WSI OnlineQuick Guide
Teacher – WSI Online Moodle Quizzes
Table of Contents
WSI OnlineQuick Guide
Teacher – WSI Online Moodle Quizzes
Table of Contents
About quizzes
I. Create question pools
Create a category
Edit a category
II. Add questions to a category
Create a question
Add a Multiple choice question
Add a Short answer question
III. Create a Quiz
Initial creation of Quiz
Edit quiz questions
IV. Add questions to a quiz
Add a random block of questions
Create new questions from the Edit quiz page
Preview the quiz
Instructions for students
Clear a quiz attempt
Mark Quizzes
Grade Objective quiz questions
Grade Subjective (Essay) quiz questions
Grade a single Essay question
Review a single student's answers
Quickly review all answers of a quiz
Override grades/scores
Reset the quiz for another attempt
Quiz FAQs
About quizzes
Moodle uses the term ‘quizzes’ to describe an online quiz, test or exam.
For the most flexibility, we recommend using the following basic procedure (complete instructions for each step are provided below):
I. Create question pools (categories or question banks).
II. Add questions to your pools.
III. Create a quiz and set options for how and when it is deployed.
IV. Add questions from your categories to the quiz.
I. Create question pools
Creating pools or categories for your questions is not a requirementhowever, doing so will make it easier to
- set up random blocks of questions in a test
- re-use questions in multiple tests
- copy questions from one course to another.
Please note that if you create quiz questions from within a course site they will be added to a default category named after the course.
Create a category
1. Click on Question bank(under Course administration).
2. Click on Categories to open the Edit categories page.
3. Under the Add categorysection of page click on the Parent categorydropdown menu and select Top.
4. In the Name field, type a name for your question pool (eg‘Cookery’).
5. Click on Add category.
6. Repeat steps 3-5 to create all of the categories you will need to create quiz questions for your course.
Tip: Be sure that you correctly identify the parent test pool each time you add a category (Moodle will try to make the most recent category you created the parent for your next category!)
Edit a category
1. Click the Edit this category icon () next to the category's name.
2. On the Edit this category page, change the Parent category, Name and Category info as desired.
3. Click Save changes.
Find out more:
Moodle categories at Moodle Docs
Moodle Quiz Categories - YouTube video
II. Add questions to a category
Create a question
1. Click Questions (Under Course administrationQuestion bank).
2. From the Select a categorydropdown menu, select the category that you would like to add your question to (eg‘Cookery’).
3. Click on Create a new question.
4. Select the type of question you wish to add.
5. Click Add.
Add a Multiple choice question
1. Select Multiple choice as the question type.
2. Under Generaltype the:
- Question name (every question needs a name)
- Question text (do not type the question into the Question name field!).
All questions have a default mark of ‘1’. If you would like the question to be worth more points, you can change it.
Note: You can also control the number of points assigned to each question in a quiz by changing the maximum number of points for the overall quiz. Moodle will scale the points up or down as necessary.
3. Under Answers type each possible choice.
- Make the grade None to indicate an incorrect choice.
- Make the grade 100% to indicate the one correct answer.
- If there are two correct answers select 50% for both correct answers and None for all the other choices.
- Complete the number of choices that you require and leave the rest blank.
4. Under Combined feedback add any combined feedback you require.
5. Under Multiple tries add any hints you want to give. Hints will be displayed if you allow multiple tries in the overall quiz settings. You can also set penalties for incorrect answers here.
6. Scroll down and click Save changes.
Moodle provides multiple opportunities for feedback. For example, you can provide specific feedback for each specific answer selected or general feedback for any wrong answer. You may leave the feedback fields empty.
Random questions and shuffle choices
When you create the quiz settings later, you'll have the opportunity to select random question order to ensure that every student takes a different version of the quiz. In addition, if you check the "Shuffle the choices" box, the answer choices will also appear in random order, further customizing the quiz for each student.
Penalty for incorrect answers
Moodle allows you to apply penalty to incorrect answers. If you don’t intend to assess penalty points for multiple attempts, you do not need to change the default value provided. When you deploy the quiz, you can indicate that you do not wish to assess penalty points.
Find out more:
Multiple Choice question typeat Moodle Docs
Tip:You can create another question with the same settings by clicking on the Duplicate icon on the Question bank page.
Add a Short answer question
In a Short answer question, students answer by typing a word or phrase into the provided text field.
The teacher can set many possible correct answers. The student’s answer must match one of these acceptable correct answers exactly to receive marks. As a result, it’s important to anticipate all possible correct answers that may be phrased even slightly differently.
An asterisk (*) can be used as a ‘wildcard’ to help match characters. For example, use ‘ran*ing’ to match any word or phrase starting with ‘ran’ and ending with ‘ing.’(If you actually want an asterisk in the answer you must type a backslash before the asterisk, ie ‘/*’ ). The first matching answer will be used to determine the score and feedback, so it is important to order your answers from highest score to lowest.
- After selecting Create a new question…, select Short answer as the question type.
2. Under General, type the:
- Question name (every question needs a name)
- Question text (do not type the question into the Question name field!). Images, audio, and video can be inserted into this field if you wish.
Tip: if the answer is intended to fill a gap in the text, use underscores ‘__ ’ to indicate where the gap is.
3. Set the Default mark by entering a numerical value (ie the maximum number of marks for this question).
4. Choose whether or not the answers are case-sensitive(eg Will you accept ‘Arborio’ as well as ‘arborio’ as an answer?).
5. Next, under the Answers section type all the answers that you will accept (eg‘arborio’,‘arborrio’ and arrborio).
6. Add a grade for each answer. To mark correct answers, select ‘100%’.
7. (Optional) You can also select wildcard answers that will award credit or partial credit for a response. For example, if you type ‘arbor*’then the quiz would accept ‘arborrio’ and ‘arboria’ as being correct.
8. Click Save changes to add the question to the category.
Find out more:
Short-Answer question type at Moodle Docs
Tip: When copying question text into Moodle from Word, you may want to click the HTML icon in the toolbar then paste your text intothe HTML source editor. You will have to then redo any formatting, but your text will be 'clean'.
III. Create a Quiz
Initial creation of Quiz
Once you have created categories and populated them with questions, you're ready to create a quiz.
- Go to your home page and click Turn editing on.
2. Go to the topic or section where you wish to have a quiz (eg Task 1 or Week 1) and click on Add an activity or resource.
3. Select Quiz then click Add.
4. Provide a name for the quiz and use the Descriptiontextbox to provide instructions for your students.
Example of the type of information that can be included:
This quiz covers Topic 1. You may take this quiz only once.Please follow the instructions carefully.
Click on the Attempt quiz now button (below) to begin the quiz. Open only when ready to begin.
There are 5 pages with 5 questions each (total of 25 multiple choice questions). To move to the next page, click on the page number in the upper left column or on the Next button at the bottom of the page.
When you have answered all questions, click on Submit all and finish.
Moodle will automatically indicate any time limits, restriction dates, and number of attempts allowed.
5. Set all quiz options as desired, paying special attention to the notes below. Click on the Help icon next to each item for more information about that item.
•To set dates to open and/or close the quiz, check the Enable box next to the date then select a date and time (24-hour clock). Leave the Enable boxes unchecked to make the quiz available for an indefinite time.
•Open and close dates determine when students may view the test questions and submit their responses. These dates do not determine whether students can see the link for the test and the test introduction. Visibility of the test is controlled by ‘Common module settings’ and ‘Restrict access’ settings (see below).
•Be sure to set ‘When time expires’ to ‘Open attempts are submitted automatically’. This setting will ensure that students receive credit for the answers they have completed within the time allowed.
•We recommend that you set ‘New page’ to ‘Every 5 questions’. This layout makes the test more manageable for students and reduces the chances of a test not getting recorded, as it will force a regular ‘check-in’ with the Moodle server as well as tell the students’ ISP that they're still working on that page.
•If an essay question will likely take more than 10 minutes to answer, we recommend that you display only one essay question per page to minimise problems with the server timing out.
Question behaviour
•You can shuffle question parts. For example,select‘Shuffle within questions’ to shuffle multiple choice options.
•If you would like students to receive immediate feedbackas they complete each question, use the ‘How questions behave’ drop-down menu. The two simplest options are ‘Deferred feedback’(no feedback until the end and no ‘Check’ button) or ‘Immediate feedback’(a ‘Check’ button is available to the student as they finish each question). If you select ‘Immediate feedback’ensure that you also select what type of feedback in the ‘Review options’section (see below).
•When the feedback appears is also configured via ‘Review options’ (see below).
Review options
•Indicate what elements you wish your students to see at four key points:
During the attempt
Immediately after the attempt
Later, while the quiz is still open
After the quiz is closed.
•Click on the Help icon next to each review option in the first column for more information about that review option. We recommend that correct answers not be displayed until the quiz is closed, if at all.
•If you wish students to receive immediate feedback (set up in Question behaviour, above) then use the first column to identify which type.
•‘Show the user's picture’. If enabled, the student's name and picture will be shown on-screen during the attempt, and on the review screen, making it easier to check that the student is logged in as themself in an invigilated (proctored) exam.
•‘Decimal places in grades’. This setting specifies the number of digits shown after the decimal point when displaying grades. It only affects the display of grades, not the grades stored in the database, nor the internal calculations, which are carried out to full accuracy.
•‘Decimal places in question grades’. This setting specifies the number of digits shown after the decimal point when displaying the grades for individual questions.
Extra restrictions on attempts
•‘Require password’. This field is optional. If you specify a password in here then participants must enter the same password before they are allowed to make an attempt on the quiz. This is useful to give only a selected group of students access to the quiz.
•‘Require network address’. This field is optional. We don’t suggest you use this.
•‘Enforced delay between 1st and 2nd attempts’. If enabled, a student must wait for the specified time to elapse before being able to attempt the quiz a second time.
•‘Enforced delay between later attempts’. If enabled, a student must wait for the specified time to elapse before attempting the quiz a third time and any subsequent times.
•‘Browser security’. If ‘Full screen pop-up with some JavaScript security’ is selected then:
the quiz will only start if the student has a JavaScript-enabled web-browser
the quiz appears in a full screen popup window that covers all the other windows and has no navigation controls
students are prevented, as far as is possible, from using tools like Copy and Paste.
Overall feedback
•Overall feedback is text that is shown after a quiz has been attempted. By specifying additional grade boundaries (as a percentage or as a number) the text shown can depend on the grade obtained.
Common module settings
•If ‘Visible’ is set to ‘Show’, students will be able to view the quiz name and instructions, as long as it is permitted by the ‘Restrict access’ dates. Students' ability to see the test questions and submit answers is determined by the ‘Timing’ option explained above.
•Visibility is also controlled by selecting ‘Hide’ or ‘Show’ from the drop-down arrow to the right of the Edit button next to a quiz.
•IMPORTANT! If this option is set to Hide, students will not be able to see the test, even if the ‘Timing’ and ‘Restrict access’ settings are set to allow students to open and submit the test.
Restrict access
• This section gives you yet another way to control when students can view the test.
• You may leave this section blank to have quiz visibility and the ability to view and answer questions determined by the ‘Timing’ and ‘Common module’ settings. Read all the notes above regarding these two sections.
6. Click on Save and display to add questions to the quiz shell.
The quiz will be displayed within your topic. If you need to change any of the settings, follow the instructions below.
Edit quiz questions
1. Open the quiz and click on Edit quiz under Quiz administration in the Administration block.
2. You can now add/edit questions within the quiz. Example below.
Tip: If you intend to create several quizzes, you can duplicate a quiz by clicking the Edit drop-down arrow next to the quiz and selecting ‘Duplicate’.
If you have set a grade category for the original quiz (in Quiz settings) you'll need to update the grade category information in any duplicate quizzes.
IV. Add questions to a quiz
1. Locate the Quiz in your unit and click on the link.
2. Click on the Edit quizbutton or Edit quizunder Quiz administration in the Administration block.
3. Click the Add drop down menu and select From question bank.
4. Select a category from the drop-down menu to display the questions you have created in that category.
5. Tick the required questions and then select Add selected questions to quiz.
Add a random block of questions
- Click the Add drop-down menu and select Arandom question.
- Select the category you want random questions to come from.
- Select the number of questions that you want to pull from the pool and click on Add random question.
By default, the Maximum grade for the quiz (shown above the list of selected questions) is set to 10. If you wish, you can type in a different grade and click Save.
You can also adjust the point value for each individual question by typing a score in the Mark box next to the question and clicking Save.
If you wish, you can click on the Repaginate button to adjust the quiz layout.