Table SM-2. Number of panicles and rice yield under different nitrogen fertilizer treatments with or without inoculation of native PGPR in the field assay.
Number of panicles (m2) / Yield (Mg ha-1)Isolates* / Percent of nitrogen fertilizer
0% / 50% / 100% / 0% / 50% / 100%
AC32 / 371.70 (± 28.50) aB / 550.17 (± 16.24) aA / 514.77 (± 22.78) bA / 6.52 (± 0.59) aB / 9.41(± 0.78) bA / 10.60 (± 0.96) cA
AG15 / 351.05 (± 23.84) aB / 542.80 (± 19.86) aA / 606.22 (± 18.88) abA / 5.95 (± 0.68) aB / 10.61 (± 1.14) abA / 10.17 (± 0.33) cA
CA21 / 337.77 (± 63.06) aC / 502.97 (± 69.37) aB / 609.17 (± 57.48) abA / 6.60 (± 1.06) aC / 9.66 (± 1.00) abB / 12.57 (± 0.50) aA
CA56 / 324.50 (± 18.65) aC / 531.00 (± 56.38) aB / 660.80 (± 39.43) aA / 6.51 (± 1.13) aC / 9.15 (± 0.74) bB / 12.54 (± 0.34) abA
UR51 / 328.92 (± 36.17) aB / 595.90 (± 41.71) aA / 597.37 (± 54.36) abA / 6.44 (± 0.98) aB / 11.04 (± 0.42) aA / 11.19 (± 0.98) abcA
Non-inoculated / 330.40 (± 54.71) aB / 547.22 (± 103.10) aA / 572.30 (± 55.97) abA / 6.28 (± 0.64) aB / 9.75 (± 0.11) abA / 10.93 (± 0.44) bcA
Data represent the means of four plots per treatment in the field assay.
Values in the same column followed by the same lower case letter did not differ significantly at P > 0.05 (Tukey’s test).
Values in the same line followed by the same upper case letter did not differ significantly at P > 0.05 (Tukey’s test).
* AC32(Herbaspirillum sp.); AG15 (Burkholderia sp.); CA21 (Pseudacidovorax sp.); CA56(Rhizobium sp.); UR51 (Azospirillum sp.).