Commander - Merlin L. (Bud) Evered

Adjutant - Harrison H. Solt III

Chaplain - James G. McKibben III

Officer of the Day - James A. Knowles

Service Officer - William E. Clarke

Greetings Comrade

On behalf of the officers of Ledyard VFW Post 4608, I wish you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year.

Post 4608 had an active 2009 with a number of special activities throughout the year. In particular, we placed flags on veteran gravesites in May, we conducted Buddy Poppy distribution drives on National holidays, and we supported the VFW National Home for Children “Labels for Education” program. The Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen essay contests were sponsored in the local schools. In addition, throughout the year we supported other charitable and fraternal organization within the community and surrounding area. Of particular note in 2009: we were very pleased to welcome transferees from the Gales Ferry VFW Post.

We hope to keep the momentum of 2009 going and do even more for the Gales Ferry and Ledyard veterans, service members, and their families in 2010. Your effort, help and involvement in Post activities will insure our success. Please consider making 2010 your most active VFW year to date. Together we can make a difference supporting the VFW Mission: to support and help those who have served and who are serving.

The Post meets in St. David’s Church Parish Hall. Meetings are the second Monday of the month. The October through March meetings start at 1:00 PM. The April through September meetings start at 6:30 PM. Transportation will be provided for any member who needs transportation. Please attend your Post’s meetings. We need your input, expertise, camaraderie and support.

Some members cannot attend meeting but still want to contribute. We want to tap that valuable source and talent. We have many tasks that are “one time tasks” or can be completed within one’s home. Many of the tasks take very little time but mean so much to those impacted. Please review the attached listing. We ask that you consider taking on one of these tasks, even if for a short time. Your help will mean so much. Please call me with questions or to volunteer.

The Post is working hard to use all communication vehicles to reach out to our members. If you have an email address please send an email to the Post at . We will enter your address in our private database and be able to keep you better informed about Post activities and needs.

Only so much can be covered in a short letter. Please visit your Post’s website at, attend Post meetings, or call your Commander at 860-464-6540 for more information. I am looking forward to seeing you at our meetings and events.

Warm Regards

Merlin L. (Bud) Evered

Commander, Ledyard VFW Post 4608