Arrangements forParental Contact with Children

This summary of expected arrangements and behaviour is for parents having contact with their children who are either looked after by the local authority or when in some other circumstances the local authority is called upon to facilitate contact.

On occasion adults other than parents will have pre-arranged contact and these arrangements and expectations will also apply to them.

As a parent or other adult you should read this carefully because it will tell you what is expected of you in contact sessions and what the responsibilities of the contact staff will be. You will be asked to sign to show that you understand and agree with these expectations.

1. Purpose of Contact Sessions

Contact sessions are the chance for your child to see you and maintain a good relationship with you.

The sessionsmay also haveother purposes and you should be informed of these. For example, supervised sessions may be to offer you advice about child care, address any concerns, or to inform any assessment taking place or any reports which will be needed e.g. by the courts.

You may find contact staff taking notes in the session in order to assist with such tasks.

2. Who can be present at a Contact Session:

Contact sessions are a special time for children and their parents. For this reason, other adults or children should not be brought to sessions without the prior agreement of the social worker as they will not be allowed in to the session without this prior agreement.

3. Attendance:

Parents must attend the contact session at the time given to you. If a parent fails to attend on time the child will remain at the centre for 15 minutes after the agreed start time, after which they will be returned to their placement.

If the child arrives late for contact because of the Contact Service, whenever possible that time will be made up at the end of the contact session. If the venue or worker cannot facilitate this it will be expected that an arrangement will be made between all parties so that the overall duration of contact over a period of time is not reduced.

If the parent cannot attend contact, you must inform the social worker or the contact service prior to the contact session and give an explanation as to why you are not attending.

If a parent misses a contact session without explanation the social worker will be informed and it expected that the reasons will be discussed with the parent.

If a parent does not attend two consecutive contact sessions without a satisfactory explanation, or contacts are being cut short because of parental lateness or leaving early, a review will take place of the current contact arrangements to ensure that the needs of the children are being met appropriately. The parent will be asked to attend this review and a plan will be drawn up to try to ensure future contacts take place, and explain the consequences of any future missed contacts.

4. Mobile Phones

The contact session is your time devoted to your children and mobile phones can be an unnecessary distraction. Therefore mobile phones should not be used during contact and should be switched off.

  1. Cameras.

Parents will not be allowed to take photographs of their children during supervised contact sessions unless this has been agreed by the social worker in advance.A disposable camera can be used with prior agreement.

6. Food,Snacks and Presents

If parents wish to bring snacks for children to eat during contact these should not be solely sweets, chocolate and soft drinks but also include a range of more healthy food such as fruit, pre-prepared sandwiches and fruit juice. Parents should check with the supervisor that the building being used for the contact allows food to be consumed.


If parents intend to bring presents or money for a child, the social worker should be informed of this before the contact session is due to take place.

7. Breaks

Parents should remain in the contact session with their children at all times, except for toilet breaks or to do agreed tasks.

Contact service staff will not look after children while parents go for a cigarette, and parents cannot take children outside with them to have a cigarette.

8. Behaviour

a. Alcohol and Drugs

Parents must not use alcohol or drugs during a contact session. If a parent appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, either before or during a contact session, contact may be suspended or terminated at the discretion of the supervisor.

b.Aggressive or Violent Conduct

Physical or verbal aggression will not be tolerated towards any member of staff or any other person in the building. Parents attending for contact are expected to behave appropriately, particularly in front of the children. They should treat all staff in a respectful way and in turn parents should be treated in a similar manner.

Aggressive or violent behaviour, including verbal abuse,may be dealt with in a number of ways, including the police being contacted.


Any behaviour which is likely to cause either physical or emotional harm to the child will result in the contact session being interrupted or terminated at the discretion of the supervisor.

9. Preparation for the End of the Contact Session

The end of the contact session is important for the child. How he or she leaves the sessionwill affect whether it is a positive experience or not, and whether they want to return to the next one. To avoid emotional upset it is preferable that the session ends in a calm and orderly manner.

As part of this process, about 10 minutes before the end of a session, parent and child, will be expected to tidy up the room, and leave it as they found it. This may involve putting toys away and wiping down tablesas would be normal after an activity. This will give the children a routine and prepare them for the end of the contact session.

Refusal by parents to participate in this or in any way fuelling upset in the child at the end of a session will be recorded as lack of co-operation in the contact report.

10. Details


Contact commencing:




Workers details:

10. Agreement

I have read, understood and agree with the above:

Signed: Parent/Guardian Date:

Signed: Social Worker Date:

Signed: Contact Worker/Manager. Date:

May 2010

WRITTEN AGREEMENT (PARENTS)------C002 (Version 1 )