Using the HOC Device Configuration Utility

Table of Contents

I. Configuring Basic Settings

a. General Settings

b. Transmission Method

c. Performance Options

II. Making Services Available on the Device

a. Configuring Services – Selecting options for each service and transferring those to the device.

b. Rebuilding the Service index – Selecting the services users can choose from on the device.

III. Important Tips & Info

IV. Required Settings by Service

a. WholeBody DVO - All Regions **EXCEPT** Northern California & Pacific Northwest

b. Clover-Stornetta - Northern California ONLY

c. Direct Vendor Ordering (DVO) - Northern California ONLY

d. NorPac Seafood - Northern California ONLY

e. NP Seafood Training - Northern California ONLY

f. NP Clover Training - Northern California ONLY

g. Direct Vendor Ordering (DVO) - Pacific Northwest ONLY

Services must be added to the HOC Control Panel before the device settings for those services can be configured using this utility.

Configuring Basic Settings

On the Application Settings tab you will be able to configure settings that are universal to the application. In other words, they apply to all orders placed on the device.

After entering the appropriate settings, simply click ‘Push to Device’ to copy the basic configuration (config.ini) to the device (\Windows).

If you want to simply view the basic settings on the device, click Get Service Settings. You can also load settings from a file.

General Settings

Device Identifier - This is a letter designation given to each unit in your store. If you have 5 units, each one is given a unique letter designation for order tracking purposes. For example, unit #1 would be letter A, unit #2 would be letter B, unit #3 would be letter C, and so on.

Store Business Unit - This is your PeopleSoft store location number. If you are unsure what the Store GL Unit number is for your location, ask an Accounting Team member. They will be able to provide you with the proper number to enter for this setting.

Purge Frequency (In Days) - The HOC Device Client maintains an archive of all the orders that have been sent from the device. When HOC Device Client starts, it compares the current date to the date the orders in the archive were created on, then deletes any orders from the device that are older than the Purge Frequency setting. For example, if the Purge Frequency is set to 5 days, HOC Device Client will delete any order that was created more than 5 days ago.

AutoSave Time Out (In Minutes) - When the number of minutes in the time out is reached with no activity on the device, any orders in progress are automatically saved and the HOC Device Client shuts down. This helps save battery power as well as ensure Team Members do not start orders while current sessions are still open.

Make sure you never have two units in the same store with the same Device Identifier.

Transmission Method

Desktop – This means users will dock the device at a PC in the store to send orders.

Wireless – This means users can send their wirelessly over the network without having to physically dock the device at a PC.

Only wireless order transfers are supported. Validation file use still requires the device to be docked at a PC.
Wireless communications are only supported on Windows Mobile 2003 and higher platforms.

Performance Options

Save Items As Entered – The entire order is auto-saved every time you add an item to your order. The ‘Use Append Method’ option will cause the auto-save to merely add the new item to the existing saved order instead of re-saving the entire order. This reduces the amount of time it takes to auto-save the order, improving performance.

Save Order On Demand – the order is only saved when the user taps the ‘Save’ button on the order entry screen. This is the fastest performance but provides no means to recover orders that were lost and not saved by the user.

Save Items As Entered is the recommended setting for this option.

Making Services Available On The Device (Device Order Services Tab)

Configuring Services

The steps to making a service available on the device are simple.

1.  Select the service you want to configure from the list by clicking on it one time.

2.  Make sure the service you select has a check next to it in the list.

3.  Check the options you want to turn on or off.

4.  Click Save to File

5.  Click Push To Device.

For a complete list of HOC services and how each should be configured, see the Required Settings by Service section of this guide.

If you want to simply view the configured options for a service, select the service from the list then click Get Service Settings. If you want to change option settings, make the changes then perform steps 3 & 4 above.

Rebuilding the Service Index

In addition to each service having its own individual configuration file, the HOC Device Client also relies on a Service Index file. This file contains a simple list of the services users are allowed to order from using the HOC Device Client.

To include or exclude services from the index, simply check or uncheck the service in the list then click Rebuild Service Index.

The service index is automatically rebuilt every time you push a service to the device unless you turn this feature off by un-checking the ‘Rebuild service index after each push’ option.

Important Tips & Info

·  The first time you click on the Device Order Services tab, the service index on the device is cached to the PC and compared to the configured services on the PC. Any services not in the index will appear unchecked.

·  Using the Save to File command on the Application Settings tab will save the config file on the PC as “BU.PDAIdentifier.config.ini”. This makes loading a application configuration file for a specific unit fast and easy and you always have a copy of the configuration for each unit you manage.

·  All functions requiring device access are disabled unless there is a current ActiveSync connection.

·  The service you are working with is always the one in the list that has the focus (is highlighted).

·  All files saved by the configuration utility are located in “%%BootDir%%\Program Files\HOC for Pocket PC\services” by default.

Required Settings by Service

Repeat these steps for each service you need to configure:

1.  Select the service you want to configure from the list by clicking on it one time.

2.  Make sure the service you select has a check next to it in the list.

3.  Check the options you want to turn on or off.

4.  Click Save to File

5.  Click Push To Device.

All Regions **EXCEPT** Northern California & Pacific Northwest

Direct Vendor Ordering (DVO) (a.k.a. WholeBody DVO)

Northern California ONLY


Direct Vendor Ordering (DVO)

Norpac Seafood

NP Clover Training

* Same As Clover-Stornetta

NP Seafood Training

Same As NorPac Seafood

Pacific Northwest ONLY

Direct Vendor Ordering (DVO)