Physical Science Class Procedures2015-2016
Mr. Atkinson’s classroom policy for Success in Physical Science
This document is designed to offer suggestions/ tips for helping students navigate and find success in 8th grade Science. It is the goal that all students will be successful and succeed in physical Science. Understanding the information below will help in being successful.
- Understanding the grading process
- Knowing what materials are needed
- Understanding the format of each physical Science unit
- Developing test taking strategies
- Knowing how to get help and that help is always available
- Understanding the grading process.
- Homework – accounts for 10% of their grade. Homework only accounts for 10% of a student’s grade but is extremely important. Homework provides practice in developing the skills and concepts students will need to master for success on quizzes and tests. Some homework is graded; some is graded for effort and other homework is graded for accuracy. Being only 10% of the grade, if a student struggles on homework it has little effect on overall grade. What is more important is that they figure out why they got the questions wrong so that they do not make the same mistakes on quizzes and tests later on. NO LATE HOMEWORK IS ACCEPTED without parent note or student stays after school.
- Classwork and Participation- accounts for 5% of grade. Throughout the school year, students will be working on journal prompts and warm-ups that
will help students develop the necessary written skills for science.
- Labs/projects – account for 35% of grade. Provides hands on practice in developing the skills and concepts needed for success in this class. Labs and projects are extremely important and count for a large portion of the grade. They provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate science skills learned.
- Tests/quizzes – account for 50% of the student grade. This course hasa state assessment at the end of the year and test and quizzes will help prepare students for that assessment. Test and quizzes contain questions that model questions from the state assessment.
Note Any student completing all the homework and labs for the unit,and is still struggling (failing) on the tests will be given the opportunity to make test corrections and bring their test grade to a passing grade. In this way, any student that is struggling but doing all the work is guaranteed a passing grade.
- Knowing what materials are needed
- Student shall have a three ring binder and folder. This is to be brought to class daily and will be used for daily notes, reference tables, past tests, quizzes and homework. Periodically as a class, we will organize the folders so information is readily available when needed.
- Student should have a composition notebook. This notebook will be used in class on a daily basis for journaling purposes. Students will occasionally be asked to write in their journals outside of class, but for the most part it will be during class time.
- Student should have pen and pencil. Some tests may require # 2 pencil and students will work on labs, which require colored pencils.
- Classroom Expectations
- Students should be responsible
- Students should be on time to class
- Students should complete assignments on time
- Students are responsible for their missed work when absent
- Students should be respectful
- Students should follow all classroom rules
- Students should respect others
- Students should be Ready
- Student should be prepared with required materials
- Students should have an open mind to learn
Science many not be your best subject, however the goal is to make science fun and a place where all students want to be. It is also a goal that all students are successful meeting the new common core state standards. Several research projects will begin to introduce students to many skills needed going forward in their education. I am available any time after school for help, or during the school day when I have a free period. I will hold review sessions before every test and welcome any student who needs help to seek the help. I look forward to a great school year with lots of success!
...... Cut along the dotted line......
Date: ______
Phone number: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Student Signature: ______