September 15, 2014

A Combined Meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Old Bridge was held on Monday, September 15, 2014 in the Municipal Complex. The meeting was called to order by President Walker who asked all present to participate in a salute to the flag, followed by a short prayer. President Walker asked for a moment of silence for our troops who are in harms way.

Councilman Butler asked for a moment of silence for a resident Betty Winke of Madison Park.

Councilman Greene asked for a moment of silence for long time resident of Central Park, Jackie Green.

Clerk Stella Ward advised that the meeting was being held in conformance with the Open Public Records Act, notice was given to the newspapers and posted in public places. The next meeting of the Council will be on Monday September 29, 2014.

Clerk Ward called the roll with the following members answering present: Councilmembers

Anderson, Butler, Cahill, Greene, Mollis, Panos, Rosencranz, Sohor, President Walker.



WHEREAS, the following minutes are hereby approved:

Combined Meeting – August 11, 2014

Executive Session – August 11, 2014

Moved by Councilman Rosencranz, seconded by Councilwoman Sohor and so ordered on the following roll call vote:

AYES: Councilmembers Anderson, Cahill, Greene, Mollis, Panos, Rosencranz,

Sohor, President Walker.

NAYS: None

ABSTAIN: Councilman Butler



WHEREAS, the Business Administrator has the responsibility of approving all vouchers subject to preaudit and control; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Finance is responsible for the preaudit, the disbursement of all monies and the control over all expenditures to ensure that the budget appropriations are not exceeded; and

WHEREAS, the finance committee of the Township Council has satisfied themselves in respect to the bill listing of September 15, 2014 that there exists a detailed bill or voucher supporting each payment and there is indication that goods or services have been received or rendered.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Old Bridge that the bill listing of September 15, 2014 as approved by the Business Administrator after preaudit and control by the Director of Finance and after review by the finance committee be spread on the minutes in the amount of $9,034,183.22 Accounts Payable

Moved by Councilwoman Sohor, seconded by Councilman Cahill and so ordered on the following roll call vote:

AYES: Councilmembers Anderson, Butler, Cahill, Greene, Mollis, Panos, Rosencranz,

Sohor, President Walker.

NAYS: None



WHEREAS, the Business Administrator has the responsibility of approving all vouchers subject to preaudit and control; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Finance is responsible for the preaudit, the disbursement of all monies and the control over all expenditures to ensure that the budget appropriations are not exceeded; and

WHEREAS, the finance committee of the Township Council has satisfied themselves in respect to the bill listing of September 15, 2014 that there exists a detailed bill or voucher supporting ach payment and there is indication that goods or services have been received or rendered.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Old Bridge that the bill listing of September 15, 2014 as approved by the Business Administrator after preaudit and control by the Director of Finance and after review by the finance committee be spread on the minutes in the amount of $816,452.76 (Payroll August 29, 2014)

Moved by Councilwoman Sohor, seconded by Councilman Cahill and so ordered on the following roll call vote:

AYES: Councilmembers Anderson, Butler, Cahill, Greene, Mollis, Panos, Rosencranz,

Sohor, President Walker.

NAYS: None



WHEREAS, the Business Administrator has the responsibility of approving all vouchers subject to preaudit and control; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Finance is responsible for the preaudit, the disbursement of all monies and the control over all expenditures to ensure that the budget appropriations are not exceeded; and

WHEREAS, the finance committee of the Township Council has satisfied themselves in respect to the bill listing of September 15, 2014 that there exists a detailed bill or voucher supporting each payment and there is indication that goods or services have been received or rendered.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Old Bridge that the bill listing of September 15, 2014 as approved by the Business Administrator after preaudit and control by the Director of Finance and after review by the finance committee be spread on the minutes in the amount of $47,030.15 (Overtime – August 29, 2014)

Moved by Councilwoman Sohor, seconded by Councilman Cahill and so ordered on the following roll call vote:

AYES: Councilmembers Anderson, Butler, Cahill, Greene, Mollis, Panos, Rosencranz,

Sohor, President Walker.

NAYS: None

Prior to the roll call vote the following discussion took place:

Administrator Marion stated that the majority of overtime for this pay period reflects police overtime in the amount of 5.45.2 man/woman hours. If you break out, there are no grants for this payroll period, if you take out earned time off $4263.39, total payroll for the police department is $28,918.52 and most of that has been attributed to manpower and Salt Water Day.



WHEREAS, the Business Administrator has the responsibility of approving all vouchers subject to preaudit and control; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Finance is responsible for the preaudit, the disbursement of all monies and the control over all expenditures to ensure that the budget appropriations are not exceeded; and

WHEREAS, the finance committee of the Township Council has satisfied themselves in respect to the bill listing of September 15, 2014 that there exists a detailed bill or voucher supporting each payment and there is indication that goods or services have been received or rendered.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Old Bridge that the bill listing of September 15, 2014 as approved by the Business Administrator after preaudit and control by the Director of Finance and after review by the finance committee be spread on the minutes in the amount $729,739.03 (Payroll September 12, 2014)

Moved by Councilwoman Sohor, seconded by Councilman Cahill and so ordered on the following roll call vote:

AYES: Councilmembers Anderson, Butler, Cahill, Greene, Mollis, Panos, Rosencranz,

Sohor, President Walker.

NAYS: None



WHEREAS, the Business Administrator has the responsibility of approving all vouchers subject to preaudit and control; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Finance is responsible for the preaudit, the disbursement of all monies and the control over all expenditures to ensure that the budget appropriations are not exceeded; and

WHEREAS, the finance committee of the Township Council has satisfied themselves in respect to the bill listing of September 15, 2014 that there exists a detailed bill or voucher supporting each payment and there is indication that goods or services have been received or rendered.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Old Bridge that the bill listing of September 15, 2014 as approved by the Business Administrator after preaudit and control by the Director of Finance and after review by the finance committee be spread on the minutes in the amount of $48,294.31 (Overtime September 12, 2014)

Moved by Councilwoman Sohor, seconded by Councilman Cahill and so ordered on the following roll call vote:

AYES: Councilmembers Anderson, Butler, Cahill, Greene, Mollis, Panos, Rosencranz,

Sohor, President Walker.

NAYS: None

Prior to the roll call vote the following discussion took place:

Administrator Marion stated that the overtime for this period $48,29.32, the police department represents $37,378.34. The grant amount was $265.35. The earned time off was $7,041.53, for total police overtime $28,042.34, again attributable to manpower. Currently, we are running about $90,000 over the 2014 budget. That number changes each month, and we are keeping an eye on it and we are working through some potential options.


H-1 Release/Reduction Performance guarantee Winding Brook/Woodhaven Village, Inc. Blk. 24000, Lot 18, Bond #0387238 and #0396799.

President Walker opened this matter to the public. Seeing no hands she closed the public portion.

Jim Winkowski from CME Associates on behalf of the Township.

Frank Petrino, Esq. representing the applicant.

Jim Winkowski stated that the applicant has requested a reduction of the performance guarantee for their project Winding Brook, which a 73 unit single family home site located off of Colorado Boulevard. We prepared a report dated August 4, 2014. There are currently two performance guarantees posted one for Phase I and one for Phase II improvements. Based on our observations of completed items to date, we are recommending a reduction of performance guarantees. For Phase I, we recommend that the bond be reduced down to 38% and for Phase II a reduction down to 30%. A reduction down to 30% is the maximum amount until the project is completed. In dollar value for Phase I, it would be $48,409.31 cash and for $435,683.77 reduction of the bond/ Approximately $300,000 would be left for completion of the project. For Phase II, $115.680.00 reduction of the cash and $1,487,323.67 of the bond. There would be approximately $500,000 left for completion of Phase II. We are confident that those amounts would be sufficient to insure the completion of the project.

President Walker opened this matter to the public. Seeing no hands she closed the public portion.

Councilman Greene stated that the punch list associated from Phase I was pretty significant based on the July 29th report. Will all the work be done?

Jim Winkowski responded that it was and there was enough money to complete the project. Our punch list lists all the items that must be completed.

Councilman Greene stated he was just concerned because the list was so extensive and he wants to make sure that it will all be completed this year.

Jim Winkowski responded that all the remaining work will be completed as soon as possible and is covered under the remaining bond.

Robert Gelbart, developer, stated that most of the work will be completed. The toping of the streets will not be done until the final home is sold because they do not want the heavy trucks destroying the new asphalt. We will not ask for another reduction until the project is completed.

Councilman Anderson inquired whether or not the amount of money left is sufficient to cover the outstanding items.

Jim Winkowsi responded that it was sufficient.

Councilman Greene responded that is what I was waiting to hear. How many houses were sold and how many remain to be sold?

Robert Gelbert stated that 35 have closed, another 14 are sold and there are about 20 left to be sold. Its approximately 50% completed.


Motion to approve reduction of performance guarantee made by Councilman Butler, seconded by

Councilman Anderson and so ordered on the following roll call vote:

AYES: Councilmembers Anderson, Butler, Cahill, Greene, Mollis, Panos, Rosencranz, Sohor,

President Walker.

NAY: None.


Vincent Fiore asked for update on a fire at Cheessequake Villlage, that damaged his home 28 months ago.. He stated that he was told the work is almost completed and the house will be ready for occupancy soon.

Administrator Marion stated he did speak with the Building Department today and my understanding is that everything is up to date. I will recognize Pat Reardon from Code Enforcement to give an update:

Patrick Reardon we are just waiting for the contractor to schedule his framing inspection. Everything else has passed and the paperwork is in order. He has not scheduled it yet.

Administrator Marion stated that if Mr. Fiore has any other questions, he should contact him or the Mayor’s office.


Councilman Cahill stated that he attended the Christina Labruto Memorial Dedicaton on Staturday at Geick Park. It was a wonderful event and the Township did a tremendous job. I would encourage the residents to go and visit and based on the comments I heard, I think the Labruto family were very thankful

That their daughter was being remembered in such a caring way and it really is a very beautiful and touching memorial.

Councilwoman Panos stated that she did not make the ceremony due to work. She did however, want to stated that the Township’s 911 Ceremony was also very beautiful and touching. We lost nine residents on that date. This year three more people were added on this year. They were long time residents who had either moved or relocated before the event. I think that it was very appropriate to add these names to our Township Memorial. Lt. Governor Kim Guadano was present and she stated that this tragedy will never be forgotten and we will always stand together as a community.

Councilwoman Sohor stated that the Community at Plaza Grande would like to extend an invitation to everyone for their Susan G. Kolman Breast Cancer Walk to be held there at their Clubhouse on October 19, 2014 starting at 10:00 am.. You can sign up prior to the event or on that day.

Councilman Mollis stated he concurred with Councilman Cahill’s statements regarding the Christina LoBruto Memorial. He felt that the acknowledgment by the Township was something very special.

Councilman Anderson stated that a few weeks ago, there was a resident who came in asking whether or not a bus service could be provided to the new WalMart. I want to thank the Mayor and his Administration and especially Diane Amabile for providing that bus which will start next Monday on October 22nd and give 30 people at a time to go to the new store until such time we can get the County to get a bus route change for next year.

Councilman Butler wanted to give some special thanks to Mayor Henry and his staff for the beautiful 911 Ceremony. It was without a doubt one of the most moving ceremonies I have attended.

He also extended thanks to the Old Bridge employees, the Police and Fire Departments, Madison Park First Aid Squad, the Lutheran Church Pastor Phillip Restler, as well as Rabbi Joseph Mishkin from Temple Beth Ohr, the Knights of Columbus, the ROTC and all the Township Resident who lent their support to this event.