ED 173: Cognition and Learning in Educational Settings

Professor Martinez

Practice Quiz: Instructional Strategies

Note: These quizzes are posted on the course website and on the course noteboard. The day after each lecture will be designated as a discussion day for that lecture and the associated quiz. On that day, a TA will respond to all posted questions and comments on the practice quiz. Please post your questions and comments on the course noteboard. Any questions and comments posted after the designated discussion day for a particular practice quiz will be read and responded to, but they may not be responded to immediately.

To access the course noteboard, go to http://eee.uci.edu/ and sign in to MyEEE. Click on “noteboard” underneath the course listing for ED 173, then click on the ED 173 Practice Quizzes Noteboard. From there, click on the practice quiz forum that you would like to address.

Please DO NOT send emails to the TAs regarding these practice quizzes – all questions and comments about the practice quizzes should be posted on the noteboard. This will allow all students to learn from each other’s questions. Of course, feel free to email the TAs with any other course questions or comments J.

1. Direct instruction is also called all of the following, except:

  1. Teacher-centered
  2. Constructivist
  3. Didactic
  4. Expository

Follow-up question: Consider the answer to this question. How can a lecture, which is generally considered to be direct instruction, be aligned with the answer to this question?

2. Which of the following is not true of advance organizers?

  1. They can promote priming.
  2. They are susceptible to proactive interference.
  3. They can encourage schema activation.
  4. They are a way to “tell them what you’re going to tell them.”

3. Carroll’s model of time and learning allows for the fact that:

a.  students have different learning styles

b.  students have multiple intelligences

c.  students learn at different rates

d.  students can learn in a variety of settings

4. Which of the following is not true of discovery learning?

  1. It involves teacher-centered delivery.
  2. It suggests that learning is a result of discovery.
  3. It emphasizes students’ thought processes.
  4. It is consistent with a constructivist approach.

5. What is the most general ATI, and what does it suggest about optimal learning for students?

6. Explain the difference between cognitive styles and cognitive abilities, and give an example of a cognitive style.