Community-Based Care

Community Alliance Resource Handbook

Version 1.0 12/2000










SECTION 1.1 The name of this organization shall be the SHARED SERVICES ALLIANCE OF OKEECHOBEE & THE TREASURE COAST (hereinafter called the ALLIANCE)

SECTION 1.2 The designated service area of the ALLIANCE shall be the Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee and St. Lucie Counties, Florida

SECTION 1.3 The principal office and place of business of the ALLIANCE shall be located as so designated by the ALLIANCE.


SECTION 2.1 The mission of the ALLIANCE is to provide the opportunity for all children to reach their full potential.


SECTION 3.1 The purpose of the ALLIANCE shall be, but not limited to the following;

3.1.1 Joint planning for local resource utilization in the community.

3.1.2 Needs assessment and establishment of community priorities for service delivery.

3.1.3 Determining and evaluating community outcome goals.

3.1.4 Serving as a catalyst for community resource development.

3.1.5 Providing for community education and advocacy on issues related to delivery of services.

3.1.6  Promoting prevention and early intervention services.

3.1.7  Facilitating interagency communication.

SECTION 3.2 The ALLIANCE is a forum through which services for children mandated and funded by state and federal government are planned, organized and coordinated. .

SECTION 3.3 The ALLIANCE shall use shared services and resources to achieve its mission and purpose.


Section 4.1 AUTHORITY The governing authority of the ALLIANCE shall be invested in the ALLIANCE who shall have and exercise any and all powers in the management of the business and affairs of the ALLIANCE .

Section 4.2 COMPOSITION: Membership, governance and committees shall insure equal representation from each of the counties participation. The county representative shall be the Chairman of the Board or Executive Director (CEO) of a corporate entity that designates funding for children’s issues or the Chairman of the Board or Executive Director (CEO) of an agency with statutory requirement to deal with children’s issues.

Membership: the alliance shall consist of the following members:

1  District DCF administrator

2  Circuit/District Juvenile Justice Manager

3  Chairman or Executive Director of the Workforce Development Board

4  Five members from each of the participating counties appointed by the Executive Roundtable of that county.

5  Representative of the Circuit Court.

6  Foster Parent Representative.

SECTION 4.3 TERM OF SERVICE: Each ALLIANCE member shall serve a term of service, according to the following:

4.3.1  Districtwide Mandated Positions ALLIANCE members shall serve without limit of term coincident to eligibility.

4.3.2  County Representative Positions ALLIANCE members serving as representatives of their respective Shared Services Network and are not the designated mandated position as described in section 4.2.1 above, shall begin a staggered (2- 2 year, 2 – 3 year, and 1 – 4 year) term of service as appointed by their respective Shared Service Network and shall serve three years thereafter until such term is repealed by the appointing Shared Services Network.

SECTION 4.4 VACANCY If a vacancy shall occur among the ALLIANCE'S membership, the appointing/electing authority at its earliest convenience shall fill such vacancy. A member so appointed/elected shall serve for the unexpired position of that term of service.

SECTION 4.5 MEETINGS The ALLIANCE shall meet at least 12 months of the first calendar year and quarterly thereafter.

SECTION 4.6 QUORUM A majority of the ALLAINCE membership shall constitute a quorum necessary for official conduct of meetings of the ALLIANCE.

When a quorum is present, a majority vote of those members present and voting shall prevail in the decision of any matters brought before the meeting of the ALLIANCE, except where prescribed by these Bylaws.

SECTION 4.7 OFFICIAL FUNCTIONING The ALLIANCE shall operate as a public body, covered under provisions of the section 286.011 and the public records provision of section 119.07(1).

4.7.1  All meetings of the ALLIANCE shall be open to the public.

4.7.2  Members of the ALLIANCE are subject to the provisions of part III of chapter 112, the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees.

SECTION 4.8 COMPENSATION Members of the ALLIANCE shall serve without compensation.

Members of the ALLIANCE may be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties, subject to ALLIANCE approval.


SECTION 5.1 COMPOSITION The Officers shall be Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary.

SECTION 5.2 ELECTION/TENURE/VACANCY All officers shall be elected by the ALLIANCE from among its members.

5.2.1  Each Officer shall serve for a one (1) year term. However, no Officer shall serve for more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.

5.2.2  The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of officers to the ALLIANCE at the October ALLIANCE meeting of each year.

5.2.3  Officer elections shall take place in November of each year.

5.2.4  The term of office for all Officers shall begin on January 1st of each year.

5.2.5  Officer vacancies may be filled by the ALLIANCE at any regular meeting of the ALLIANCE, or at a special meeting called for that purpose.

5.2.6  No two (2) officers shall be from the same county. Districtwide positions shall not constitute representation of any one (1) county.

SECTION 5.3 POWERS AND DUTIES The Officers shall have such powers and duties as generally ascribed to their respective offices, and such further powers and duties as from time to time may be conferred by the ALLIANCE, including but not limited to the following:

5.3.1  Chair - preside at all meetings of the ALLIANCE; appoint the chair of ALLIANCE committees, serve as an ex-officio member of all ALLIANCE committees; represent and act on behalf of the ALLIANCE as authorized by the ALLIANCE; and exercise such other duties as may of right appertain to the office.

5.3.2  Vice Chair - exercise the authority and fulfill the duties of the Chair in the absence of that Office; and exercise such other duties as may be assigned by the Chair.

5.3.3 Secretary - maintain a current roster of the membership of the ALLIANCE; prepare a Record of Proceedings of all meetings of the ALLIANCE; serve as chair of the ALLIANCE's Nominating Committee; and exercise such other duties as may be assigned by the Chair.


SECTION 6.1 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The ALLIANCE shall empower an Executive Committee whose membership shall be:

1.  Chair

2.  Vice-Chair

3.  Secretary

4.  District Administrator

SECTION 6.2 COMMITTEES Will be appointed as deemed necessary and appropriate.


SECTION 7.1 MEETING PROCEDURES All meetings of the ALLIANCE will be conducted according to generally accepted procedures for the conduct of meetings.

7.1.1  Should a procedural dispute arise, the official presiding will seek consensus on dispute resolution among the members present.

7.1.2  If the procedural dispute cannot be resolved in a reasonable amount of time, the most recently published version of Robert's Rules of Order will be used to resolve the disputed procedure.


SECTION 8.1 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS These Bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed, either in part or in entirety, upon written notice of the proposed changes to the duly appointed/elected membership of the ALLIANCE at least 30 (30) days prior to the date of the ALLIANCE meeting at which the proposed changes will be considered and acted upon.

SECTION 8.2 AMENDMENT APPROVAL These Bylaws (and any future alteration, amendment, or repeal to these Bylaws) shall require approval by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the duly appointed/elected membership of the ALLIANCE.





SECTION 1.1 The name of this organization shall be the COMMUNITY ALLIANCE OF FLAGLER AND VOLUSIA COUNTIES (hereinafter called the ALLIANCE)

SECTION 1.2 The designated service area of the ALLIANCE shall be the Flagler and Volusia counties, Florida

SECTION 1.3 The principal office and place of business of the ALLIANCE shall be located at the Daytona Beach Regional Service Center, 210 North Palmetto Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.


SECTION 2.1 The mission of the ALLIANCE is to provide (to be included at a later date)


SECTION 3.1 The purpose of the ALLIANCE shall be, but not limited to the following;

3.1.1 Joint planning for local resource utilization in the community including resources appropriate to the Department and any funds that local funding sources choose to provide.

3.1.2 Needs assessment and establishment of community priorities for service delivery.

3.1.3 Determining and evaluating community outcome goals to supplement state-required outcomes.

3.1.4 Serving as a catalyst for community resource development.

3.1.5 Providing for community education and advocacy on issues related to delivery of services.

3.1.8  Promoting prevention and early intervention services.

3.1.9  Facilitating interagency communication.

SECTION 3.2 The ALLIANCE is a forum through which services for children and adults mandated and funded by state and federal government and administered by the Department of Children and Families are planned, organized and coordinated. .

SECTION 3.3 The ALLIANCE shall use shared services and resources to achieve its mission and purpose.


Section 4.1 AUTHORITY The governing authority of the ALLIANCE shall be invested in the ALLIANCE who shall have and exercise any and all powers in the management of the business and affairs of the ALLIANCE.

Section 4.2 COMPOSITION: Membership, governance and committees shall insure equal representation from each of the counties participation.

In accordance with F.S. 20.19(6)(d) the alliance shall consist of the following mandated members:

7  District 12 DCF Administrator

8  A representative from Flagler County government

9  A representative from Volusia County government

10  A representative from Flagler County school district

11  A representative from Volusia County school district

12  A representative from the United Way of Volusia and Flagler counties

13  A representative from the Flagler County Sheriff's Office

14  A representative from the Volusia County Sheriff's Office

15  A representative from the Seventh Judicial Circuit

16  A representative from the Volusia Family Services Council (Children and Families Advisory Board)

Additional members of the Alliance are:

11 A representative from Healthy Communities & KidCare

12 A representative from Flagler County Victim's Advocate

13 A representative from the Flagler County Department of Health

14 A representative from the Volusia County Department of Health

15 A representative from the Communities in Action Coalition

16 A representative from the Chiefs of Police Association - Volusia County

17 A representative from the Workforce Development Board in private business

18 A representative from the State Attorney's Office

19 A representative from the Department of Juvenile Justice

20. A representative from a Community Foundation

21. A representative of persons with developmental disabilities nominated by the Family

Care Council.

SECTION 4.3 TERM OF SERVICE: Each ALLIANCE member shall serve a term of service, according to the following:

4.3.3  Statutorily Mandated Positions: ALLIANCE members shall serve without limit of term coincident to eligibility. Alliance will seek appointment of a new member from the appointing authority upon three consecutive unexcused absence of any member. Each member may appoint a designated informed alternate member to attend the meetings in his/her absence with full voting rights.

4.3.4  Additional Representative Positions ALLIANCE members serving as additional representatives that are not statutorily mandated as described in section 4.2.1 above, shall begin a staggered (2 year, 3 year, and 4 year) term of service as determined on appointment.

SECTION 4.4 VACANCY If a vacancy shall occur in the ALLIANCE membership, the appointing/electing authority at its earliest convenience shall fill such vacancy. A member so appointed/elected shall serve for the unexpired position of that term of service.

SECTION 4.5 MEETINGS The ALLIANCE shall meet monthly during its first year and quarterly thereafter.

SECTION 4.6 QUORUM A majority of the ALLIANCE membership shall constitute a quorum necessary for official conduct of meetings of the ALLIANCE.

When a quorum is present, a majority vote of the members or their designees present and voting shall prevail in the decision of any matters brought before the meeting of the ALLIANCE, except where prescribed by these Bylaws.

SECTION 4.7 OFFICIAL FUNCTIONING The ALLIANCE shall operate as a public body, covered under provisions of the section 286.011 and the public records provision of section 119.07(1).

4.7.3  All meetings of the ALLIANCE shall be open to the public.

4.7.4  Members of the ALLIANCE are subject to the provisions of part III of chapter 112, the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees.

SECTION 4.8 COMPENSATION Members of the ALLIANCE shall serve without compensation.

Members of the ALLIANCE may be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties, subject to ALLIANCE approval.


SECTION 5.1 COMPOSITION The Officers shall be Chair, Vice Chair and Parliamentarian.

SECTION 5.2 ELECTION/TENURE/VACANCY All officers shall be elected by the ALLIANCE from among its members.

5.2.7  Each Officer shall serve for a one (1) year term. However, no Officer shall serve for more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.

5.2.8  The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of officers to the ALLIANCE at the October ALLIANCE meeting of each year.

5.2.9  Officer elections shall take place in November of each year.

5.2.10  The term of office for all Officers shall begin on January 1st of each year.

5.2.11  Officer vacancies may be filled by the ALLIANCE at any regular meeting of the ALLIANCE, or at a special meeting called for that purpose.

5.2.12  The three presiding officers should be representative of both counties. Districtwide positions shall not constitute representation of any one county.

SECTION 5.3 POWERS AND DUTIES The Officers shall have such powers and duties as generally ascribed to their respective offices, and such further powers and duties as from time to time may be conferred by the ALLIANCE, including but not limited to the following:

5.3.3  Chair - preside at all meetings of the ALLIANCE; appoint the chair of ALLIANCE committees, serve as an ex-officio member of all ALLIANCE committees; represent and act on behalf of the ALLIANCE as authorized by the ALLIANCE; and exercise such other duties as may of right appertain to the office.