NAME AND ROLE / Jemma Vobe Societies OfficerDATE OF REPORT / 18/01/16
1. Full time Officers should list 5 – 7 objectives / outcomes in Part A and B list; Part-time Officers should list at least 3 objectives / outcomes in Part A and B.
2. The current status should be indicated using the key below, and as demonstrated in the first line of the ‘Manifesto’ section; select the cell, right click and use the ‘borders and shading’ function achieve this.
STATUS KEYNot Started / Underway / Completed
3. In Part C please describe the engagement activity that you have taken part in the period since your last report including how the information collected is to be used, and the number of members that you engaged with.
4. In Part D please list any and all gifts or hospitality that you have received, whilst in office and because of your role, since your last report, including the person or organization that gave you the gift or hospitality and the value (or an estimate if unknown).
MANIFESTO PLEDGES ACTION PLAN AND REPORTObjective and expected outcome(s) / Activity (what I will do to achieve this) / UPDATE / Status
1. / To build a better relationship between societies and sports. / 3 events per year, one sports based one society based and one which is a party/function for all. / Has one event in the first term. Am discussing ideas with Nick sports officer and shall be planning a different event for this term after reflecting on last terms. Also have been discussing what to do for the third term.
2. / To make more people aware that we have a societies officer and what the role is. / Going to one society meeting per society per year, and putting a photo of myself on the union website. / So far I have attended Amateur Dramatics, Sikh, Dr Who, Harry Potter, Auto circle spectrum, Economics, meditation, First
love, mature students association, Anime, AHS, Chinese culture, Momentum. Film appreciation, sustainable fashion, Isoc, Christian union,
Also created a survey with all society committee members to check if they know who I am to measure the success.
3. / To standardize the society sub-committee meetings / Attend at least one meeting for each of the 3 sub groups. Determine what are best practices, what needs improvement and then feeding back / Still haven’t been able to secure chairs for two of the groups. Have spoken several times and tried recruiting several times. Will have to reevaluate when new committee members are elected.
EXECUTIVE OFFICER RESPONSIBILITIESObjective and expected outcome(s) / Activity (what I will do to achieve this) / UPDATE / Status
1. / Use social media to engage with students / Tweeting using my officer twitter account. / Posted a tweet using @SU and it was shared and favorited
2. / Create a guide for out of hours socials / Ask for feedback and create guide on top issues / Posted on committee page, got feedback. Have designed the guide, and it has been sent to Kristie to be checked and then produced as part of the handover pack.
3. / Attend relevant meetings / Attended Student Voice meeting, Allocations committee, student council and societies committee meeting. / Attended meetings
4. / Complete 100 Change one thing cards / To collect data using change one thing cards as part of the executive team / 90 responses by 16/02/16
5. / Make long term change / Completed 5 bye law amendments and a policy / To be presented.
MEMBERSHIP ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITYWhat was the objective of the engagement activity you took part in? / How is the information collected going to be used? / No. of members
GIFTS AND HOSPITALITY RECEIVED (of more than £10 in value)Gift or hospitality / Received from whom (organization or individual) / Date / VALUE
(estimate if not known)
Not Started / Underway / Completed