At Arizona State University
Honors Parents September 7, 2002, Meeting
MIKE WIECZOREK, Honors Parents President, began the meeting at 10:10 a.m. with a warm WELCOME to all those attending for the first time. She commented that Honors Parents had a wonderful Welcome Week and asked parents to please patronize the restaurants on the recommended list. The theme of the meeting was OPPORTUNITIES FOR BARRETT HONORS COLLEGE STUDENTS and Mike proceeded to introduce the college's administrative and student representatives.
MEGHAN COX spoke about HONORS DEVILS. The Honors Devils serve as ambassadors to the Barrett Honors College at ASU. Students may apply during their freshman or sophomore years and continue in the program until graduation. They talk to prospective students, give tours, and help with events, especially those that serve food. They also represent the BHC at events, such as breakfast with President Lattie Coor and the Rhodes lecturer.
HONORS COLLEGE COUNCIL President AKSHAI PATEL made us all laugh with his jokes and his delivery style. All students in the BHC are members of the Honors College Council and they are ordering extra pizza and going all out with Coke, instead of Sam's Club soda, at their first meeting of the year. The HCC plans social activities such as broom ball games (hockey with brooms), LAN parties with interactive computer games in the computer lab, a Beat-the-Heat Barbecue, renting the local rock gym, and this year they will be adding "Gotcha," a serious water gun war. But it's not just all about fun; they sponsor several community service projects throughout the year, which makes it easy for students who have a service project requirement to get the credit they need. In addition, the HCC sponsors peer mentoring and tutoring programs. They have also invited speakers and hosted a political debate. This year they will make a booklet that describes the Human Event classes highlighting the focus of each professor, such as Asian literature, philosophy, etc. He hopes that the HCC can work more with Honors Parents during the year.
JANEY SWANZ, Academic Advisor, Sr., and her sweet, one-year-old daughter Lily then talked about ADVISING. She showed us an Education Planner filled with colorful sticky notes, and recommended that students use this visual tool to plan their four-year schedule. Advising is responsible for a variety of workshops, peer programs, and student involvement opportunities. Freshmen planning workshops bring in advisors from other colleges and focus on various majors. They also hold workshops on the research thesis and time-management. Peer programs include tutoring, mentoring, and advising. Janey has a career counseling library and student involvement resources for students to use. Advising checks in with students to make sure they feel connected and corresponds with students through E-mail, providing reminders of what is required each year. It is important that the advising office has updated student information (addresses, etc). Janey can be reached at or 480-965-9155.
NOURA AL-SALEH, Peer Advisor, spoke about the PEER ADVISING PROGRAM. Currently there are six peer advisors, with different majors; one of them is always available. They suggest classes and provide extra support and encouragement. Many students are more comfortable asking a peer questions about a particular class or professor. They also help with the education planner workshops. They show students how to make classes into honors classes - Footnote 18 classes. Freshmen students were all assigned a peer advisor.
BRENDA ROMERO, Administrative Associate, presented opportunities, in-state and out-of-state, for students to participate in INTERNSHIPS and MENTORSHOPS. All opportunities are posted through the Honors-L Listserv and bring an added dimension to concepts and skills students learn in the classroom. Students may take Honors 484 to get up to 3 hours of credit for an internship; a total of 6 hours of internship may be taken. This class includes the internship hours, three seminars, reading two books, and some writing. Sample organizations offering internships are the Maricopa County Attorney's Office, The Institute for Urban Gardening, the Governor's Office and the Arizona-Mexico Commission, NPPC Marketing, and the National Security Agency. Most internships are unpaid and for one semester, but there are also some longer term and paid internships. (Later Mike mentioned that her daughter Lindsay participated in a paid internship at the University of Illinois this last summer.) Some opportunities are only for juniors and seniors, but there are many that can be done by freshmen and sophomores. Internships can help students who are undecided make up their minds about a major. Interested students may set up an interview with Brenda in room 127 of Irish A. Brenda can be reached at or 480-965-2354.
KEITH SOUTHERGILL, Student Services Coordinator, Assistant, spoke next about THE UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH OFFICE and COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES. The Undergraduate Research Office, under the direction of Assistant Dean Janet Burke, is compiling a database of research opportunities for students. Students can make an appointment to discuss possible research opportunities. The Community Service Office has projects that are specific to honors students. For example, The Stardust House is a community of one hundred ninety-five homes built by Habitat for Humanity, that is well-maintained, and at the center of it is the Stardust House Community Service Center. Service opportunities include setting up a neighborhood computer center, writing a neighborhood newsletter, compiling historical archives, and internship project coordinator. Another opportunity is the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, in which families and students can participate during Family Weekend on Sunday, October 13, from 7:00 to 11:00 a.m. There is a cost of $18.00 for registration which includes a gold ASU T-shirt; students also get community service credit. Talent Match buses students from St. Agnes Elementary School to ASU for honors students to provide extracurricular activities for them, such as music, arts and crafts, and karate. Keith can be reached at or 480-727-7659.
Mike Wieczorek then introduced the HONORS PARENTS EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES for the year. The theme this year is "Just One Thing". We are all busy and it would be greatly appreciated, if we could each help with just one activity. The next event of the year is Family Discovery Experience on October 11 to 13. HP needs volunteers on Saturday to help with set up, check-in for the Mock Human Event class, and to sell polo shirt, hats, and books from prior lectures. On Sunday, families can participate in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. On November 20, David Halberstam will be this year's Centennial Lecturer at the Gammage Auditorium. HP will need help with greeting those attending, book signing and selling. All fund-raising supports HP activities. Smoothies Saturdays will be December 14, and May 10, during finals weeks from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Bring your blenders and fruit and make smoothies for the students. This activity is a lot of fun for us and the students. This year HP will host graduation receptions on December 19, and also on May 14. Cindy and Charlie Shaffer are coordinating these events and can use some help with organization. For the Rhodes Lecture in February, HP will provide ushers. Honors Parents News and Views, the online newsletter will keep parents up to date between meetings. This year the HP Web site will also introduce a FAQs page with answers to questions that parents ask. If you have one, please E-mail it to the addresses below. Mike then introduced Christy and Rodney.
CHRISTY SOUTHERGILL, Program Coordinator, Sr., mentioned all the sources of information for parents:
1. Web site: Parents 2. E-newsletter: Honors Parents News and Views 3. List-serv: Honors-P, which is really two lists this year, for those in-state and out-of-state. You are automatically on this List-serv, if you completed the Student/Parent Information form. RODNEY FOWLER is the Program Associate and will help you with any questions you may have. You may reach Christy at: or 480-965-8327. Rodney can be reached at: or 480-727-7116.
This year there are approximately 2600 students in the Barrett Honors College. There are 670 freshmen; around forty per cent are out-of-state, and sixty per cent are in-state.
There are still many opportunities for parents to sign up for "Just One Thing". Please E-mail Christy or Rodney to let them know where you are willing to help.
The next HP MEETING is scheduled for Saturday, November 16, 2002. Dr. Mike Johnson will talk about student stress and how parents can help. All parents of honors students are invited to attend.
Mike thanked everyone for coming and the meeting ended at 11:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcy Díaz, Secretary