Learner Involvement Policy

2014 - 2016


Central Campus Sandwell College is committed to listening and responding to learner views. This includes involving learners in decisions that affect both the strategic direction and operation of the College.

The College firmly believes that offering learners the opportunity to have direct involvement in assessing and shaping their own learning experience will benefit the college, learners and the wider community.

All learners(FE and HE)are entitled and encouraged to participate in the development of the college.

Learner Involvement and Strategic Objectives

The Learner Involvement policy will contribute to the following strategic objectives:

  • To work effectively with all stakeholders to promote a culture of ambition and continuous improvement
  • To foster a culture of respect, equality and safety for all
  • To provide a safe and friendly environment for all
  • To improve the reputation of Sandwell College so that more students actively plan their future with us
  • To provide our students with the highest quality education and training and an experience to match


Benefits for Learners

  • Learners are likely to see and recognise improved provision through consultation
  • Learners feel more recognised, valued and appreciated by the College
  • Learners are likely to be better motivated and more likely to achieve their personal learning goals
  • Learner’s soft employability skills, such as communication, negotiation, advocacy and life skills can improve through working with other Learners and staff

Benefits for the College

  • The College can benefit from the new ideas which learners bring
  • The college has a better understanding of what learners want, think and how they learn better
  • Learners feel more involved in the College as they feel that their positive and constructive comments can make a difference
  • Learners are more likely to achieve their individual learning goals
  • A more positive relationship between staff and Learners improves participation, retention and achievement

Benefits for Society as a Whole

  • Learners are better informed and more aware of their rights and responsibilities
  • Learners are more positive and have a feeling of where they belong
  • A positive approach and voice in college can be used by learners in the wider community
  • Involvement and engagement leads to stronger democracy, greater achievement and more active involvement in work and society
  • Learners have developed the employability skills needed to be effective in society

Student Involvement mechanisms

  1. Student Union/ Student Union Executive – All students (FE and HE)will become members on enrolment unless they wish to opt out. Student ExecutiveOfficers are elected by the student body and are responsible for actioningviews of learners which are voiced through the Student Council.
  1. Student Representatives – Each tutor group from every curriculum area of the college nominates one or two representatives who are commissioned to voice the views of the group at Student Council meetings and Student Focus groups. HE representatives are encouraged to contribute to the Student Council; meetings, in person or via electronic mail, and will represent their peers at specific staff/student consultation meetings.
  1. Student Focus groups – student’s representatives from these areas attend Directorate Focus groups meetings twice per year. Actions are recorded and the appropriate Director produces an action plan to address improvements and suggestions. HE students are encouraged to submit relevant views either in person or to the HE Student Liaison officers.
  1. Student Council –The Student Council is made up of Course Representatives. The Council meetings are held every term. All issues from these meetings are fed to the Senior Management Team and to the Student Union.
  1. Student Executive - Elected by all students, the Executive are the senior leaders of the Student Union, responsible for embracing the views of learners voiced through formal or informal channels. The Student Executive meets on a weekly basis and provides representatives on college committees.
  1. Student Executive/ Senior Leadership team liaisonThe Director of Student Services Chairs the Student Council meetings and feeds back to the Senior Leadership Team. Student Union Elected Reps attend the Student Council meetings. The Student Leadership team discusses issues presented and actions are fed back to the Council via the Director of Student Services
  2. Student Governors - Two students are elected as Student Governors on an annual basis from the student body. The student Governors will be a member of the college corporation, Student Council and other appropriate student committees.

College Led forms of Engagement

  1. Course Review and Evaluation Learners are involved in the evaluation of their course through curriculum team leaders and teaching staff. This process feeds into the College’s annual course reviews and evaluation process and HEI’s Annual Monitoring. There is an agenda item at the beginning of each of these meetings to gather student input.
  1. Student Focus groups [as detailed earlier]
  1. Student Surveys the College wide Student Survey is distributed to all students twice yearly via the college VLE and the results disseminated to all students. Action Plans are devised and monitored through quality processes, which involve student representation.
  1. Equality and Diversity Student Group forms part of the Student Council. It will look at promoting equality and diversity amongst the student body. It will be chaired by a member of the Student Liaison Team.

Equal Opportunities

Sandwell College has a strong commitment to equality of opportunity as laid down in its Equal Opportunities, Race Equalityand Disability Policies and their action plans and the Student Disability Statement. The College aims, in its learning, administration and support services, to promote equality of opportunity and freedom from discrimination.

The college will work with students and representative’s structures to create an equality of opportunity to participate in college learner engagement process. This will be based on the individual needs of all students.

Related Policies

  • Careers (CEIAG)
  • Admissions Policy
  • Student Disciplinary Procedures
  • Student Entitlement Policy
  • Equality and Diversity Policy