Minutes of the meeting of the Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7:30pmon 21st October 2013, in the Millennium Hall.
Present: Cllrs Andrews, Beattie, Blackwell, Brylewski, Bridgwood (arrived at 7.35pm), Cutler, Gulliver, Houghton, Robinson, Scott, Trevor,County Cllr Fleetwood,Mr MJ Tomlinson (RFO). There were no members of the public.
Absent: Cllr Parrott, Mrs M Vail (clerk)
In the absence of the clerk,it was resolved that the RFO be note taker. Members were reminded that the meeting was being recorded. Special mention was made of the passing of Roy Bowser, a prominent village resident, which was noted with great sadness.
Meeting started at 7.30pm
2013/101 Apologies, welcomes and attendance: Cllr Welburn (holiday), Cllr Booth (work commitments). A proposal to accept these apologies was carried.
2013/102 Members’ declarations of interest, gifts and hospitality: None
2013/103 Chairman’s remarks: The Chair reminded Members both of the need to conduct themselves according to the Code of Conduct, and of their Duty of Care as employers to provide a suitable and appropriate working environment for employees. A reminder was given that the Council was bound by Employment Law and, as such, employment matters should be raised at the Employment Committee and not in a public meeting, or in print in a public forum.
2013/104 To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on 16th September, and agree for them to be signed as a true record
A proposal to amend item 2013/92 so that it read ‘A proposal that the library site be formally registered as an asset of community value was carried’ was carried.
A proposal to amend item 2013/92 so that it read ‘A proposal that the library matter be put on the Autumn Parish Meeting agenda’ was carried.
The list of Members attending was amended to include Cllr Andrews.
Cllr Beattie referred to item 2013/96 which said: ‘The inaccuracies in Cllr Beattie’s letter were pointed out and corrected.’ He stated that they were not pointed out, were not corrected, andasfar as he was concerned, he did not make any inaccuracies. After an explanation that this section of the minutes was a summary of the discussion which happened at that point of the meeting, rather than being a record of what Cllr Beattie believed, Cllr Beattie said he was convinced that he had not made any inaccuracies but was publishing as per the minutes. Cllr Beattie referred to this agenda item as being ‘To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on 16th September and agree for them to be signed as a true record’ and stated that he did not consider them to be a true record as he did not say these words, therefore thatcomplete sentence was inaccurate. Cllr Beattie made a proposal that he did not say those words, so it was not a true record. A vote of those in favour of deleting the sentence ‘The inaccuracies in Cllr Beattie’s letter were pointed out and corrected.’ was 2 for, 2 against, remainder abstained. The chair had the casting vote: she stated that she would stay with her original vote, explaining that the clerk had listened very carefully to the recording of the meeting when writing the minutes, therefore the proposal was not carried. Cllr Beattie requested that his comments be recorded.
A proposal to accept the amended minutes as a true record was carried, and they were duly signed.
2013/105 To receive reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors (if any)
Cllr Fleetwood reported that three bids had been received for the library site from the Co op, the Community Partnership, and the group led by Mr Mike Cutler. He asked Members for a lead as to which way the parish council would prefer things to go because ideally the decision needed to be taken between two bids. It was explained that this was an impossible thing to answer as the parish council was a member of the Community Partnership, and also that the parish council did not know the details of the other two proposals. It was noted that LCC’s timetable was not in cohesion with that of the parish council, and frustration was expressed at the lack of specific information received from LCC. Cllr Scott reported that some residents were asking if the village even needed a library.
Cllr Fleetwood then gave a progress report on the Eastern Bypass: he had been lobbying hard, and had talked to Cllr Jackie Brockway and the council on the Carlton Centre side. He suggestedthe council contact Paul Coatup,Assistant Director of Highways,if Members wished to add anything further. LCC were currently issuing the orders to buy the land. Cllr Beattie made some comments relating to the bypass, and was advised by the Chair that there was an agenda item later in the meeting under which these comments could be considered.
The police had reported some ongoing problems regarding school parking, as well as incidents of theft from gardens which had been dealt with accordingly. Anti-Social Behaviour of youths on motorcycles and in cars was being dealt with. A pig and piglets on the loose in the villagehad been returned to their field.
It was reported for information that officers currently present at Nettleham Police Box were as follows: PC 716 Nick Prestwick, PCSO Jackie Parker, PCSO Glenn Patchett
There was no District Councillor report.
2013/106 To receive the schedule of receipts and payments since the last meeting :
A proposal to accept the schedule was carried.2013/107 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc:
a)Finance & General Purposes:
- To receive an update on progress of the church path
It was reported that work had started on 21st October and would take approx. 1.5 weeks.
b)Planning matters:
i.To receive a report on recent planning applications, approvals and refusals
Applications: 1304310 St Simons Drive: extension to the rear. No objections.
A proposal to accept the Planning Committee’s actions was carried.
ii.To receive a report on progress made regarding Neighbourhood Plan, including to approve Terms of Reference, and agree any other actions accordingly
Cllr Scott reported that the first open meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group had been attended by Cllrs Beattie, Booth and Scott, and Mr Denis Turner, andthat there were other people who would join in whenever their expertise was needed. Shethen distributed a hand-outexplaining the background to Neighbourhood Planning and what actions were required. Cllr Booth would shortly be adding timelines to the action plan, which was well progressed. A grant of £7000 had been applied for, and it was anticipated that the Neighbourhood Planwould be completed within 12 – 18 months.
Referring to the Terms of Reference, Cllr Scott stated that she felt that it would be good if Cllr Beattie be co-opted onto the membership, joining herself and Cllr Booth. Cllr Beattie agreed to this, and a proposal that Cllr Beattie join CllrsScott and Booth on theNeighbourhood Plan was carried. A proposal that the draft terms of reference be accepted, was carried. Thanks were extended to Cllrs Boothand Scott.
iii.To receive the reply from LCC concerningcouncil complaints about the consultation process regarding the Lincoln Eastern Bypasschanges and to agree any response
A copy of the reply from LCC had been circulated to Members ahead of the meeting, which stated that LCC had done all they had to for legal compliance. The chair stated that although she did not doubt that LCC had complied legally, she still considered that spirit of law had not been adhered to as residents of Cherry Willingham and Reepham, who would be most affected, had not been consulted. She felt there was still a need to proceed with a further complaint. After comments were taken from Membersa proposal that Cllr Booth be asked to advise the Council on the correct way forward was carried. Cllr Beattie reported that he had, after the last Council meeting, asked LCC to view the plans and was disgusted to be told thathe couldn’t as the consultation period had finished. He explained that he had eventually seen the plans, which were different to what the Council had seen in 2009, and LCC had told him that there was no way the parish council could now change the plans as they were ‘set in stone’ and that it was too expensive to alter them at this stage. The chair confirmed that Cllr Fleetwood was working on changing the plans, and that the parish council were looking at the procedural issue. Cllr Fleetwood suggested that, if the parish council were having procedural problemsthey should initially use the formal complaints system of LCC or WLDC. The stage after that would be to refer the issue to the local government ombudsman(Pat Thomas).
iv.To note the letter from the National Transport Case Team regarding holding inquiries into the Lincoln Eastern Bypass Scheme and Orders
Noted. A copy of the reply had been circulated ahead of the meeting which promised further details at a future date. It was agreed to ask Cllr Booth for adviceregarding any further reply.
c)Employment Committee:
- To consider a recommendation that the litter picker be allocated 2 additional hours per week over a six month period (April – September)
Following a successful trial of these additional hours in 2013, it was resolved to accept this recommendation, until such time as the Council decided otherwise.
- To approve a 1% pay rise for all employees, as per the NALC agreement, backdated to April 2013 A proposal to approve this item was carried.
- To consider any other matters as recommended by the Employment Committee at their meeting on 14th October: The RFO raised the matter of two employees were on NALC spinal column point 4 which, as of 1st October 2013, was being deleted as it was below the current minimum wage threshold. A proposal to move the two employees from NALC spinal point 4 to NALC spinal point 5 as of 1st October was carried.
d)Village Improvement Committee:
i.To receive a statement as to progress on Croft Lane bus shelter
Cllr Trevor reported that the VIC was one member short, and that old jobs were being completed first, before Members started on newer jobs such as the bus shelter. He explained that the new make-up of VIC members felt that the bus shelter was too expensive at this time, and that their opinion was that the style should conform throughout the village, therefore the VIC wished to re-examine costs to ensure best value for the residents. Cllr Beattie stated that the whole Council had accepted the quote therefore the Council should go ahead with it. Cllr Cutler stated that the style of the already agreed bus shelter was in keeping with the rest of the shelters. The VIC were asked to bring further information (pictures and costs),and a definite statement of why they wished Members to rescind the original decision, to the next meeting.
ii.To receive a report regarding improvements to Scout Hut footpath by LCC
A report was received that LCC planned to widen and stone this path from Hawthorn Road to the tarmac portion of the path to make it more serviceable. A report that residents alongside the footpath were leaving rubbish on the path was to go to VIC.
iii.To approve relief litter picker invoice of £69.52. Carried.
iv.To note rotten state of the Church Memorial Gate post
Noted. Cllrs were invited to inspect the post, and Cllr Houghton suggested that the ‘sound’part of the post could be reused elsewhere in the village. The RFO asked councillors to consider where in the budget spending on the memorial gates (currently charged to the VIC) should go.
e)Leisure & Amenities Committee:
i.To note the draft minutes, for information only, of the L&A meeting held on 18 September
f)Summer Events Task and Finish group
i.To note receipt of letter of thanks from the Gardening Club and a cheque for £50 towards the cost of the event
The receipt of a cheque, and the letter and its positive contents, were noted. The clerk had sent a reply of thanks. The thanks of the Council were noted as the gardening club had put much time and effort into the event
g)Xmas events task and finish group
i.To receive a report from the Xmas Task and Finish Group and agree any actions accordingly
Cllr Bridgwood reported that there would be no event this year.Cllr Trevor reported that Mr Keith Deeley and Mr Roy Booth had checked the Xmas tree lights, and that Mr Deeley had purchased some extensions to the lights at a cost of £10.17 to replace ones broken in 2012,for which he had been reimbursed. A proposal to approve the clerk’s actionsin paying Mr Deeley was carried. Mr Eric Pitt had offered to assist in erecting the tree, but more helpers were wanted. It was confirmed that the tree would be delivered to the Parade on the 29th November, and erected on 1st December.
ii.To resolve on any expenditure required for point i above
There was no further expenditure other than for the extensions and the tree itself.
2013/108 To receive reports and recommendations from Councillors representing the Council on outside Committees (if any):
a)Youth Club (Cllr Brylewski)
Cllr Brylewski reported that the official opening had been a success, with many positive comments received. An excellent job had been done with the redecoration and refurbishment, and the youth club were extremely grateful for monies donated to them by Cherry News and the Parish Council.Cllr Cutler noted that Cherry News still required a letter of thanks for their donation for its records. Action: Cllr Brylewski
b)To receive a verbal report from members of the implementation and monitoring group for the CW2020 plan
Cllr Scott reported that a meeting took place on 24th July, when it handed over to the Community Partnership, and that the Implementation and Monitoring Group’s rolehad been to kick-start and move things forward and encourage the setting up of the Community Partnership. It had been agreed at this meeting by the community that they were prepared to take on the CommunityPartnership. No further meeting was currently planned, but there was likely to be one last meeting after Christmas to ensure that the Community Partnership was moving things along. Cllr Cutler stated that Cllr Robinson had told him that the Implementation and Monitoring Group had finished: that he had raised this at a meeting for the gathering together of thePartnership, and Cllr Robinson had clearly said it was finished. Cllr Robinson explained that she had said that she didn’t know if it had finished its work, and that she believed that it hadn’t finished its work, as there were still areas it needed to look at. Cllr Scott explained that a letter had been sent out to all members of the Implementation and Monitoring Group saying it needed to meet in early 2014 to tidy up loose ends and finalise the group’s role in bringing everything together.
c)To receive a report from the Council’s representatives on the Community Partnership and consider the following:
Cllr Robinson explained that she and Cllr Trevor were on the Community Partnership as representatives of the Parish Council, and that she had asked the clerk to distribute to Members the item for the November edition of Cherry News as this summed up much of the Community Partnership meeting. The itemfor Cherry News also answered a question raised by Cllr Beattie which was an explanation of the makeup of the Community Partnership. It was confirmed that those who had been invited but who had not responded had been re-invited, and invites had also been sent to anybody else the Community Partnership thought might be interested. Cllr Robinson said she was, as yet,not aware of the replies. Although not mentioned in the Cherry News item, the Community Partnership had agreed to organise an event to celebrate volunteering in the village and to encourage others, including young residents, to volunteer. The Community Partnership hoped to develop a scheme, possibly in conjunction with WLDC, in which volunteer service could be officially recognised so that, for example, young people could list volunteer work on CVs , university applications and the like. Cllr Cutler stated that there were nominated members at that meeting, that the rest of the village had not been approached, and that some nominated members did not live in the village but were members of village organisations . The chair explained that it had been a meeting of village organisations and those organisations had been invited to send a representative. Cllr Cutler considered the meeting to be most disgusting. Cllr Houghton commented that she was also at that meeting, that it had been a very good meeting, and that Cllr Cutler and Mr Keith Deeley had been very rude throughout the meeting. Cllr Cutler responded to say they had not been rude.He asked that it be noted that he considered it to have been a most undemocratic meeting that had been arranged and set up. The chair explained that each organisation had had one vote. Cllr Andrews suggested that the minutes record both Cllr Houghton’s positive comments regarding the meeting, and Cllr Cutler’s negative comments regarding the meeting. There was a short discussion around who had or hadn’t received invitations, and councillors were asked for their support in ensuring all village organisations received their invitation.