Port of Durban
Questions / Answers
Port of Durban (Hazardous Waste):
  • What is the staff compliment on the contracts for Durban i.e. how many people required on site – Transnet usually indicates a maximum number of labour to be used for their contracts.
/ Normally two per shift depending on the operation requirements on that particular day.
  • Fluorescent tubes & globes may not be disposed – these must be recycled – Recycling facilities based in Gauteng & KZN – can these be line items be amended in the BoQ to reflect legislative compliance?
/ Coffin-shaped fluorescent tube plastic bins must be provided by the successful bidder for rental. Rental to who? TNPA or successful bidder?
  • May the BoQ be amended to reflect all line items required to complete / carry out the identified scope of work / service?
/ The BoQ has been amended as attached.
  • Who is expected to do the crushing of fluorescent tubes / globes should TNPA refuse the packaging of fluorescent tubes / globes instead? Does TNPA have a permit / licence to crush?
/ This is the responsibility of the successful bidder in line with the Waste Act requirements.
  • What type of testing / analysis is required? Is this for treatment and disposal method only?
/ It is for treatment and disposal only.
  • Does TNPA expect SANS classification (testing / analysis) to be done?
/ No.
  • Does the currently used Class A (H:H) Landfill provide the test results / reports? (Not common practice for them to provide the normal testing and analysis reports for treatment and disposal method only. Reports only provided for SANS classification (specialised testing and analysis)
/ Not required.
  • Does TNPA have standard agreements or specified recyclers to be used in their area?
/ Only Recyclers that are accredited and authorized by Ethekwini Municipality must be used.
  • Will TNPA provide facilities / resources for the personnel required on site? Which facilities / resources will be provided?
/ NO facilities / resources will be provided by TNPA.
  • TNPA to provide waste management plan
/ TNPA, Port of Durban Waste Management Plan is available.
  • TNPA to provide Hazardous waste management procedure
/ To be provided only to the successful bidder.
  • TNPA to provide access control & asset control procedures
/ To be provided to the successful bidder.
  • Does TNPA have standard agreements or specified transfer / consolidation facilities to be used in their area?
/ No. Only for galley waste contract and it is the lease agreement between the successful bidder and TNPA’s Property Department.
  • Where the requirement for use of a transfer / consolidation facility is required through no fault of the contractor – who is liable for the costs incurred.
/ It is the responsibility of the successful bidder
  • How is the contractor expected to ensure that disposal of hazardous waste at landfill is supervised?
/ Planned Job Observation by the successful bidder’s Contract Manager or equivalent must be conducted on a monthly basis. This is also a requirement for all waste contractor audits conducted by TNPA.
  • Please clarify the statement 9.1.5 “ contractor shall ensure: that all costs incurred from the collection & loading point until hazardous waste is disposed of at registered landfill site for its own account” – Does TNPA mean that the transportation and disposal of hazardous waste from the point of collection at the port is for the contractor’s cost?
/ This means that the contractor will bear the cost of operation and will only send us the invoice after the service has been rendered at the end of each month.
  • Please clarify “contractor shall ensure: …….. provide evidence ……. and loading rates of the landfill site” – What does loading rate refer to and Does this mean that TNPA wants to see the rates quoted by the landfill site to the contractor
/ This refers to the disposal rate.
  • Where a non-conformance cannot be rectified within 48hrs – what circumstances apply?
/ Corrective measures must be implemented with documented action plan. Failure may result in termination of contract on basis of poor service / non-delivery.
  • Spillages NOT the result of the contractor will be cleaned up by who and at whose cost?
/ Only spillages that results from the waste management operation must concern the contractor.
  • Does the removal of oil from tug boats require vacuum tankers or specialised supersuckers?
/ Super-suckers
  • Do the tankers / supersuckers require specialised couplings to “hook up” to the tug boats?
/ The oil in question is loaded into the IBCs by TNPA. The contractor will collect from the IBCs or from the holding-tank. No oil will be collected by the contractor directly from a tug.
  • Does TNPA have SD&L requirements? If yes – please specify
/ Yes, Please check the RFP Documents
  • Where international best practices are reviewed and updated resulting in reviewing the terms of the contract – who will be liable for any changes in cost due to these reviews / updates?
/ These are addressed as they arise.
  • What is the staff compliment on the contracts for Durban i.e. how many people required on site – Transnet usually indicates a maximum number of labour to be used for their contracts.
/ Usually there are two operational people i.e. the driver and his assistant working on each waste contract.
There are no restrictions in place in the number of staff required.
  1. Kindly forward SDS per waste stream for Durban and Richards Bay.
/ Done last year in December 2017. Sent by Danie to Mpho. However, for ease of reference, they are attached.
  1. Please forward – volumes per waste stream for Durban and Richards Bay
/ Included in the amended BoQ.
  1. General Waste – Durban – disposal rate has been excluded from pricing schedule.
/ Addressed.
  1. Rate per 36 months to be reviewed and revised.
/ Please see the new pricing schedule attached
  1. If possible, could you provide tonnages per bin as this will enable us to determine how many lifts are required per month/annum, etc
/ The total tonnage has been provided in the amended BoQ.