local teams and LPS contractors can theoretically include a similar concept in LPS contracts when they are reviewed
Funding available is £75m value in 2017/18 (from the overall £2.592bn CPCF funding), based on a maximum of 100 points per Contractor each with an initial value of £64. However, it not all pharmacies achieve all 100 points during 2017/18 a reconciliation payment will made in March 2018 to pharmacies that have participated in the scheme dependent on the number of points the Contractor has achieved. There is a £128 cap on points value.
PharmOutcomes: PSNC are working with Pinnacle Health Partnership LLP to make an electronic version of the Quality Payments criteriaavailable to all contractors on PharmOutcomes. This will allow LPCs to see their contractors’ progress with achieving the quality criteria. We will let you know when this is available for contractors to use. Healthy Living Pharmacy criteria recording will also be available on PharmOutcomes.
Claiming payments:
There are 2 review points during the year at which Contractors assess which requirements they have met and how many points they have achieved, some criteria can be claimed twice and some only once:
•28th April 2017
•24th November 2017
Declarations will be made to the BSA in April and November – the form has not yet been published
•payments made with the final payment for those months
•i.e. April claim paid in end June/early July payment
Support from your LPCs:
We will be providing support in communications such as this, on the website, signposting you to latest advice and support and providing a variety of events over the next few months.
The most important of which will be the New Contract Support Sessions for Quality Criteria, which will be held on three consecutive Sundays in January across the West Midlands and you will be free to attend whichever one suits you best from date or location perspective. See under DATES FOR YOUR DIARIES at the end of this Update.
PSNC links:
Quality Payments – Adapted from PSNC Suggested Plan for Contractors
Gateway Criteria (no payment but required before can claim Quality Payments) / Suggested evidence to collect / Review date / LPC SupportProvision of one specified Advanced Service
On the day of the review, the contractor must be offering at the pharmacy Medicines Use Review (MUR) or New Medicine Service (NMS); or must be registered for NHS Urgent Medicine Supply Advanced Service Pilot.
This is a gateway criterion and it must therefore be complied with before any payment can be achieved. / No evidence is required as the local NHS England team will be able to verify this information from their records. / 28th April 2017
24th November 2017 / See Communication 2 & 3
Ongoing utilisation of the EPS
On the day of the review, the pharmacy contractor must be able to demonstrate ongoing utilisation of the Electronic Prescription Service at the pharmacy premises.
This is a gateway criterion and it must therefore be complied with before any payment can be achieved. / No evidence is required as the local NHS England team will be able to verify this information from their records. / 28th April 2017
24th November 2017 / See Communication 2
NHS Choices entry
On the day of the review, the NHS Choices entry for the pharmacy must be up to date.
This is a gateway criterion and it must therefore be complied with before any payment can be achieved. / At the time of publication, discussions are still ongoing with NHS England and the NHS Choices team about how this review can be documented and how profiles for distance selling pharmacies can be made available. / 28th April 2017
24th November 2017 / See Communication 2
NHS Mail
On the day of the review, Pharmacy staff at the pharmacy must be able to send and receive NHS mail (Note: For the April 2017 Review, evidence of application for an NHS Mail account by 1 February 2017 will be acceptable).
This is a gateway criterion and it must therefore be complied with before any payment can be achieved. / No evidence is required as the local NHS England team will be able to verify this information from information that will be provided to them by NHS Digital. / 28th April 2017
24th November 2017 / See Communication 2
Quality Criteria / Suggested evidence to collect / Review date / LPC Support
Use of the NHS Summary Care Record (SCR) (5 + 5 points)
On the day of the first review, the pharmacy can demonstrate a total increase in access to Summary Care Records between 1 December 2016 and 28 April 2017 in comparison to the previous 5 months; and on the day of the second review, the pharmacy can demonstrate a total increase to access to Summary Care Records between 1 May 2017 and 24 November in comparison to the previous 7 months.
Advice will be available at the January LPC Contractor Event / No evidence is required as the local NHS England team will be able to verify this information from information that will be provided to them by NHS Digital. Try and make this business as usual. / 5 points at each
28th April 2017
24th November 2017 / Sign- posting to NHS Digital F2F events
Dementia Friends (5+ 5 points)
On the day of the review, 80% of all pharmacy staff working in patient facing roles are trained ‘Dementia Friends’. Includes locums.
Face to face or online options
LPC will be arranging face to face sessions at Contractor event and as part of any HLP training events / A record sheet on available on the PSNC website which will allow contractors to keep a record of their staff members and temporary staff, such as locums, that have become Dementia Friends. Contractors should keep a copy of any certificates/letters that staff receive once they become a Dementia Friend as evidence of compliance with this QP criterion. / 5 points at each
28th April 2017
24th November 2017 / January 8th 2017 (B’ham and Wolves) 15th or 22nd Event and at HLP Leadership and Health Champion training events
Safeguarding (5 + 5 points)
On the day of the review 80% of registered pharmacy professionals working at the pharmacy have achieved level 2 safeguarding status for children and vulnerable adults in the last two years. Includes locums.
Face to face or online though CPPE:
/ A record sheet is available on the PSNC website which will allow contractors to keep a record of their pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, that have undertaken level 2 safeguarding training. Contractors should keep a copy of any certificates that staff receive once they have completed the training and assessment as evidence of compliance with this QP criterion. / 5 points at each
28th April 2017
24th November 2017 / January 8th 2017 (B’ham and Wolves) 15th or 22nd Event
Clinical effectiveness – over use of asthma treatments (10 + 10 points)
On the day of the review, the pharmacy can show evidence of asthma patients, for whom more than 6 short acting bronchodilator inhalers were dispensed without any corticosteroid inhaler within a 6-month period, are referred to an appropriate health care professional for an asthma review.
Link to MURs and liaise with surgeries /
A data collection form along with supporting materials is available in PSNC Briefing 068/16: Quality Payments – referrals for asthma reviews
/ 10 points at each28th April 2017
24th November 2017 / Feb 2017
NHS 111 Directory of Services (DoS) (2.5 + 2.5 points)
On the day of the review, the pharmacy’s NHS 111 Directory of Services entry is up to date.
More Details at LPC Contractor Event in February
Please to not try and contact NHS111 and sort this out early. They do NOT know the info required yet / At the time of publication, discussions are still ongoing with NHS England and NHS Digital about are considering how pharmacies will be able to access their DoS entry and the process by which errors can be notified to NHS 111 DoS leads. / 2.5 points at each
28th April 2017
24th November 2017 / Feb/ Mar 2017
Healthy Living Pharmacy (HLP) self-assessment (20 points)
On the day of the review, the pharmacy is a Healthy Living Pharmacy level 1 (self-assessment).
The LPC will be supporting HLP accreditation with Leadership Training and Face to Face Health Champion Training.
The LPC are likely to provide packs, advice and support (subject to the provider of the training)
NB: If you are already HLP and have been accredited less than two years a grandparenting arrangement is expected to be available, if > 2 years you will need to re-accredit but should be able to use evidence and the certificates from before if the staff are still in place to support the assessment. / Declaration of compliance for HLP level 1 and HLP certificate from RSPH. At the time of publication, NHS England is considering a ‘grandparenting’ approach for pharmacies that have achieved HLP status in the last two years – if this is approved, further information on evidence required for these pharmacies will then be published. / 20 points once
28th April 2017
24th November 2017* / HLP Leadership and Health Champion face to face options being scheduled for January and February
As well as online options
Community Pharmacy Patient Questionnaire (CPPQ) results (5 points)
On the day of the review, the results of the Community Pharmacy Patient Questionnaire from the last 12 months is publicly available on the pharmacy’s NHS Choices page.
The LPC will provide advice on how to do this at the LPC Contractor January Event, by which time we expect the process will have been confirmed – expected to be uploading of PDF of summary of results. Near Miss log is pre-work for the January F2F event / No evidence is required as the local NHS England team will be able to view this information on the pharmacy’s NHS Choices profile page. / 5 points once
28th April 2017
24th November 2017* / January 8th 2017 (B’ham and Wolves) 15th or 22nd Event
Patient safety report (20 points)
Written safety report at premises level available for inspection at review point, covering analysis of incidents and incident patterns (taken from an ongoing log), evidence of sharing learning locally and nationally, and actions taken in response to national patient safety alerts.
The LPC will be supporting you with an Event and materials in January. / Patient safety report for the pharmacy – at the time of publication, discussions are still ongoing with NHS England about the details of what should be included in the report. / 20 points once
28th April 2017
24th November 2017* / January 8th 2017 (B’ham and Wolves) 15th or 22nd Event
*The last three criteria only need to be met at one of the review points and can therefore only be claimed for once.
New Contract Support Sessions for Quality Criteria:
Sunday 8th January 2017 (WBA Football Ground – Hawthorns)
Sunday 15th January 2017 (Coventry at Holiday Inn Ryton)
Sunday 22nd January 2017 (Worcester at The Pear Tree, Smite)
Booking is ESSENTIAL and through Eventbtite.
Booking details for Birmingham and Wolves will be released this week via LPC normal comms channel
Outline of the day
Introduction followed
Safeguarding then
Accredited Dementia Friends training
After lunch there will be sessions on:
Patient Safety – errors / incidents with case studies & materials to take away
Patient satisfaction
And one other session (tbc)
Registration for 8th January will be from 09.30 for a 09.50 start
45mins for lunch
Finish at 17.00
LPC Event / January / February / March / AprilBirmingham QC Event / 8th at WBA FC / Dates will be confirmed at the January event / tbc / tbc
Coventry / Warks QC Event / 15th at Holiday Inn Ryton CV8 3DY
Herefordshire & Worcs QC Event / 22nd at The Pear Tree, Smite, Worcester
Getting in touch with the LPC:
LPC Secretary Tom Wedgbury ()
LPC Chair Jeff Blankley ()
The LPC wishes all contractors its very best wishes over the festive season
The information is accurate at the time of issue and could change as new announcements are made