Quality Council

May 11, 2011

9:30am - 11:30am

500 Harrison Avenue

Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Samantha Bugler, Heriberto Crespo, Rafael Medina, Nicole O’Neal,

Susan Jenness Phillips, Gabriella Priest, and Kim Sanel

Members Absent: (Bill Coughlin), Leonard Andrews, Jessica Castro, Andy LeClair, Michelle McCormick, Adrienne Methot, Leslie Nelson, Scott Perrin

  • Check-ins:

Ø  Gabriella:

·  CJI has no new proposals.

·  NY Sate DOC and Parole have merged. CJI currently working on an organizational assessment of NY State DOC and Parole. 2000 + surveys went out to staff regarding how they feel about the merger.

·  CJI/CS Collaborative is going well. Quarterly report has been released, moving forward with more site visits.

·  Currently interviewing for summer interns with clinical psychology background.

Ø  Heriberto:

·  SJS has a new intern for the summer, Matt Smith, to help with LSI (Life Skills Inventory) analysis and assessments of incident reports.

·  Heriberto will be taking a leave of absence, effective June 3rd. Tito will serve as Acting Deputy Director for Youth Services.

·  Member of the Green Team. They are looking at ways to reduce waste across the agency.

Ø  Rafael

·  Latest project is ‘CRJ Classifieds’.

·  Companywide training on new E-mail service is almost done.

·  Working on the preliminary stages of a companywide Integrated file server /cloud project for sharing data.

·  Also involved with everyday computer maintenance.

Ø  Nicole

·  Program Orientation Packet finalized. Waiting to get sent out.

·  Working with Rafael to complete revisions on the CRJ Classifieds.

·  SQA Website – CPR’s and their Evaluations will be posted to the site, QC Members List will be updated to reflect new members. Asked that members visit the site as a resource and asked members to contact her with corrections and suggestions.

·  Recently received 5 ½ hours of Excel training via DVD where you can review the formulas again on the tutorials. SQA will loan out DVD. Please contact Susan.

Ø  Sam

·  Developing record retention schedule using Iron Mountain and Steve Burke’s form.

·  Creating new Standard Operation Procedure and updating older ones for Youth Programs.

·  Attended “Creating a Culture of Quality” webinar. Will email the link to the QC Members. It is recommended that all members look at it.

·  Creating new and improved forms and processes for Sargent.

·  Completed STS Walkthrough and working on SMR.

Ø  Kim

·  The Green Team is discussing processes for the reduction of paper and water usage.

·  In HR, helping EJ with new hire process, more tracking involved; will continue to review data flow.

Ø  Susan

·  For FBOP, Andy developed a Quality Control Plan and is working on a template for it. SQA is responsible for submitting a quarterly report to the FBOP, for McGrath House, Hampshire House and Coolidge House.

·  Quarterly Walkthroughs of all programs in SJS has been established.

·  WISP (Written Information Security Plan) The SASS Committee (Susan, Adrienne, Steve and Sergio) are in the process of finalizing the policy. Cannot implement yet, need to ensure compliance. Sergio is working on the encryption and passwords. There will be changes in how we deal with personal information. Sergio will be providing training.

·  Deb Williams is no longer the QA Coordinator at CS. She is working with Eric Scharf in Business Development. That position will be in the Shirley office but will now be supervised by Susan as of 7/1/11. Hope to have someone in that position by then.

·  Property Database Tracking – In SMT (Senior Management Team), Sergio along with Kate’s help designed a database to track property assigned to new employees. Susan will write the protocol (SOP) and it will be included in the new hire documents. This will help with the fiscal end of things and with accountability.

  • CRJ Classifieds

Ø  There was an overview of Ad Placing and Ad Viewing. During that discussion there were processes that need to be revisited to make the CRJ Classifieds more user- friendly.

Ø  Nicole and Rafael will incorporate these recommendations and will present to Susan for on-site approval.

  • Program Specific Orientation

Ø  Heriberto and Jessica to write up their pilot experience with the packet.

Ø  The QC must measure the success of the project. The checklist that goes to Maria compared to the list of new hires will be used.

Ø  The turnaround time on getting these documents may be problematic, and how to follow-up on those who don’t respond and who will be responsible was discussed. SQA or the CS new person may be the point person.

Ø  Susan looking into making the Program Orientation Packet mandatory.

  • QC Meeting Schedule

Ø  The QC Meeting will meet at 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. permanently.

  • Brainstorming on Next QC Project

Ø  Members presented their ideas using Post-its.

Ø  The absent members will send in their ideas to Susan so all can be counted/considered. Then, a tally of these ideas will be presented to the QC at its June 8th meeting.

Ø  Possible fish bone exercise done on the top 3 ideas.

  • Reminder:

Ø  Take information from this meeting and share with members of your department.

  • Next Meeting

Ø  Wednesday, June 8, 2011 at 500 Harrison Ave, 9:30am – 11:30am.

Respectfully Submitted:

Nicole O’Neal